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免疫性不育 immune infertility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-02-09 17:05:16


免疫性不育 immune infertility英语短句 例句大全

免疫性不育,immune infertility

1)immune infertility免疫性不育

1.Clinical study on the treament of maleimmune infertility by Qian Lie Tong Yu前列通瘀胶囊联合小剂量泼尼松治疗免疫性不育临床观察

2.Effect of Qianlietongyu plus prednisone acetate on ultrastructure of testis inimmune infertility mice前列通瘀联合强的松对免疫性不育雄鼠睾丸超微结构的影响

3.Objective: To investigate the efficacy of the Chinese medicine Huzhangdanshenyin on maleimmune infertility,and provide an effective therapy for this disease.目的:探讨中药“虎杖丹参饮”治疗免疫性不育男性的临床疗效,为临床采用中医药治疗免疫性不育男性提供一种有效方法。


1.Clinical Study on Treatment of Male Immune Infertility by Chinese Medicine by Stage男性免疫性不育症中医阶梯性治疗临床研究

2.The Summarize Study of the Diagnosis and Treatment of Male Immuno-Sterility;男性免疫性不育临床诊断与治疗文献研究综述

3.Constitutional differentiation and treatment ideas of male immune infertility男性免疫性不育症的辨体论治思路探讨

4.The clinical reseach on treatment of male immune infertility by Catgut embedding therapy埋线疗法治疗男性免疫性不育症的临床研究

5.On treating rules of male immune infertility with Chinese medicine中医药治疗男性免疫性不育的规律研究

6.Clinical Study on Treatment of Male Immune Infertility with Positive Antisperm Antibody by Huzhangdanshenyin;虎杖丹参饮治疗男性免疫性不育抗精子抗体阳性的临床研究

7.Experiment Study on QianLieTongYu Plus Prednisone Acetate in Treating Immunological Infertility of Male Mice;前列通瘀联合强的松治疗免疫性不育雄鼠的实验研究

8.Clinical Observation on Treatment to Immunity Infertility Whose Syndrome is Deficiency of Vital Energy、Liver-Yin and Kidney-Yin by Using Bailing Capsule and Jia Wei Yi Guan Decoctum百令胶囊合加味一贯煎治疗免疫性不育的临床观察

9.Clinical study on the treament of male immune infertility by Qian Lie Tong Yu前列通瘀胶囊联合小剂量泼尼松治疗免疫性不育临床观察

10.Effect of Qianlietongyu plus prednisone acetate on ultrastructure of testis in immune infertility mice前列通瘀联合强的松对免疫性不育雄鼠睾丸超微结构的影响

parative Study of Baseline Immune Performance in Different Breed Growing Pigs不同品种育成猪基线免疫性状的比较

12.The clinical value of immunological antibodies in infertile female.免疫性抗体在不孕不育妇女诊治中的作用

13.The Influence of Infection and Immune Factors on Infertile Male s Seminal Parameters;感染及免疫因素对不育男性精液参数的影响

14.Study on HLA-DQB1 Gene Polymorphism of Kidney Yin Deficiency Immune Sterility Patients of Han Nationality from Anhui Province安徽汉族肾阴不足型免疫性不孕不育症患者HLA-DQB1基因多态性研究

15.Immunocontraceptive Vaccine for Overpopulation Control in Lagurus lagurus;免疫不育疫苗控制草原兔尾鼠生育的研究

16.Conclusion Immune factor was the chief cause of infertility in women.结论:免疫因素为女性不明原因不孕、育症的主要原因。

17.Clinical Study and Prospect on Immunologic Sterility or Infertility with Antisperm Antibody Treated by Tianjingshuimiwan;填精水蜜丸对抗精子免疫性不孕不育的临床研究及展望

18.Effects of Different Selenium Sources on the Growth Performance of Laying Chicks and the Development of Their Immunity Organs不同硒源对蛋雏鸡生长性能和免疫器官发育的影响


immunological infertility免疫性不育

1.Methods By injection of mice sperm and Fruend adjuvant,the mouse model ofimmunological infertility was established.目的研究免疫性不育雄性小鼠的睾丸超微结构的特点,探讨抗精子抗体(AsAb)对睾丸生精微环境的影响。

3)Male Immuno-Sterility男性免疫性不育

1.The Summarize Study of the Diagnosis and Treatment ofMale Immuno-Sterility;男性免疫性不育临床诊断与治疗文献研究综述


1.So ZP can be used as an ideal target antigen for human contraception and immunocontraception control of the harmful mammalian species.免疫不育疫苗主要以哺乳动物的精子或卵子蛋白以及在受精和胚胎早期发育过程中发挥重要作用的激素为靶抗原。

5)male immune infertility男性免疫性不育症

1.Constitutional differentiation and treatment ideas ofmale immune infertility男性免疫性不育症的辨体论治思路探讨

6)the immune infertility/therapy免疫性不育症/治疗



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