失眠网 > 玉洁纯牙膏 Triclosan toothpaste英语短句 例句大全

玉洁纯牙膏 Triclosan toothpaste英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-21 19:47:46


玉洁纯牙膏 Triclosan toothpaste英语短句 例句大全

玉洁纯牙膏,Triclosan toothpaste

1)Triclosan toothpaste玉洁纯牙膏


1.Clinical evaluation on effect in prevention of deciduous teeth caries by using triclosan toothpaste玉洁纯牙膏对乳牙防龋效果的临床研究

2.A paste for cleaning teeth.牙膏一种用来清洁牙齿的膏状物

3.It cleans your Breath while it cleans your teeth.这种牙膏洁齿清气。

4.A substance, such as a paste or powder, for cleaning the teeth.牙粉(膏)用于洁齿的物质,例如牙膏或牙粉

5.CONCLUSION:0.3% Triclosan varnish can prevent primary teeth from caries effectively.结论:使用0.3%玉洁纯涂膜,能有效预防儿童乳牙龋的发生。

6.Colgate-Palmolive" s toothpaste was said to contain a carcinogen.高露洁的牙膏也被说含有致癌物质。

7.Effect of colgate anti-sensitive toothpaste on dental hypersensitiveness高露洁抗敏感牙膏改善牙本质敏感症的效果

8.He is a pure and simple Spaniard.他是一个纯洁朴实的西班牙人。

9.Your teeth will never look as perfect as the models" in Colgate ads.你的牙齿看上去永远不会像高露洁牙膏广告的模特那么完美无缺。

10.This Brand of toothpaste can make your mouth cleaner and Breath fresher.这种牌子的牙膏能使您的口腔更加清洁,呼吸更加清爽。

11.Clinical effects of Colgate toothpaste on treatment of recurrent aphtha ulceration高露洁全效牙膏局部治疗复发性口疮(86例)短期疗效观察

12.The Effects of Artificial Saliva or Fluoride-containing Dentifrice on Surface Morphology, Color and Luster of Pure Titanium;人工唾液及含氟牙膏对纯钛表面形貌、光泽和色彩的影响

13.Glister Toothpaste with SYLODENT provides optimum abrasiveness for effective stain removal and enamel-safe polishing.含有SYLODENT亮洁粒子的健齿氟素牙膏能有效彻底去除牙垢而不损珐琅质。

14."It could be like using toothpaste to prevent tooth decay," said Gummer, a senior research fellow at Procter & Gamble labs in London, U.K.."这就像用牙膏来防止蛀牙一样,"宝洁公司英国伦敦实验室的高级研究员冈默说。

15.He squeezed on the tube until some toothpaste came out.他挤牙膏管直到挤出一些牙膏。

16.The condition or quality of being pure or chaste.纯洁纯洁或贞洁的状况或者品质

17.Smale helped develop Crest toothpaste in the 1950"s and steadily progressed through the corporate ranks at P&G.20世纪50年代,斯梅尔帮助公司推出了佳洁士牙膏,而且他在公司的职位稳步上升。

18.lacking spiritual purity;unchaste(精神上)不纯的,不纯洁的


Smoker Toothpaste洁白牙膏

3)cleaning toothpaste洁齿型牙膏

4)Ultra Brite特洁牌牙膏

5)beauty stopping blooding toothpaste丽洁止血牙膏



玉洁1.形容洁白无瑕。 2.比喻德操高洁。

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