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小血管组织工程 small vascular tissue engineering英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-14 11:20:29


小血管组织工程 small vascular tissue engineering英语短句 例句大全

小血管组织工程,small vascular tissue engineering

1)small vascular tissue engineering小血管组织工程


1.Preparation, Characterization of Electrospun P(LLA-CL) Based Nanofibers and Their Application in Small-Diameter Blood Vessel Tissue EngineeringP(LLA-CL)电纺纤维的制备、表征及在小血管组织工程中的应用

2.The Effect of Platelet-rich Plasma and Vascularized Muscular Fasciae on Tissue Engineered Bone Vascularization;富血小板血浆和带血管肌筋膜在组织工程骨血管化中的作用

3.Experimental Research on Construction of Small Diameter Vascular Graft Using Tissue Engineering Method;组织工程构建小口径人工血管的实验研究

4.Experimental Study on Tissue Engineering Small-diameter Vascular Prosthestic Model;小口径组织工程化血管模型的实验研究

5.Experimental Study of Degradable Tissue Engineering Small-diameter Vessel可降解性小口径组织工程血管的实验研究

6.Feasibility of tissue engineered small vessel scaffolds applying to blood vessel transplantation组织工程小血管支架应用于异种血管移植的可行性

7.Experimental Study of Construction of Vascularized Tissue-engineered Cardiac Sheet;构建组织工程化血管化心肌组织的实验研究

8.Preliminary Experimental Research on Constructing Smallcaliber Tissue Engineering Blood Vessel in Vitro;体外构建小口径组织工程化血管的初步实验研究

9.Experimental Research on Construction of Small Diameter Tissue Engineering Blood Vessel with Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells;骨髓间充质干细胞构建小口径组织工程化血管的实验研究

10.Experimental Study on Constructing Small-caliber Artery by Tissue Engineering Approach in Rotary Cell Culture System in Vitro;在动态旋转系统中构建小口径组织工程化血管的实验研究

11.Experimental Study of Vascular Graft by Tissue Engineering Technique;构建组织工程血管移植物的实验研究

12.Performance of scaffold materials for construction of tissue-engineered vessels组织工程血管构建中支架材料的特征

13.Histological Study of Vascularized Tissue-engineered Scaffolds by Two Arteriovenous Bundles血管束法构建血管化组织工程骨支架材料的组织学观察

14.The Studies of Application Platelet Rich Plasma to Bone Tissue Engineering;富含血小板血浆应用于骨组织工程的研究

15.Application Research on Platelet-rich Plasma in Bone Tissue Engineering富含血小板血浆在骨组织工程中的应用研究

16.A Talk on the Organization and Management of Projects in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises;浅谈中小企业工程项目的组织与管理

17.The Study on EPC Promoting Neovascularization in Tissue Engineering Skin and Ischemic Skin Flap;内皮祖细胞促进组织工程复合皮和皮瓣缺血组织再血管化的研究

parative Study of the Level of Vascularization in Tissue Engineering Scaffolds by Different Arteriovenous Bundles不同血管束法构建的组织工程骨支架的血管化程度对比研究


tissue-engineered vessel组织工程小血管

3)Vascular tissue engineering血管组织工程

1.Mesenchymal stem cells:Potential seeding cells for vascular tissue engineering;骨髓间充质干细胞作血管组织工程种子细胞的研究进展

2.Experimental studies on a neotype polyhydroxybutyrate as scaffold for vascular tissue engineering;新型聚β-羟基丁酯作为血管组织工程支架材料的实验研究

3.Advances of vascular tissue engineering scaffold materials血管组织工程支架材料的研究进展

4)tissue engineering blood vessel组织工程化血管

1.Objective To create the model of isolation, cultivation and multiplication of mesenchymal stem cells from New Zealand white rabbits and Wistar rats respectively, provide seed-cells for constructingtissue engineering blood vessel.第一部分 骨髓间充质干细胞的分离、培养与鉴定 目的:分别建立新西兰白兔、Wistar大鼠骨髓间充质干细胞(BMSCs)体外分离、培养、扩增的方法,为构建组织工程化血管提供种子细胞。

5)tissue engineered blood vessel组织工程血管

6)tissue engineering blood vessel组织工程血管

1.The paper summarizes the material for preparingtissue engineering blood vessel scaffold and the token for its biomechanic property,suggests electrospinning is one of the most important method for producingtissue engineering blood vessel scaffold,and looks into the future of its prospect.组织工程血管是小口径人造血管研究的重点。

2.Objective:To create a model oftissue engineering blood vessel by using polygltcllic acid and polylactide(PLGA) biodegradable tubular scaffold compounding fetus umbilical artery cells.目的:探讨改良聚乙交酯-聚丙交酯(PLGA)降解支架复合胎儿脐动脉细胞方法构建组织工程血管(TEBV)的可行性。


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