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混合流体 binary fluid mixtures英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-07 05:02:50


混合流体 binary fluid mixtures英语短句 例句大全

混合流体,binary fluid mixtures

1)binary fluid mixtures混合流体

1.Travelling wave convection inbinary fluid mixtures in a large rectangular cell;大长高比腔体内的混合流体行进波对流

2.Travelling wave convection in thebinary fluid mixtures with weak Soret effect;具有弱SORET效应的混合流体行进波对流

3.Defect structures of Rayleigh-Benard travelling wave convection inbinary fluid mixtures混合流体Rayleigh-Benard行波对流中的缺陷结构


1.gas-steam-water fluid气-汽-水混合流体

2.For dual-phase flow such as steam-water mixtures.对于双相流体,如蒸汽-水混合流体。

3.Defect structures of Rayleigh-Benard travelling wave convection in binary fluid mixtures混合流体Rayleigh-Benard行波对流中的缺陷结构

4.Traveling Wave Convection in Binary Fluid Mixtures in Two-Dimensional Rectangular Cell;二维矩形腔体中的混合流体行进波对流

5.The main ore fluid was magma water mixed with meteoric water.成矿流体是以岩浆水为主,混有古大气水的混合流体。

6.Research on Rayleigh-Benard Convection Pattern in Binary Fluid Mixtures by Numerical Simuation;混合流体Rayleigh-Benard对流斑图的数值模拟研究

7.Static mixers are obstructions in a flowing fluid which break it up, causing it to become mixed.静态混合器是流动流体中的障碍物,使流体分开,引起混合。


9.Investigation on supersonic cold flow and liquid jet over struts支板超声速冷流流场及液体喷流混合特性

10.Study of High-Plastic Fluid Mixing Rules in a Non-Blade Mixer无桨混合机内高塑性流体掺混规律研究

11.(of a liquid,mixture,etc)remain still;not flow or be disturbed(指液体、混合料等)处于静止状态,不流动

12.Micromixing Characteristics of Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Stirred Tank;搅拌槽内非牛顿流体的微观混合特性

13.A New Bridge Function for Binary Lenard-Jones Mixture二元Lenard-Jones流体混合物的桥函数

14.Study on the Hydrodynamic, Mixing and Mass Transfer Characteristics of Airlift Loop Reactors;气升式环流反应器流体力学、混合、传质特性研究

15.Numerical simulation of turbulent mixing of multi-species gas in a swirl combustor旋流燃烧室内多组分气体湍流混合的数值模拟

16.CFD simulation of turbulent micro-mixing performance in ejectors喷射器湍流微观混合性能的计算流体力学模拟

17.Flow characteristics of high viscous fluids in SK static mixer高黏度流体在SK型静态混合器内的流动特性

18.Calculation of the Number of Striations of Polymer Melt for Pin Mixing Screw聚合物熔体在销钉混合型螺杆中的分流数计算


mixed fluid混合流体

1.Based on the geological observations and test data,the authors think that the sedimentation low salinitymixed fluid is the transport medium and that this deposit is an epithemal fine-disseminated gold deposit.笔者以地质观察和测试资料为依据,研究认为该矿床是以沉积地层为主要矿源层,以低温弱酸性强还原低盐度的混合流体为搬运介质、以断裂构造控制矿体就位的浅成低温热液矿床。

2.Formixed fluids in oil wells, under the conditions of certain temperature and pressure, its conductive characteristics depends mainly on the relative proportion and distribution of oil, gas and water.对于油井中的混合流体来说 ,在一定的温度、压力条件下 ,混合流体的流动状态与导电特性主要取决于油、气、水的相对比例和分布状况。

3.The water and air in the pores were regarded asmixed fluid to simplify the consolidation process of unsaturated soil with high degree of saturation,and a simplified computation method of 1D consolidation was improved.考虑加荷初期,由水、气、土骨架共同承担荷载建立平衡方程,求得三者分担的应力和土体体积压缩量;固结过程中,将水和气看成混合的可压缩流体,建立混合流体的连续性方程,求解混合流体压力;同时考虑孔隙比和饱和度的变化,将孔隙水与混合流体的流量联系,建立改进的水连续性方程,求解水压力,进而求得气压力,吸力和土体的压缩量。

3)fluid mixing流体混合

1.This paper introduces the meaning offluid mixing technology as well as the relationship with the fluid dynamics A brief comment about present situation of domestic and overseas research is given It points out that the main task offluid mixing technology is to study the behaviors of turbulent flow and the behaviors are of practical importance to chaos theory.本文介绍了流体混合技术的含义及其与流体力学的关系。

4)fluid mixed characteristics流体混合

1.Level fluctuations,fluid mixed characteristics and the patterns of flow fluid are the crucial factors evaluated the feeding system.熔池液面波动、流体混合和流场状况是衡量布流系统好坏的重要因素。

2.In the paper, according to the principle of similarity theory, a dynamic physical model on modeling level fluctuations andfluid mixed characteristics in molten pool for twin roll strip caster was established.本文按照相似理论的原理,制作片模拟熔池内液面波动和流体混合的动态物理模型,分别采用超声波浪高仪和电导仪测定了不同结构尺寸的水口和工艺条件下熔池内液面波动和流体混合状况,得到了水口结构尺寸和工艺参数对熔池液面波动和流体混合状况影响的定量关系,为双辊薄带连铸熔池伸入式水口的设计及操作工艺参数的优化提供了依据。

5)fluid mixture流体混合物

1.By using molecular thermodynamic model for chain-like fluid,equation for calculating viscosities offluid mixture at atmospheric pressure was established based on Eyring’s absolute rate theory.在Eyring绝对速率理论的基础上,结合链状流体分子热力学模型,建立了一个常压流体混合物的黏度方程。

6)fluid mixing zone流体混合区

1.The influences of initial perturbations and grids on thefluid mixing zone(FMZ) were mainly researched when it is accelerated by shock waves,and the FMZ width,bubble and spike height growing with time were presented simultaneously.主要研究在不同的初始扰动情况下流体混合区的发展,并细致研究了流体混合区的宽度、气泡和尖钉高度随时间的增长情况及不同初始扰动对它们的影响;同时还研究了网格尺度不同时混合区、气泡以及尖钉的构型和高度的增长情况。



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