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法律论证理论 the theory of legal argument英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-12 10:11:46


法律论证理论 the theory of legal argument英语短句 例句大全

法律论证理论,the theory of legal argument

1)the theory of legal argument法律论证理论

1.In the development of abstract legal theories after World War Two,the theory of legal argument based on modern logics,rhetoric of language philosophy and discourse theory sprang up in the field of philosophy.在二战后抽象法学理论的发展中,建立在现代逻辑学、语言哲学修辞学和对话理论基础上的法律论证理论在法哲学领域中悄然兴起。


1.From Monologue to Dialogue: Towards Theory of Legal Argumentation;从独白到对话——迈向法律论证理论

2.Legal Argumentation: a Theoretic Myth of Judicial Process;法律论证:一个关于司法过程的理论神话——以王斌余案检验阿列克西法律论证理论

3.An Analysis of Civil Procedure on the Theories of Legal Justification--Based on the Legal Argumentation of Robert Alexy;浅析法律论证理论视域中的民事诉讼理论——以阿列克西理论为切入点的分析

4.A Study of The Functions of Syllogism Reasoning in Legal Argmnentation;三段论推理在法律论证中的作用探讨

5.An Analysis of the Stock Information Disclosure Legal System;论证券信息披露法律制度的理论依据

6.On the Legal Regulation of the Corporate Governance of Security Company;论我国证券公司治理结构的法律规制

7.Study on Legal Regulation to Custodians of Securities Funds;论对证券投资基金管理人的法律规制

8.The Analysis of the Doctrine of Legal Truth of the Criminal Proof Standard Theory;试析刑事证明标准理论之法律真实说

9.The Logic of the Legal Argument--on the orientation of the law logic;法律论证的逻辑——试论法律逻辑的定位

10.The Argumentation for the Legal Validity of Inductive Reasoning in Case-law;归纳法在判例主义法律推理中的有效性与论证

11.Conflict Rules for Negotiorum Gestio: Designing & Demonstrations;“无因管理的法律适用”的立法设计与论证

12.The Resonance of Formal and Substantial Reasoning--The Construction of the Scientific Mode of Legal Deduction;形式论证与实质论证的共振——法律推理模式的科学构建

13.On Litigation Object论诉讼证明对象——以法律方法论为启示

14.Study on the Analysis of Patent Legal-status Information and its Empirical Research;专利法律状态信息分析的理论研究及其实证

15.Incomplete Law Theory and Its Enlightenment on Regulation of Securities Market in China;不完备法律理论及对我国证券市场监管的启示

16.The development of legal remedies theory of L/C fraud and relative comment;信用证欺诈法律救济的理论发展过程及其评述

17.On the Improvement of Governance Structure of Securities Company in China and the Laws and Statutes;论我国证券公司治理结构的完善与法律规制

18.The Theory of Gradation and the Basic Principles of Dialectics;科学的层次性理论与辩证法的基本规律


Fundamentals of Legal Argumentation法律论证原理

1.Re-Criticism ofFundamentals of Legal Argumentation;《法律论证原理》再批评

3)legal argumentation法律论证

1.There are three coherence theories in legal field:coherence inlegal argumentation,coherence in legal system,legal coherentism,which combined can analyze judicial practice well.法律领域一般有三种融贯论:法律论证中的融贯论、法律体系内的融贯论、法律融贯主义。

2.The realization of harmonious verdict needs coherentlegal argumentation.实现司法裁判的和谐,需要通过融贯性的法律论证进行推动。

4)legal argument法律论证

1.Aristotle s Rhetorical and Legal Argument;亚里士多德修辞术与法律论证

2.From the judicial perspective ,legal finding, legal interpretation,legal argument,balance of interests,legal reasoning and relevant law theory formate the system of legal methodology.从司法的视角看,法律发现、法律解释、法律论证、价值衡量、法律推理以及支持这些方法的诸多法学原理构成了法律方法论体系。

3.As a new domain of today s jurisprudential study,legal argument is characterized by its objective,dialogue,communication,reasonableness,and practice,etc.作为当今法学研究的新领域,法律论证具有目的性、论辩性、交涉性、合理性、实践性等特征。

5)legal demonstration法律论证

1.Whereaslegal demonstration theory, emerged after 1970s, is a new trend of thought in legal theory, which is the result of the development of a particular academic thought.法律论证以及法律论证理论是理性主义法律思维方式的必然产物。

2.However,when the case was rather complicated and difficult,interpretation could not help due to the gap between facts and rules,legal reasoning is necessary; andlegal demonstration means to choose among multi-level understandings of law as a deeper level activity in understanding law.疑难案件中,对法律可能存在多重意义的理解,法律论证可使案件的读者能够有自身的选择,这是一种更深层次的理解和阐释法律的活动。

6)lawful theory法律理论

1.There are differentlawful theory systems and schools in western lawful circle because of their different angles toward a problem and their different solutions toward a problem when they answer the basic problems about law.西方法学界在回答法律理论基本问题时,因所关注问题的侧面不同、解决问题的方法差异而形成了不同理论体系和流派,各种流派各自承担了自己的历史使命,共同推进了法律理论的发展。



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