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技术哲学 philosophy of Technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-10-05 22:44:21


技术哲学 philosophy of Technology英语短句 例句大全

技术哲学,philosophy of Technology

1)philosophy of Technology技术哲学

1.35 Issues in the basic research of philosophy of technology;技术哲学基础研究的35个问题

2.Formation of Marx s thought on philosophy of technology;马克思技术哲学思想的形成

3.Review on Oswald Spengler s Philosophy of Technology;斯宾格勒技术哲学思想述评


1.Study on the Relationship between Engineering Philosophy and Traditional Technology Philosophy;工程哲学与传统技术哲学之关系初探

2.Philosophy of Technology Should First Deal with the Philosophical Problem of Technological Innovations;技术哲学应首先关注技术创新的哲学问题

3.To Find the Direction of Philosophy of Technology in the Development of Philosophy of Science;从科学哲学学科的发展看技术哲学学科的进路

4.On the Technology Evolution as a Category in Philosophy of Technology;论作为技术哲学范畴的“技术进化”

5.Thinking the Value of Educational Technology under the View of Technology Philosophy;技术哲学视野下教育技术的价值思考

6.Technical Standards: New Eyeshot of Technology Philosophy Study;技术标准——技术哲学研究的新视野

7."Technology Being": A Possible Understanding of "Noumenon" of Philosophy of Technology;“技术是”:技术哲学“本体”的一种可能理解

8.On the Important Position of Social Technology in Technological Philosophy;论社会技术在技术哲学中的重要地位

9.On the Relationship between Philosophy of Technology and Philosophy of Engineering in the Discipline History of Vision;学科史视野中技术哲学与工程哲学关系研究

10.Philosophy of Science,Philosophy of Technology,Philosophy of Society from Social Constructivism;从社会建构主义看科学哲学、技术哲学和社会哲学

11.Re-Exploration of All-Round View of Science/Technology and Categories of Philosophy of Science/Technology;全面科学技术观和科学技术哲学门类构成再探

12.The Position of the Philosophy of Science and Technology in the Age of Globalization;全球化时代的科学技术哲学学科定位

13.The Prospect and History of Science & Technology Philosophy;“科学技术哲学”学科发展的历史与展望

14.He distinguished the engineering philosophy of technology(EPT)and the humanity philosophy of technology ( HPT) , which has brought forth great response in the international area of philosophy of technology studies.他对技术哲学传统的划分在国际技术哲学界引起了巨大反响。

15.Reflection on "Thinking About Technology;“技术思考”的哲学反思——J.C.皮特技术哲学思想评析及启示

16.Discuss Ideological Feature of Technology Philosophy--Take Sviet Union-Russia Technology Philosophy as Individual Case论技术哲学的意识形态特征——以苏联-俄罗斯技术哲学发展为个案

17.The Research Program of Philosophy of TechnologyFrom the Point of View of Demarcation between Science & Technology;从科学与技术的划界来看技术哲学的研究纲领

18.A Review of the Science Philosophy Education in the 20th Century’s China;中国20世纪科学技术哲学教育回眸


technological philosophy技术哲学

1.John Dewey s Technological Philosophy of Productive Pragmatism;杜威的生产性实用主义技术哲学

2.The answer depends on science education under the guidance of the right scientific-technological philosophy.该问题的解决必须依靠在正确的科学技术哲学思想指引下的科学教育,并从系统哲学、生态哲学和技术哲学三个维度,对如何提高和发展科学教育提出了初步设想。

3.This paper discusses the origin of the division of the two traditions oftechnological philosophy.本文追溯了技术哲学两个传统划分之来源,认为从本质论的角度把技术哲学划分为工程学传统与人文主义传统,虽然根源于科学主义与人文主义的对立,但需要纠正一个误解,即以为时至今日,工程学的技术哲学仍仅仅对应于科学精神,人文主义的技术哲学则独享人文精神。

3)technology philosophy技术哲学

1.Study on the Relationship between Engineering Philosophy and Traditional Technology Philosophy;工程哲学与传统技术哲学之关系初探

2.Empirical turn has appeared in the study program oftechnology philosophy,by which scholars try to open the black box of technology and explore the structure inside technology.技术哲学研究纲领出现经验转向,试图打开技术这个黑箱,探讨技术内部的结构问题。

3.Based on the conviction that the assessment of technology is the main task oftechnology philosophy, the author attempts to clarify the major methods for the interpretation and assessment of technology, with particular reference to its historical and systematic features, with the purpose of promoting modern man s awareness of the "dilemma of technology".技术哲学是对于技术的估价,技术估价以技术本质的解释为前提。

4)philosophy of science and technology科学技术哲学

1.Because revealing the philosophical essence of information makes philosophy research face a new turn,it will be a new mode onphilosophy of science and technology.对信息哲学本质的揭示使哲学研究面临又一次的转向,信息哲学将成为科学技术哲学的一个新的范式。

2.The discipline of dialectics of nature(philosophy of science and technology) in China shows a multi-facet character.中国自然辩证法(科学技术哲学)呈现为边缘处的多元形相,既是重要的研究生政治教育的事业建制,又形成了具有自身特色的学科体系,并呈现出多种形相交叉的演进过程。

3.The development ofphilosophy of science and technology in China has nearly one century so far.我国“科学技术哲学”是从传统的“自然辩证法”的基础上演变过来的,是对整体的科学与技术及其各门分支学科所涉及到的哲学问题进行反思与批判的哲学学科。

5)the philosophy of science and technology科学技术哲学

1.The library career in the context of science and technology must be examined and criticized throughthe philosophy of science and technology.在科学技术的语境中的图书情报事业必须经过科学技术哲学的审视和科学技术哲学的批判。

2.In the era of knowledge based economy,the philosophy of science and technology may become more important than ever.在知识经济时代 ,科学技术哲学面临空前的发展机遇 ,同时也面临着巨大挑战。

6)classical philosophy of technology经典技术哲学

1.Theclassical philosophy of technology can be divided into two phases.经典技术哲学分为前后不同的两个阶段,前一阶段以工程学的传统为主,其学科范式特征表现为人类学的、唯物论的和技术乌托邦主义的倾向;后一阶段以人文主义的传统为主,其学科范式特征表现为视域的多元化、理论基础上的后现代性和方法上的规范性。


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