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加热管 heating pipe英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-31 06:08:24


加热管 heating pipe英语短句 例句大全

加热管,heating pipe

1)heating pipe加热管

1.VBA aided design forheating pipes of floor panel heating systems;地板辐射供暖加热管的VBA辅助设计

2.Theheating pipe in reaction kettle connecting with the kettle-type structure of the conventional is welding structure.反应釜内加热管与釜体连接型式的常规结构为焊接结构,在使用过程中,常在焊接处发生破坏现象,经过改进,取消了焊接结构,杜绝焊接应力的产生,同时在使用中,加热管的震动也减弱了,有效地防止了疲劳破坏的发生。

3.A hot press heating equipment by usingheating pipe for warming up is studied.研究了利用加热管进行加热的压机设备加热系统,该加热系统与目前正在使用的高频介质加热系统相比,具有低成本、高效率、安全可靠等优


1.Electric air heaters emersion heaters,heater tubes after burners,flange heaters.电子空气加热器,复现加热器,燃烧,加热管,滚边加热器.

2.finned strip heater带散热片的管加热器

3.external multitubular heater(煮布锅) 外多管加热器

4.split-flow heater有平行蛇管的加热器

5.evacuated quartz tube heater抽真空式石英管加热器

6.vacuum tube solar heating element真空管太阳能加热元件

7.multi-coil feed heater多盘管式给水加热器

8.continuous butt-weld furnace连续式焊管坯加热炉

9.Self-heating Effect of SOI LDMOS Power TransistorsSOILDMOS晶体管的自加热效应


11.Development of X80 Grade Pipeline Steel Pipe and Induction Heating BendX80级管线钢管和感应加热弯管的开发

12.Research on Intensifying Heat Transfer in Square Tubular Furnace;方箱管式加热炉炉内的强化传热研究

13.Adopted far infrared metal heating tube, fast heating and energy saving.采用远红外线金属电热管加热、热风循环,加热速度快、温度均匀、省电。

14.Stop Heating A 3 Tube Heat Accompany FIow Process And Making A No Heating ExperimentWang libin,eng in oil and gas gathering and transferring三管伴热流程停热伴水的不加热输送试验

15.Analysis and Countermesures on Failure for Heat Exchanger Tube of Heating Network in Power Plant电厂热网加热器换热管失效原因分析与对策

16.The reheating furnace for rolling employ water for cooling furnace door, akid pipe and so on.加热轧件的加热炉用还来冷却炉门和滑道管等。

17.The reheating furnace for rolling employs water for cooling furnace door, skied pipes and so on .加热轧件的加热炉用水来冷却炉门和滑道管等。

18.Design of Through-type Heating Furnace Used for Steel Pipe Continuous Heating用于钢管连续加热的贯通式加热炉设计


heating tube加热管

1.Appropriate modification measures have been taken to deal with scale formation inheating tube of the tube falling-film evaporator for carbon seed pregnant liquor evaporation in sintering process.针对用于烧结法碳分母液蒸发的管式降膜蒸发器加热管结垢形成的原因,采取了相应的改进措施。

2.Through calculation and testing verification,the technical scheme to apply two rows ofheating tubes and a tube diameter of 14 mm is determined for the electrical space heaters on Qingzang Railway passenger cars.分析了高原与非高原铁路客车用电取暖器的差异,通过计算及试验验证,确定了青藏铁路客车用电取暖器采用2排加热管、管径为14 mm的技术方案。

3)heated tube bundle加热管束

1.the hydrodynamic and evaporative characteristics of gas-carrying evaporator of sieve plate installed with a horizontalheated tube bundle above were experimentally investigated, and the experimental result was analyzed.对筛板上方液层内置有水平加热管束的载气蒸发器的流体力学和蒸发性能进行了实验研究,并对实验结果进行了分析。

4)heating coil加热盘管

1.The analysis and test of the corrosion characteristics, corrosion product, pipe corrosion forms, surface composition and impurities, media and environment impact of the coils concludes that the corrosion of theheating coils of the 3 - phase separator is mainly the external wall corrosion by carbon dioxide and oxygen in the waster water.通过对盘管腐蚀外貌特征、腐蚀产物、管材腐蚀形貌、表面成分及夹杂物、介质及环境影响等方面的分析、试验,指出宝浪油田三相分离器加热盘管的腐蚀主要为污水中的二氧化碳和氧对盘管外壁的腐蚀,其腐蚀速率随环境温度升高而增加。

2.This method,utilizing the difference of oil and water in physical property,is used to examine the leakage of return water and the oil floating on the water surface though transparent glass tube and separating concave slot installed in originalheating coil return water pipe system.介绍了一种储油罐加热盘管泄漏锅炉回水检测技术,给出了其在实际应用中的特定工艺规程。

3.The heat-transfer between the wall of theheating coil and the crude oil is the bottleneck which restricts the heat-transfer efficiency of theheating coil.加热盘管内壁与原油的换热,是制约盘管换热性能的重要瓶颈,加热盘管的传热规律目前缺乏系统研究,迄今为止还没有为大家所公认的、经得起实践考验且精确度较高的计算方法。

5)Pipeline heating管道加热

6)aluminum electro-thermal tube铝加热管

1.A new idea using contact reactive brazing for the close joining ofaluminum electro-thermal tube to aluminum sheet and aluminum sheet to stainless steel sheet in composite electro-thermal cooker was put forward.对接头组织的显微分析表明 ,Si中间层介质与铝基体之间发生共晶反应所产生的Al Si共晶液相 ,能够将铝加热管与铝板以及铝板与不锈钢板大面积结构致密地连接在一起。



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