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乘坐品质 ride quality control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-30 08:14:17


乘坐品质 ride quality control英语短句 例句大全

乘坐品质,ride quality control

1)ride quality control乘坐品质

1.Gust alleviation andride quality control based on covariance assignment for the aircraft;基于协方差配置的飞机阵风减缓与乘坐品质控制


1.An Optimal Design of Control Law Based on the Probability Viewpoint for the Riding Comfort of Civil Aircraft基于概率指标的民机乘坐品质最优控制律设计

2.In the condition of gust,in order to restrain additional load and improve the comfort of passenger,the state of angle of attack is acquired.在阵风条件下,为了抑制飞机的附加载荷并改善乘坐品质,需要得到飞机的迎角状态。

3.Passengers bringing dangerous articles on their persons are prohibited from flying in a civil aircraft.禁止旅客随身携带危险品乘坐民用航空器。

4.Your goods are superior in quality compared with those of other manufacturers.和其他厂商相比,贵方产品质量上乘

5.Goods of high quality are few and far between these days.质地精美上乘的物品现在不多见。

6.You can either take the subway or take a bus.你可乘坐地铁也可以乘坐巴士。

7.Our brand name itself proves that the goods are of superior quality.我们的品牌本身证明该批货的品质是上乘的。

8.Effects of Pollination Mode on Rate of Fruits-Set and Fruit Quality of Lycium Barbarum授粉方式对枸杞坐果率及品质的影响

9.Items that summon normal mounts are now blue( superior) items and items that summon swift mounts are now purple( epic) items.普通坐骑召唤物品改为稀有品质的蓝色,迅捷坐骑召唤物品改为史诗品质的紫色。

10.We embarked for home by the steamer on which we came我们乘坐原班轮船回家。

11.To travel in or propel a canoe.乘坐木舟,划独木舟

12.go through [ check in ] formality办理(飞机等)的乘坐手续

13.They sat in a second-class compartment.他们乘坐的是二等车厢。

14.We sat in a secondclass compartment.我们乘坐二等车厢。

15.I"m too frightened to fly in a hot-air balloon.我害怕乘坐热气球。

16.I"m frightened to fly a hot-air balloon.我害怕乘坐热汽球飞行。

17.Thank you for taking this train.感谢您乘坐本次列车。

18.Welcome on board!欢迎各位乘坐本次航班!


ride quality control system乘坐品质控制系统

3)Ride Quality乘车品质


1.The internal space layout of the car was analyzed,two kinds of theride styles in the car were proposed,which are comfortable toride and convenient to communicate.分析研究了轿车内室空间布局,提出轿车内室有2种乘坐方式的设计构想,既能达到普通乘坐方式舒适的要求,又能在乘员需要方便交流的情况下,有一个更合适的乘坐方式。


1.Dynamic Analysis of the Automobile Passenger Compartment with Acoustic-Structure Coupling System轿车乘坐室声固耦合系统动态特性分析

2.Structural vibration responses of the vehicle are computed in a frequency range from 20 to 200Hz,and interior noise response of vehicle passengercompartment is calculated by using direct BEM.利用有限元结合边界元的方法,建立三维车辆乘坐室声固耦合模型,使用ANSYS软件计算出乘坐室在20-200Hz频率的声固耦合振动特性后,采用LMS Virtual。

3.In this thesis, a finite element model for analyzing automobile passengercompartment cavity acoustics and sound-structure-interaction system by exterior structured loads is established.本文建立了结构载荷激励下某型轿车乘坐室空腔声学系统和声固耦合系统的有限元模型,对车内低频噪声的预测、分析和控制等方面进行了较为系统的研究。

6)driver"s seat device乘坐装置



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