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中医辩证分析 T.C.M.syndrome differentiation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-01 21:32:13


中医辩证分析 T.C.M.syndrome differentiation英语短句 例句大全

中医辩证分析,T.C.M.syndrome differentiation

1)T.C.M.syndrome differentiation中医辩证分析

2)traditional chinese medicine of syndromes中医辩证分型

1.Methods: 84 cases of chronic hepatitis B were divided into two groups according totraditional chinese medicine of syndromes.目的:评价慢性乙型肝炎不同的中医辩证分型与拉米夫丁抗病毒效应的关系。


1.The Study about TCM Syndrome Types of Chronic Severe Hepatitis B慢性重型乙型病毒性肝炎中医辩证分型研究

2.The Relation between TCM Types of Menstruation Mense Extend and Sex Hormone;经期延长的中医辩证分型与性激素的关系

3.Research of Multiple Tics"s Syndrome in Children of TCM Syndrom Types小儿多发性抽动症中医辩证分型的研究

4.Clinical Study on the Relationship between Syndrome Differentiation of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Plasma Level of CD_(62P) in Chronic Atrophic Gastritis;慢性萎缩性胃炎中医辩证分型与血小板膜上P选择素的关系探讨


6.Study on Relationship between Types of Differentation of Symptoms and Signs of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Laboratory Data in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus;系统性红斑狼疮中医辩证分型与微观指标的相关性研究

7.The Research on Correlation of DAO"s Syndrome Differentiation of TCM with ET and CGRP IndexET-1、CGRP与糖尿病肢体动脉闭塞症中医辩证分型相关性的研究

8.Investigation of the Relationship between the Syndrome Patterns in TCM Differential Diagnostics and the Levels of Plasmatic IL-6, IL-8 and TNF-α in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients;2型糖尿病患者血浆IL-6、IL-8、TNF-α变化与中医辩证分型关系的探讨

9.Associativity Research of the Type of Traditional Chinese Syndromes and Experiment Index in Unstable Angina冠心病不稳定型心绞痛与中医辩证分型及有关实验指标的相关性研究

10.Moreover, "Bian zheng shi zhi", another theory of traditional Chinese medicine, also embodies the dialectic ideas of ancient natural philosophy.中医理论的辩证施治原则充分体现了古代自然哲学的辩证法性质。

11.A New Method for Diabetes of TCM Syndrome Differentiation Based on Parsimonious Covering Theory and Fuzzy Inference Model基于模糊覆盖集的糖尿病中医辩证模型研究

12.138 Cases of Hypertension in Patients with Left Ventricular Hypertrophy TCM Analysis138例高血压病左室肥厚患者中医辩证规律分析

13.Clinical Study on the TCM Differentiation Criteria of Insulin Resistance of Type 2 Diabetes;2型糖尿病胰岛素抵抗的中医辩证论治临床观察

14.The Study on the Relationship between TCM Syndromes of Type 2-DM with Coronary Artery Disease and Insulin Resistance, C-reactive Protein;2型糖尿病合并冠心病的中医辩证与胰岛素抵抗、炎症因子的研究

15.Evaluation of the Correlation between the Different Types of the Traditional Chinese Medicine and CT Features of Stroke;中风病辩证分型与脑CT表现关系的探讨

16.Study on the Relationship between the TCM Type of Syndrome and C-reactive Protein Level in Serum of Patients and Brain CT with Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage;出血性中风辩证分型与CRP、脑CT的相关性研究

17.The Inheritance and Development of Dialectical Materialism and Traditional Chinese Medicine辩证唯物主义与中医学的继承和发展

parative Study of Chinese Yin and Yang Theory and Dialectics Contradictions;中医阴阳理论与辩证法矛盾论之比较


traditional chinese medicine of syndromes中医辩证分型

1.Methods: 84 cases of chronic hepatitis B were divided into two groups according totraditional chinese medicine of syndromes.目的:评价慢性乙型肝炎不同的中医辩证分型与拉米夫丁抗病毒效应的关系。

3)Differentiation of TCM中医辩证

4)dialectic analysis辩证分析

1.Misdiagnosis may be avoided to the maximum only through synthetic thinking,dialectic analysis and continuous learning.只有综合思维、辩证分析、不断学习,才能最大限度避免误诊。

5)dialectical analysis辩证分析

1.Thedialectical analysis that Multi-media technique was applied in the engineering geology;工程地质学课程多媒体教学辩证分析

2.This paper makes thedialectical analysis on several relations in treating and arousing correctly the enthusiasm of the workers, which include the dialectical relations between the spontaneous enthusiasm and motivated enthusiasm, the long-term enthusiasm and short-term enthusiasm, and the collective enthusiasm and individual enthusiasm.对调动职工积极性需要正确认识和处理的几个关系问题进行了辩证分析,包括自发积极性与激发积极性、长久积极性与暂时积极性、群体积极性与个体积极性的辩证关系。

3.In this paper,"reinforced concrete structures," a multimedia teaching curriculum,dialectical analysis of the pros and cons of a multimedia teaching.本文通过对《钢筋混凝土结构》课程的多媒体教学,辩证分析了多媒体教学的利与弊。

6)dialectical classify treatments of traditional Chinese medicine中医辩证分型治疗



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