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安装测量控制网 installation survey control network英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-19 22:28:04


安装测量控制网 installation survey control network英语短句 例句大全

安装测量控制网,installation survey control network

1)installation survey control network安装测量控制网

1.This paper introduces the placement ofinstallation survey control network of roller table,puts forward some matters needing attention in the installation of the roller table,and expounds some focal points of the installation control.介绍了出坯区辊道安装测量控制网的放置,提出了辊道安装应注意的事项,阐述了安装控制的重点。

2)survey control network测量控制网

1.The optimization design for remaking thesurvey control network of mineral deposit was discussed in this paper.讨论矿区(城市)测量控制网改造的优化设计问题。

2.For the special case in HIRFL-CSR, some new methods and new instruments are used, including the construction ofsurvey control network, the usage of laser tracker, and CSR alignment database system with applications developed to store and analyze data.为满足这些要求 ,将引入工程测量控制网的方法 ,并主要采用新一代测量仪器激光跟踪仪 ,进行测量和安装任务 ;并结合新的仪器和方法 ,建立了 CSR准直数据库系统。


1.Lane Control Network Through the Measurement and Accurate Methods of Emplaced井巷贯通测量控制网布设及精度提高方法

2.Application of GPS Technique in Land Surveying Control Net of Pei County利用GPS定位技术建立沛县地籍测量控制网

3.Application of GPS static localization skill in establishment of measurement controlling networkGPS静态定位技术在测量控制网建立中的应用

4.The survey control networks provide the essential reference points for all types of land and engineering surveys.测量控制网络为各类土地及工程测量提供必需的参考点。

5.Triangulation still constitutes the framework of most existing surveys.现有的绝大多数测量控制网仍由三角测量系组成。

6.Measuring Network of Generators at Qinshan Nuclear Rower Station;秦山核电二期扩建3~#、4~#机组测量控制网布控及技术分析

7.Survey computing and controlling of plane column net in arc structure弧形结构平面柱网的测量计算与控制

8.Application of Multi-station RTK Surveying in City"s Control Network Construction城市控制网布设中多基站RTK测量方法

9.Study on Self-Similarity Traffic Prediction and Network Congestion Control网络自相似流量预测及拥塞控制研究

10.RBF Network Predictive Control of Coagulant Dosage混凝剂投量的RBF网络预测控制系统

11.Predictive Control of Variable Air Variable Air Corditioning Based on Wavelet Neural Network基于小波网络的变风量空调预测控制

12.CPⅢ Control Points Survey Technology for Ballastless Track of High-Speed Railway高速铁路无砟轨道CPⅢ控制网测量技术

13.Study on Congestion Control Based on Network Measurement in Wired/Wireless Networks;有线/无线网络中基于网络测量的拥塞控制研究

14.The Using of GPS Precise Leveling in the Re-testing of GPS Control Network for WuxianGPS精密高程测量在武咸GPS控制网复测中的运用

15.Generalized Predictive Damping Control for Power System Considering Time Delay of Wide Area Measurement System考虑广域测量时滞的电网广义预测阻尼控制

16.Research of Stochastic Time Delay Compensation Based on Online Delay-Measurement for Networked Control Systems;网络控制系统时延在线测量及其补偿方法研究

17.Study of Nonlinear Control Based on ANN Inverse System Method and Soft Sensing;神经网络逆系统的非线性控制及软测量研究

18.Technical Design on Construction Survey Control Network of Songta Reservoir of Shanxi Province山西省松塔水库施工控制网测量技术设计


survey control network测量控制网

1.The optimization design for remaking thesurvey control network of mineral deposit was discussed in this paper.讨论矿区(城市)测量控制网改造的优化设计问题。

2.For the special case in HIRFL-CSR, some new methods and new instruments are used, including the construction ofsurvey control network, the usage of laser tracker, and CSR alignment database system with applications developed to store and analyze data.为满足这些要求 ,将引入工程测量控制网的方法 ,并主要采用新一代测量仪器激光跟踪仪 ,进行测量和安装任务 ;并结合新的仪器和方法 ,建立了 CSR准直数据库系统。

3)control network测量控制网

1.A rapid coordinate acquiring method in drawing design forcontrol network;测量控制网图上设计坐标的快速获取办法

2.This paper introduces the method thatcontrol network was design to best , And elaborate the principle that selects necessity and redundant observation.简要介绍测量控制网的最优化设计问题, 阐述确定必要观测的原则和最优地选取多余观测的方法, 并结合实例, 给出了具体实现过程。

4)surveying control network测量控制网

1.Erection of the constructionsurveying control networkof the BWRPP diverion tunnel;百色水利枢纽导流洞施工测量控制网的建立

5)control networks测量控制网

6)CPIII surveying控制网测量



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