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Holt-winter模型 Holt-Winter model英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-18 06:02:21


Holt-winter模型 Holt-Winter model英语短句 例句大全

Holt-winter模型,Holt-Winter model

1)Holt-Winter modelHolt-winter模型

2)Holt-Winters modelHolt-Winters模型

1.Based on the passenger s demand characteristic of airline industry,a method of demand forecasting without constraint was studied and discussed in this paper,in which Holt model is used to mend the demand,then,Holt-Winters model is used to forecast the demand without constraint.首先对研究的问题进行了描述,提出先将Holt模型用于需求修复,再使用Holt-Winters模型进行无约束需求预测的思想,并结合组合预测方法,建立了基于Holt的组合需求修复模型和基于Holt-Winters的组合预测模型。


parison of Holt-winters Modeles and X-11 Models in Prediction;Holt-Winters模型与X-11模型在预测中的比较研究

2.Forecasting GDP with integrated Winters model and ARMA model;综合Winters模型和ARMA模型预测GDP

3.Study on the Forecast of Railway Freight Traffic Volume Based on Holt-Winter Model;基于Holt-Winter模型的铁路货运量预测研究

4.An Improved Winters Model for Airline Demand Forecast;航线需求预测的一种改进Winters方法

5.A review of Rorschach aggression variables over the past decade has primarily focused on the variables proposed by Holt,Exner,Gacono and Meloy.近十年国外文献中有关研究者主要有Holt、Exner、Gacono和Meloy。

6.Being, serving as, or used as a model.模型的模型的,作为模型的,用作模型的

7.Implementation Model versus Mental Model实现模型与心理模型

8.Implementation Models and Mental Models实现模型和心理模型

9.To make or construct a model of.做模型做或建造…的模型

10.To make a model.做模型制做一个模型

11.cartographic mode地图模型,制图模型

12.This model may be classified as either an optimizing model or simulation model.这个模型可分为最佳化模型或模拟模型。

13.Two Algorithms That Simulate RMESH by PRAMPRAM模型模拟RMESH模型的2种方案

14.The act or profession of being a model.模型作模型或模特的行为或过程

15.Theory Model and Numerical Simulation of the Filling of Micro Injection Molding;微注塑成型充模理论模型与数值模拟

16.Modeling Method for Abstract Organizational Model from AGR Meta-modelAGR元模型到组织抽象模型的建模方法

parison between Ramsauer Model and Global Opotic Model;Ramsauer模型与球型光学模型的比较

18.The valuationmodels concludesingle factor evaluation models and general evaluation model.评估模型包括单因素评估模型和综合评估模型。


Holt-Winters modelHolt-Winters模型

1.Based on the passenger s demand characteristic of airline industry,a method of demand forecasting without constraint was studied and discussed in this paper,in which Holt model is used to mend the demand,then,Holt-Winters model is used to forecast the demand without constraint.首先对研究的问题进行了描述,提出先将Holt模型用于需求修复,再使用Holt-Winters模型进行无约束需求预测的思想,并结合组合预测方法,建立了基于Holt的组合需求修复模型和基于Holt-Winters的组合预测模型。

3)Beverton-Holt modelBeverton-Holt模型

1.Numerical Calculation of Yield per Recruitment in Non-classical Beverton-Holt Model;非经典Beverton-Holt模型的数值计算

4)Holt modelHolt模型

1.Based on the passenger s demand characteristic of airline industry,a method of demand forecasting without constraint was studied and discussed in this paper,in whichHolt model is used to mend the demand,then,Holt-Winters model is used to forecast the demand without constraint.首先对研究的问题进行了描述,提出先将Holt模型用于需求修复,再使用Holt-Winters模型进行无约束需求预测的思想,并结合组合预测方法,建立了基于Holt的组合需求修复模型和基于Holt-Winters的组合预测模型。

5)Holt-Winters time series anticipation modelHolt-Winters预测模型

6)the Holt exponential smoothingHolt双参数指数平滑模型


冬月种谷法(winter sowing of millet)冬月种谷法(winter sowing of millet)中国北方民间一项传统方法。又称“冻谷”、“梦谷”及“二至谷”。“二至谷”是冬至处理种子夏至收获的意思。冬月种谷法原载于明代陈龙正所著《畿亭全书》。清代张起鹏所编《区田篇》中转录称:“谷即北方带壳小米,倘应种小麦时,得雨过晚,麦不及种,可种冬谷,较麦仅晚二十余日”。其种法是:“冬至前一日拣谷种入瓮,麻布扣口。掘土穴,深四、五尺,瓮倒置穴中,土封固。满十四日(自冬至前一日算起)取出。大寒日种入熟地。春透苗出,较常谷早熟一月,约五月底、六月初即熟”。实际各地操作方法和时间不尽一致,主要特点是能比春季正常播种者提前收获。中国长城以北春谷旱作区种冬谷产量较好,可以充分利用春墒,有利出苗,有抗旱、抗寒作用,提早成熟10-20天,但秕谷率高,产量不如春播谷稳定。冬谷个体发育好,生长期间多在较低温的条件下,植株组织比较致密,茎秆较低,抗倒性较好。但早春如遇大风,容易造成缺苗。且易招致病害,生产中已很少利用。

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