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夜班 Night shift英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-08 14:09:52


夜班 Night shift英语短句 例句大全

夜班,Night shift

1)Night shift夜班

1.Night shift experience of nurse:a phenomenology study;关于护士夜班工作体验的现象学研究

2.Practice and effect of night shift system reform in nursing management深化护理夜班制度改革的实践与效果


1.The night nurse takes over at midnight.夜班护士午夜接班。

2.graveyard shiftph.1. 【口】(尤指子夜的)夜班

3.Peter is on the day shift and I am on the night shift.彼得上白班,我上夜班。

4.She is a night nurse.她是值夜班的护士。

5.I"m doing night duty this week.这个星期我上夜班.

6.Presumably she had been changed on to a later shift.想必她改值了夜班。

7.I"ve been working on the night shift for several weeks.几星期我一直值夜班。

8.unsocial hours,eg on night shifts非正常工作时间(如夜班).

9.The nurses take it in turn to do night duty.护士们轮流上夜班.

10.The night shift are arriving.夜班工人正陆续来到。

11.I was assigned the lobster shift, from midnight until eight in the morning.我值夜班从午夜到早上八点。

12.Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?坟场工人是不是喜欢值大夜班(坟场班)?

13.The night shift come/comes off at dawn.夜班工作人员天亮时下班.

14.the day receptionist will be relieved at 21. 00 when the night shift come on .白班接待员在晚上9点由夜班接待员换班。

15.Jack was assigned the lobster shift, from midnight until eight in the morning.杰克被派去值夜班,时间从半夜至次日凌晨8时。

16.Our factory operates round the clock on three shifts.我们厂日夜三班倒。

17."He worked in the daytime, and at night he went to night school.“他白天上班,晚上上夜校。

18.the late flight to Denver.深夜飞往丹佛的航班



1.The study of progress ofnight-shift system and arrangement of nurse;护士夜班排班方式研究进展

3)night shift夜班,夜班工人


5)reinforced night shift夜班加强班

6)night shift superintendent夜班值班长



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