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旱地红壤 Arid red soil英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-11-25 18:57:55


旱地红壤 Arid red soil英语短句 例句大全

旱地红壤,Arid red soil

1)Arid red soil旱地红壤

1.A systematic study concerning the effects of a long term stationary fertilization on content and property of soil humus in Fluvo aquic soil sampled from Malan Farm, Xinji City, Hebei, andArid red soil and Paddy red soil sampled from the Institute of Red Soil, Jinxian County, Jiangxi was conducted.以潮土、旱地红壤和红壤性水稻土为研究对象 ,探讨了长期施肥对土壤腐殖质含量与性质的影响。

2.Effect of different rate of organic manure on phosphorus species is studied in arid red soil.结果表明 ,施用有机肥能显著增加旱地红壤的速效磷含量。


1.Analysis of Soil Water Characters Between Upland Red Soil and Paddy Soil旱地红壤与红壤性水稻土水分特性分析

2.Change of acid phosphatase activity in a dry red soil polluted by lead铅污染下旱地红壤酸性磷酸酶活性的变化

3.Effect of Long-term Fertilizations on N_2O Emission and Its Relationship with Soil Properties in Red Soil of Southern China长期不同施肥下我国旱地红壤N_2O释放特征及其对土壤性质的响应

4.Nutrient Diagnosis and Fertmzation in Soils in Fuji Apple Orchards in Rainfed Land旱地红富士果园土壤营养诊断和施肥

5.CO_2、N_2O Emission from Red Soil Dry-land under Long-term Fertilization长期施肥下红壤旱地CO_2、N_2O排放特征

6.Effects of Different Manure Sources on Soil Characters in Upland Red Soil不同有机肥源对红壤旱地耕层土壤性质的影响

7.Water Transport through Interface between Land and Atmosphere in Dry Season on Red Soil Slopes;红壤坡地干旱季节地表/大气界面水分传输

8.The Technology Study of Mechanical Conservation Tillage for the Red Hillside Fields in YUNNAN;云南红壤旱耕地机械化保护性耕作技术研究

9.Study on Horizontal Transport of Nitrate-N in Dry Land of Representative Red Soil典型红壤旱地硝态氮水平运移规律的研究

10.Analysis on Yield and Economic Benefit of Peanut Intercropped by Cassava in Hilly Red Soil Upland丘陵红壤旱地花生套作木薯产量效益分析

11.Soil fertility evolution and its effects on maize production in a long-term experiment on red soil红壤旱地长期试验肥力演变及玉米效应研究


13.Nutrient Dynamic and Balance of Different Farming Patterns in Red Soil Upland红壤旱地不同种植模式下NPK养分动态平衡分析

14.Effects of Nitrogen Application on the Soil Respiration of Several Upland Soils and the Carbon Emission from Red Paddy Soil;施氮对几种旱地土壤呼吸和红壤性稻田碳排放的影响

15.Soil Microbial Biomass and Diversity under Long-term Different Fertilization Utilizations;长期不同施肥措施下红壤旱地土壤微生物的生物量和多样性

16.Effects of different cultivation on soil physi-chemical properties of upland red soils and maize yield不同耕作方式对红壤旱地土壤理化性状及玉米产量的影响

17.Benefit of Different Crop Rotation Modes and Their Effects on Quality of Red-yellow Dry Soil红壤旱地不同轮作模式的效益及其对土壤质量的影响

18.Differences in Soil Organic Carbon Fractions Between Paddy Field and Upland Field in Red Soil Region of South China南方红壤稻田与旱地土壤有机碳及其组分的特征差异


upland red soil红壤旱地

1.Characteristic of nitrogen wet deposition and its contribution to nitrogen balance of the graze-vegetable rotation ecosystem inupland red soil;红壤旱地湿沉降氮特征及其对马唐-冬萝卜连作系统氮素平衡的贡献

2.Evaluation on comprehensive benefits of multiple cropping systems onupland red soil;红壤旱地多熟种植系统的综合效益评价

3.The effect of different manure on soil microorganisms and soil enzyme activities in anupland red soil was studied through a four-year field planting experiment.结果表明:1)2种有机肥均能提高红壤旱地有机质和速效氮、磷、钾的含量,而腐熟猪粪配施化肥处理的速效氮、磷、钾含量均显著高于纯施猪粪处理和纯施秸秆处理(p<0。

3)Red upland soil红壤旱地

1.Fertility of Red Upland Soil and Effects of Fertilization and Utilization on its Fertility;红壤旱地的肥力现状及施肥和利用方式的影响

2.In order to probe into reasonable ratio of application of inorganic fertilizer in combination with organic fertilizer of corn to red upland soil, the effects of application of inorganic fertilizer in combination with organic fertilizer to red upland soil were studied by using plot trial.为探明红壤旱地玉米合理的有机和无机肥配合施用比例 ,采用田间小区试验对其进行了施用效果的研究 。

4)Red soil upland红壤旱地

1.A long fertilization experiment has been conducted on red soil upland for 13years.通过对红壤旱地连续定位监测研究,发现在红壤旱地长期坚持有机肥料与无机肥料配合施用,土壤有机质含量逐步提高,土壤有机质从开始的11。

2.The status of soil P in long term different fertilization in red soil upland was studied.为提高红土红壤磷的有效性和肥料磷的利用率 ,设立长期定位试验 ,研究了红壤旱地不同施肥条件下土壤磷素的变化规律 。

3.Based on the formula calculation and field trials,it is obvious that the rate of holes with seedlings can be rapidly increased and it goes up to more than 90% by planting 2 seeds of corn and soybean respectively in the same hole of red soil upland.理论计算与试验结果表明 ,同穴播种可以显著提高成穴率 ,红壤旱地玉米、大豆同穴各播 2粒种子 ,成穴率可达 90 %以上。

5)red soil slopeland红壤旱坡地

6)upland latosolic red soil旱地赤红壤

1.Q/I characteristics of potassium from 12 samples ofupland latosolic red soil and 1 sample of rice soil were studied.对12种旱地赤红壤与1种参比水稻土的钾素Q/I特性进行比较,结果表明,旱地由于土壤粘粒少,有机质质量分数低等因素的影响,其易释放钾库及供钾能力均小,钾位的缓冲性能很差,阳离子交换量较低;如不施钾肥或施肥不当,会造成作物减产或钾素损失。



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