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动态控制 dynamic control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-01-29 06:49:27


动态控制 dynamic control英语短句 例句大全

动态控制,dynamic control

1)dynamic control动态控制

1.Suggestion of promotingdynamic control mechanism of water level of reservoir in flood season;建立水库汛限水位动态控制推进机制的建议

2.Circuit design for Shanghai EBITdynamic control system;上海EBIT动态控制电路设计

prehensive information fuzzy inference model method of limitedwater leveldynamic control in flood period and its application;水库汛限水位动态控制综合信息模糊推理模式法及其应用


1.Moving least-square approximation based on dynamical controling radius of support field支撑域动态控制的移动最小二乘近似

2.The cost control of capital construction ought to lay stress on the dynamic control in the whole process.基本建设的造价控制应注重全过程的动态控制。

3.On feedback control and dynamical control of Lü chaotic systemLü混沌系统的反馈控制与动态控制方法

4.mass-motion attitude control system质量移动姿态控制系统

5.attitude control propulsion motor姿态控制推进电动机

6.active satellite attitude control system主动卫星姿态控制系统

7.Dynamic traffic signal control动态交通号志控制系统

8.Dynamic system-optimum control model动态系统最佳控制模式

9.Attitude Control of Micro-Satellite Based on Active Magnetic Control Algorithm基于主动磁控制的微小卫星姿态控制

10.A New Ratio Control Algorithm Based on Dynamic Matrix Control基于动态矩阵控制的比值控制新算法

11.Active Vibration Control of Flexible Spacecraft during Attitude Maneuver挠性航天器姿态机动的主动振动控制

12.The Exploitation of Measure and Control System on Complicated Temperature and the Study of Dynamic Matrix Control;复杂温度控制系统研制及动态矩阵控制的研究

13.Study on the Dynamic Behavior and Control of Pneumatic Proportional System;气动比例系统的动态特性与控制研究

14.Electro-Hydraulic Actuator Load Simulation Control System;电动舵机动态加载仿真控制方法研究

15.The Study on Autocontrol Technology of Vibromill;振动磨动态特性分析及变频控制研究

16.System characteristics and control of drive mode in MEMS coriolis vibrating gyroMEMS振动陀螺驱动模态稳幅特性与控制

17.Dynamic Surface Backstepping Control for Supermaneuverable Flight超机动飞行的动态面Backstepping控制

18.Dynamic Inversion-PID Controller of a Supermaneuverable Aircraft超机动飞机动态逆-PID控制器设计


dynamic PC control动态PC控制

1.The advanced techniques of ultra-thin hot strip production line at Tanggang were introduced, which include H~2 mould,dynamic soft reduction,dynamic PC control,semi-endless rolling,ferrite rolling etc.介绍了唐钢FTSR超薄热轧带钢生产线的工艺流程,以及代表其技术特色的H2结晶器、动态液芯压下、动态PC控制、半无头轧制、铁素体轧制等新技术。

3)performance control plot动态控制图

1.This paper discusses the principles for drawing water wellperformance control plot and its application in stabilizing oil production by water control.该文在研究水井动态控制图绘制原理及其在控水稳油中的应用上作了有益的探索,并取得了明显的效果。

4)Inverse dynamic control逆动态控制

1.Two diagonal recurrent neural networks (DRNN) are utilized to realize the inverse dynamic control strategies for nonlinear systems.采用2个对角递归神经网络(DRNN)构成非线性逆动态控制系统,一个用作辨识器,逼近系统的正模型,为逆动态控制提供系统的灵敏度;另一个用作控制器,逼近系统的逆动态模型,再与原系统串联组成伪线性系统。

5)Dynamic inversion control动态逆控制

1.This method combines the robustness of H_∞ optimal control theory and non-linear decoupled control ability of the dynamic inversion control well,so it is possible to achieve highly nonlinear decoupled control for hypersonic vehicle and restrain the effects of model parameters change in complicated flight conditions.该方法将H∞最优控制的鲁棒性能与动态逆控制的非线性解耦控制能力有机结合,能够在复杂的飞行条件下,实现对高超声速飞机高度非线性解耦控制;同时还能抑制模型参数变化的扰动,从而确保了高超声速飞机的纵向稳定性,改善了其纵向模态的飞行品质。

2.A dynamic inversion control method based on variable structure theory is presented according to the feature that hypersonic vehicle model is highly nonlinear,strong coupled and includes uncertain parameters.针对高超音速飞机模型的高度非线性、强耦合、参数不确定等特点,提出了基于变结构理论的动态逆控制方法。

3.The dynamic inversion controller is designed for every nonlinear sub-model.对于每一个子模型,设计相应的动态逆控制器,应用模糊神经网络产生控制器切换决策,实现不同飞行状态下不同模型控制器之间的相互切换。

6)dynamic surface control动态面控制

1.Indirect adaptive neural network block control usingdynamic surface control;基于动态面控制的间接自适应神经网络块控制

2.Robust adaptivedynamic surface control for nonlinear uncertain systems;非线性不确定系统鲁棒自适应动态面控制(英文)

3.MIMO adaptive neural network control usingdynamic surface control;基于动态面控制的MIMO自适应神经网络控制



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