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听觉心理 auditory psychology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-18 01:52:33


听觉心理 auditory psychology英语短句 例句大全

听觉心理,auditory psychology

1)auditory psychology听觉心理

2)auditory psychophysics听觉心理物理学

3)Auditory assessment心理听觉评价

4)psycho-acoustic model心理听觉模型

1.A simple and direct algorithm to convert thepsycho-acoustic model from the frequency domain to wavelet domain is presented to perform the Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform.提出一个简单直接的将频域心理听觉模型转换到小波域,进行小波包滤波器分解音频编码的新方法。

5)music hearing psychology音乐听觉心理

6)inner hearing内心听觉

1.The player must improve his/her civilization qualities, strengthen the learning of music theory knowledge to forminner hearing.内心听觉是音乐听觉的核心,是每个从事音乐实践活动的人不可缺少的一种能力。

2.In the teaching of sona playing we are expected to lay emphasis on the cultivation and development of the player’sinner hearing ability, to understand the dialectic relationship between techniques and music, and to cultivate and train the player’sinner hearing.在唢呐教学中应重视培养和发展演奏者的内心听觉能力 ,正确理解技术与音乐的辩证关系 ,并进行内心听觉的培养与训练 ,这对于揭示音乐的深刻内涵 ,使内心情感与音乐形象得到完美的结合 ,达到高度的统一 ,具有重要的价值和意义。


1.A psychological study of Development of Psycho-perception of music;培养音乐内心听觉能力的心理学探讨

2.Emphasizing the Function of “Inner-listening” in Singing Study;重视“内心听觉”在声乐学习中的作用

3.Inner sense of hearing has already caused broad attention.内心听觉及其主要表征已引起人们的广泛关注。

4.Inner Ear--the training and Role in Children s Piano-Learning;内心听觉在儿童钢琴学习中的训练与作用

5.Research on Inner Sense of Hearing during Music Performance__Take Example of Piano Performance;论音乐表演艺术中的内心听觉——以钢琴演奏为例

6.Cultivation and Utility of Inner Hearing--With the Example of Playing Accordion;谈内心听觉的培养与运用——以手风琴演奏为例

7.In Music Innermost Feelings Sense of Hearing Training Function谈“音响色彩感”在音乐内心听觉训练中的作用

8.The Statement on How to Improve and Exert the Musical Listening Sense during Musical Practice;论音乐实践中内心音乐听觉能力的发挥和提高

9.On hearing the news, he was filled with feelings partaking of joy and surprise.他一听到那个消息,内心立刻充满了惊喜交集的感觉。

10.On How to Develop the Hearing Sense of the Students Inner Music While Teaching Solfeggio;在视唱、练耳教学中如何发展学生的内心音乐听觉

11.one whose mental imagery is auditory rather than visual or motor.心理意象主要是听觉而不是视觉或感觉的人。

12.a sense of sight [ hearing, smell, taste, touch ]视觉[听觉, 嗅觉, 味觉, 触觉]

13.He got underneath the skin of his audience.他深入了听众的内心。

14.Impact of Noises on Auditory Distance Perception in Rooms噪声对室内听觉距离感知的影响研究

15.Modulation of Descending Auditory System for the Auditory Information Processing in the Cochlear Nucleus;听觉下行纤维对豚鼠蜗神经核内听觉信息处理的调控作用

16.I believed, too, that I had never listening so attentively.我觉得我从来也没有这样用心听讲过。

17.European Association of Audiophonological Centres欧洲听觉音韵学中心协会

18.Purpose: To produce aural/psychological disturbances and partial deafness.目的:以生产听觉/心理干扰和部分聋。


auditory psychophysics听觉心理物理学

3)Auditory assessment心理听觉评价

4)psycho-acoustic model心理听觉模型

1.A simple and direct algorithm to convert thepsycho-acoustic model from the frequency domain to wavelet domain is presented to perform the Discrete Wavelet Packet Transform.提出一个简单直接的将频域心理听觉模型转换到小波域,进行小波包滤波器分解音频编码的新方法。

5)music hearing psychology音乐听觉心理

6)inner hearing内心听觉

1.The player must improve his/her civilization qualities, strengthen the learning of music theory knowledge to forminner hearing.内心听觉是音乐听觉的核心,是每个从事音乐实践活动的人不可缺少的一种能力。

2.In the teaching of sona playing we are expected to lay emphasis on the cultivation and development of the player’sinner hearing ability, to understand the dialectic relationship between techniques and music, and to cultivate and train the player’sinner hearing.在唢呐教学中应重视培养和发展演奏者的内心听觉能力 ,正确理解技术与音乐的辩证关系 ,并进行内心听觉的培养与训练 ,这对于揭示音乐的深刻内涵 ,使内心情感与音乐形象得到完美的结合 ,达到高度的统一 ,具有重要的价值和意义。


脑干听觉诱发电位脑干听觉诱发电位brain stem auditory evoked potentials,BAEP检查听神经及脑干情况。正常情况下,当有声音刺激时,脑干的神经细胞产生一定的电位变化,利用计算机技术,通过头皮电极记录下来。检查不受年龄限制,不需小儿配合,无损伤,可在睡眠中进行,适应于包括新生儿在内的各年龄小儿。脑干听觉诱发电位在小儿神经系统疾病中主要应用于:①早期诊断新生儿、婴幼儿听力障碍;②了解听路损害的部位为周围性(听神经或耳蜗神经核)损害或中枢性(脑干)损害。可辅助诊断神经系统器质性疾病。若病变集中于大脑半球,未波及脑干时,则脑干听觉诱发电位无变化;③通过连续监测,了解脑内病理过程的发展与转归。

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