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改良笙 Improved Sheng英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-13 11:51:02


改良笙 Improved Sheng英语短句 例句大全

改良笙,Improved Sheng

1)Improved Sheng改良笙


1.Analysis of the Improvisational Accompaniment of the Musical InstrumentSheng in Er-ren-tai Music;试析笙在二人台音乐中的即兴伴奏

2.Discussion the Name of ThreeSheng in Shuangbai Yi Nationality;说“笙”——兼议双柏彝族“三笙”之名


1.Yunnan style chicken soup大炖竹笙鸡汤(盅)

2.Discussion the Name of Three Sheng in Shuangbai Yi Nationality;说“笙”——兼议双柏彝族“三笙”之名

3.Quietness is my farewell music;悄悄是别离的笙箫;

4.Saddam Hussein"s Stepson Deported by US沙丹.胡笙继子遭美驱逐出境

5.But I cannot sing aloud Quietness is my farewell music;但我不能放歌,悄悄是别离的笙箫;

6."to make the music of bells, drums, qin and se, yu and sheng"."以为大钟、鸣鼓、琴琵、竽笙之声";

7.As he walked with the sheep, he blew upon his musical pipes.当他走在羊群中,他吹着笙笛。

8.at that time, the orchestra consisted of zithers (qin, se and zheng), lutes (pipa), whistles(di), pan pipes (sheng) and flute (chi).丝竹类伴奏乐器有琴、瑟、筝、琵琶、笛、笙、觳,

9."Taohuadai"(asking for colorful bands) is performed on the night of the "Lusheng Festival"."讨花带",则是在"芦笙节"之夜,

10."Lusheng"(a reed-pipe wind instrument) and "Bronze Drum"dances are of this kind."芦笙舞"、"铜鼓舞"都属于此类形式。

11.The lusheng dance varies according to nationality.同是芦笙舞,因民族之不同,

12.The love expression today by playing a lusheng is similar with that 3,000 years ago.如今芦笙传情的形式与三千年前近似。

13.Soul-stirring in Spite of Songs--On the Sustenance in Zhengzhong Ci-Poetry;纵有笙歌亦断肠——论正中词的寄托

14.A Study on Causes of "Tiger Dance" in Shuangbai County云南楚雄双柏“老虎笙”舞蹈成因分析

15."also of ancient origin is the "sheng", a free-reed wind instrument. It provides a unique Chordal sound texture."另一种历史久远的乐器是"笙",一种簧片不固定的吹奏乐器。笙能吹出一种特殊的和弦音色。

16.for the sheng by Hu Tianquan and others (The Phoenix Unfolds Its Wings), Yan Haideng (Shanxi Melody);笙曲有胡天泉等《凤凰展翅》、阎海登的《晋调》,

17.He then ordered "Chui"to invent instruments: pi (a small drum), drum, bell, qing (chime stone), sheng (reed-pipe wind instrument), guan (wind instrument), and chi (flute-like instrument).他又命令" 垂"创制了鼙、鼓、钟、磬、笙、管、篪等乐器,

18.The Miao and Dong people make their resonator with wooden plates;苗族与侗族的芦笙,其共鸣箱用木板制做;



1.Analysis of the Improvisational Accompaniment of the Musical InstrumentSheng in Er-ren-tai Music;试析笙在二人台音乐中的即兴伴奏

2.Discussion the Name of ThreeSheng in Shuangbai Yi Nationality;说“笙”——兼议双柏彝族“三笙”之名


1.Reprocessing for Wheat Variety Characters and its Quality Improvement;种性加工与小麦品质改良

2.Correlation analysis andimprovement of the quality ofprocessing and appearance in hybrid early indica rice;早籼杂交稻稻米加工品质与外观品质的相关分析和改良途径

3.Improvement and evaluation of gastric lavage with electric gastrolavage machine;电动洗胃机洗胃法的改良与评价


1.Clinical Analysis of Improved Trabeculectomy in 160 Cases;改良小梁切除术160例临床分析

2.Improved crescent section for correction of epicanthus;改良新月形去皮法矫正内眦赘皮

3.Application ofimproved percutaneous dilational tracheostomy in neurological surgery;改良经皮气管切开术在神经外科的临床应用


1.Clinical application ofimproved mandibular growth advancer;改良下颌生长促动器的临床应用

2.Advances of studies on genetic engineeringimprove the quality of ornamental plant;基因工程对改良观赏植物品质的研究进展

3.Adaptability Improvement of Pob 43 Maize Populations;Pob43玉米群体的适应性改良


1.Clinical analysis of 140 cases ofmodified extraperitoneal cesarean section;改良式腹膜外剖宫产140例临床分析

2.Treating Ptosis by Modified Frontalis Muscle Suspension Surgery;改良额肌瓣悬吊术治疗上睑下垂

3.Modified excision of choledochal cyst and Roux-Y hepaticojejunostomy in treatment of children with congenital choledochal cyst.;改良式囊肿切除肝总管空肠Roux-Y吻合术治疗小儿先天性胆总管囊肿


改良①去掉事物的个别缺点,使更适合要求:~土壤 ㄧ~品种。②改善。

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