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航空整体结构件 Aerospace monolithic components英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-11 14:55:16


航空整体结构件 Aerospace monolithic components英语短句 例句大全

航空整体结构件,Aerospace monolithic components

1)Aerospace monolithic components航空整体结构件

1.Study of the application of vibration stress relief in distortion correcting of aerospace monolithic components振动时效技术在航空整体结构件变形校正中的应用研究


1.Machining Process Simulation of Aerospace Monolithic Component;航空整体结构件加工过程的数值仿真

2.Deformation Prediction and Fixture Layout Optimization of Aerospace Monolithic Components;航空整体结构件加工变形预测及装夹布局优化

3.FEM Analysis of Deformation Correction by Side-wall Rolling of Aircraft Monolithic Components航空整体结构件侧壁滚压校正的有限元分析

4.Finite element simulation of machining deformation for aeronautical monolithic component航空整体结构件加工变形有限元数值仿真

5.Study on Correction Theory and Method for Distorted Aeronautical Monolithic Component Due to NC Machining航空整体结构件数控加工变形校正理论和方法研究

6.Study on Prediction of Distortion Due to Milling Process for Aerospace Monolithic Component of Titanium Alloy;钛合金航空整体结构件铣削加工变形的预测理论及方法研究

7.Study on Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Machining Process for Aerospace Monolithic Components;航空整体结构件切削加工过程的数值模拟与实验研究

8.Study on Finite Element Simulation of Distortion Due to Milling Process for Aerospace Monolithic Components;航空整体结构件铣削加工变形的有限元模拟理论及方法研究

9.Study on Theory and Approach for Correcting Aerospace Monolithic Component Due to Machining Distortion Using Rolling Method航空整体结构件加工变形滚压校正理论及方法研究

10.Research on Key Technologies for Machining Distortion Safety Correcting of Aeronautical Monolithic Component航空整体结构件加工变形安全校正关键技术研究

11.Study of the application of vibration stress relief in distortion correcting of aerospace monolithic components振动时效技术在航空整体结构件变形校正中的应用研究

12.Three-point press straightening analysis of aircraft monolithic component based on its rebound curve基于回弹曲线的航空整体结构件三点压弯校正分析

13.Physics-Based Milling Process Simulation and Applications in Machining Distortion Prediction of Aeronautical Monolithic Components;铣削加工过程物理仿真及其在航空整体结构件加工变形预测中的应用研究

14.Study on milling deformation of aerospace frame monolithic components航空框类整体结构件铣削加工变形研究

15.Study on Mechanism and Prediction Analysis of Machining Distortion for Aero-Multi-Frame Monolithic Structure Parts;航空多框整体结构件铣削变形机理与预测分析研究

16.Study on Numerical Simulation and Experiment of Milling Process for Aerospace Monolithic Components;航空框类整体结构件铣削加工变形的数值模拟与实验研究

17.Overview on Software Architecture of Integrated Modular Avionic Systems综合模块化航空电子系统软件体系结构综述

18.Analysis to the Change of AVIC I s Organizational Structure;中国航空工业第一集团公司组织结构调整分析


aerospace structure航空结构件

1.In this paper, theaerospace structure parts in high-speed machining are simplified at the engineering aspect, and a user-interface is built with the PCL language, which is the developing tool offered by the MSC.为了建立简化高效的数学模型,本文对高速加工中的航空结构件进行了简化,并且运用MSC。

3)Monolithic component整体结构件

1.Finite element model of milling process sequence forframe monolithic components;框类整体结构件铣削加工顺序的有限元模型

2.Three-point press straightening analysis of aircraft monolithic component based on its rebound curve基于回弹曲线的航空整体结构件三点压弯校正分析

3.Machining deformation of aircraft monolithic component is simulated by finite element method (FEM) and validated by experiment.在模拟淬火、拉伸过程获得含有初始残余应力的预拉伸板材以及模拟单齿切削过程获得切削载荷的基础上,提出并采用接力算法,对一航空整体结构件的材料铣削过程进行有限元仿真,同时进行了试验研究。

4)monolithic components整体结构件

1.Distortion prediction for milling process of aerospacemonolithic components;航空整体结构件铣削加工变形预测研究

2.Study on milling deformation of aerospace framemonolithic components航空框类整体结构件铣削加工变形研究

3.Monolithic components are being widely used for aerospace applications because of their combination of lower height, higher assembly quality and higher structural efficiency.航空整体结构件具有结构复杂、尺寸大、材料去除率高、薄壁部位多、刚性差等特点,在加工过后,零件通常会出现弯曲、扭曲或弯扭组合等变形,加工精度难以达到设计要求。

5)integral parts with thin walls薄壁整体结构件

1.This paper presents a brief analysis of the features specialties and problems of machining ofintegral parts with thin walls.概括分析了薄壁整体结构件切削加工的特点和难点。

6)thin wall integral structure薄璧整体结构件



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