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英美刑法 Anglo-American criminal law英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-16 17:47:21


英美刑法 Anglo-American criminal law英语短句 例句大全

英美刑法,Anglo-American criminal law

1)Anglo-American criminal law英美刑法

1.On Criminal Behaviors and Its Inspiration of Anglo-American Criminal Law英美刑法中的犯罪行为及其启示

2.The emergence of the strict liability ofAnglo-American criminal law broke the traditional criminal principle of "non reu nisi mens sit rea".英美刑法严格责任突破了"无罪过即无犯罪"的传统刑法原则,其适用的犯罪或因其犯罪意图的难以证明,或因其侵害的社会法益特殊而需要特殊保护。

3.With the progress of the society and the need of the judicial practice,the judicial and theoretical circles of China are beginning to know and realize the theory and systems of theAnglo-American criminal law for promoting and improving the rule of law s construction in China.随着社会进步和司法实践的需要,中国司法实务界和法学界在改革开放以来,逐渐关注、借鉴英美刑法理论体系,以此推动和完善中国法治建设。


1.The Comparison of Necessity Between Chinese Criminal Law and Britain & American Crimncal Law;中国刑法与英美刑法紧急避险制度比较研究

2.On the Situations in English-America Criminal Law;论英美刑法中的事态——兼论我国刑法中的持有型犯罪

3.On human basis of duress in British and American criminal law--Also on accomplice under duress in Chiness criminal law;论英美刑法中被迫行为的人性基础——兼论我国刑法中的胁从犯

4.On the Strict Liability Doctrine in the Anglo-American Criminal Law and Its Adoptability in the Chinese Criminal Law英美刑法中的严格责任制度及其借鉴意义

5.On the Strict Liability Doctrine in the Anglo-American Criminal Law and Its Adoptability in the Chinese Criminal Law;论英美刑法中的严格责任及其对我国的借鉴

6.Analyzing on Murder of English-American Criminal Laws and Intentional Killing Crime of Chinese Criminal Law;英美刑法的谋杀罪与我国故意杀人罪辨析

7.Risk Assessment in the Anglo Penal Code当代英美刑法中的人格地位与人格评估

8.Murder is a kind of serious crime in both common laws and statutory laws of English-American criminal laws.谋杀罪在英美刑法中既是普通法上的一种严重犯罪,同时也是制定法中的严重犯罪。

9.It is needed to analyze the difference and sameness between the murder in English-American and intentional killing cime in the criminal law of our country.我国的故意杀人罪和英美刑法中的谋杀罪同中有异,需要对其进行比较分析。

10.The Reform of Anglo-American Criminal Law and It s Inspiration to China;英美法系国家刑法变革对中国的启示

11.A Comparison of the Constitutive Requirements of the Crime of Embezzlement in Anglo-American Law System英美法系刑法中侵占罪构成条件之比较

12.A Comparison of the Constitutive Requirements of the Crime of Swindling in Anglo-American Law System;英美法系刑法中诈骗罪构成条件之比较

13.The comparison of the jury system functions between Birtish andAmerican law system and the mainland Chinese law system;英美法系和大陆法系刑事陪审制度功能之比较

14.An Inquiry into the Environmental Criminal Law Crime to the Environment;英美法系国家环境刑法与环境犯罪探究

parative Studies on Sentencing Guidelines in Countries of Anglo-American Law System英美法系国家量刑指南制度的比较研究

16.A Contrastive Study of Unaccomplished Crimes Between the Criminal Laws in the Continental Law System and Those in the Aglo-American Law System;大陆法系国家刑法与英美法系国家刑法中犯罪未完成形态比较研究

17.Criminal Responsibility Theory of Corporate Crime--Comparison of Civil Law System and Common Law System法人犯罪的刑事责任理论——大陆法系与英美法系的比较

18.Distinctions Between Strict Liability and Absolute Liability in Anglo|American Law Systems英美法系刑事法律中严格责任与绝对责任之辨析


Criminal law of the common-law countries英美刑法

1.The analysis of the justifiable defense system of the criminal law of the common-law countries contributes to benefit from it and improve the justifiable defens.对英美刑法中的正当防卫制度进行分析、比较,有利于借鉴其合理因素,丰富和完善我国的正当防卫制度。

3)English-American criminal law英美刑法

1.Murder is a kind of serious crime in both common laws and statutory laws ofEnglish-American criminal laws.谋杀罪在英美刑法中既是普通法上的一种严重犯罪 ,同时也是制定法中的严重犯罪。

4)Anglo-American criminal evidence law英美刑事证据法

5)Anglo-American strict liability英美刑法中的严格责任

6)Embezzlement of English and American Criminal Law英美刑法的侵占罪


《美英法关于德国的协定》《美英法关于德国的协定》Agreement on Germany between the United States of America, France and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandMei一Ying一Fa guanyu Deguo de Xieding《美英法关于德国的协定》(A greemen,on Ger阴any between the United StatesofAoeriea,Fra,,ee and the United Kingdom口厂GreatBritalnandNorthernlrelclnd)美国、英国、法国三占领国确定与行将成立的联邦德国关系准则的协定。1949年4月8日由三国外长在华盛顿签署。协定由9个文件组成,主要包括:《关于法国、英国和美国政府在成立德意志联邦共和国后行使权力和责任的指导原则的备忘录》、《确定占领当局保持权力的占领法规》、《关于三方面管制的协定》、《关于柏林的议事记录》等。其中除占领法规自1949年9月21日生效外,其余文件自签字之日起生效。主要内容是:①德意志联邦共和国成立后,美、英、法三国政府仍保持由1945年6月5日在柏林签订的宣言所承担的最高权力,包括改变或废除在西德3个占领区域的立法或行政决定的权力。②联邦级或州一级的德国当局将有采取行政和立法行动的权力,如这种行动没有被盟国当局否定,将为有效。③美、英、法三国政府仍保留对联邦德国外交、国防、外贸等方面的管制权。④盟国当局的军事职能由总司令行使,其他职能由高级委员行使,盟国高级委员会是最高管理机构。⑤上述一切规定也适用于西柏林。⑥法国同意将基尔市逐步交还德国管理。协定的签订表明,随着战后初期冷战的加剧,美、英、法为遏制苏联,在保持对西占区控制的前提下,完成了在德国西部建立联邦德国的准备工作。1949年9月20日,德意志联邦共和国宣告成立;10月7日,德意志民主共和国成立。德国分裂成两个国家。(吴康和)

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