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种属差异 species differences英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-10 08:09:52


种属差异 species differences英语短句 例句大全

种属差异,species differences

1)species differences种属差异

1.Species differences of muridae in the learning and memory behavior in morris water maze;不同鼠种在Morris水迷宫学习记忆行为中的种属差异


1.The absorption process ofβ- Asarone exsited difference between rabbit and mouse.小鼠和家兔的吸收过程存在着种属差异。

2.A preliminary study on species differences among Papaver somniferum L,Papaver rhoeas L and Cannabis sativa L by AFLP technique;AFLP技术鉴别罂粟、虞美人和大麻种属差异的初步研究

3.Species metabolic differences in Tanshione ⅡA quinone reduction and subsequent glucuronidation丹参酮ⅡA醌还原级联葡萄糖醛酸结合代谢种属差异研究

4.Species-related Stability Difference of Simvastatin in Human,Cynomolgus Monkey and Rat Plasma辛伐他汀在人、食蟹猴和大鼠血浆中稳定性的种属差异

5.The Relationship between Differential Display Gene and Heterosis in Liriodendron鹅掌揪属植物基因差异表达与杂种优势的关系

6.They come from all ages, any race, both sexes and every kind of group there is.他们来自于不同的年龄层,属于不同的种族,男女不一,差异极大。

7.Variations Among Rice Cultivars in the Uptake and Translocation of Cadmium and Lead from Soil,and the Mechanisms;水稻品种对土壤重金属镉铅吸收分配的差异及其机理

8.Studies on the Different Expression of Protein in Chicken, Quail, Chicken-quail Hybrid during the Early Embryo by SDS-PAGE;利用SDS-PAGE分析鸡、鹌鹑及其属间杂交种早期胚胎蛋白表达的差异

9.Inter-Species Differences in Water Use Efficiency and Its Mechanisms in Malus苹果属植物种间水分利用效率的差异及其机理研究

10.Variation comparisons for damage caused by Erythrina gall wasp to Erythrina刺桐姬小蜂对不同品种刺桐属植物为害差异性研究

11.In Vitro Culture of 11 Cultivars and Strains of Torreya and Their Variations of Regeneration11种榧属植物离体培养中再生能力的差异性研究

12.various nuances of meaning意义的种种细微差异

13.In advanced breeding programs, parental differences and variability in hybrid progeny may largely reside in multiple gene systems.在当代的育种计划里,亲本的差异和杂种后代的变异,可能绝大部分都属于多基因系统。

14.races, and traditions live together,种族及生活习惯的差异,

15.a racial feature, type, difference, etc人种特徵、 类型、 差异等

16.These traits make organisms different from one another, but the differences do not affect the species" chances of survival.中性特征虽然使一个生物有别于另一生物,但是这种差异并不影响到该属种的生存机会。

17.Empirical Study on the Different Effects of Service Attributes;服务属性重要性程度差异的实证研究

18.On Differences Between the Development of Rural and Urban Areas from Kinship Terms Popularization;论农村与城市亲属称谓的泛化及差异


difference in genera种属间差异

3)specific concept plus differential属加种差

4)Interspecific difference种属差

5)dissimilar metal异种金属

1.The fine texture and microstructure ofdissimilar metal joint was observed with microscope and shear strength of the joints was tested.利用光学显微镜观察铜-钢异种金属堆敷接头的显微结构及显微组织构成。

2.To evaluate the welding quality of thedissimilar metals of D6A and 20 steels by robot automatic welding with X-ray test,the testing processes were arranged reasonably according to the welding structure,and high quality testing on the elliptic multil-layer welds and accurate characteration of flaws were achieved by elimating disturbance of weld appearance.针对D6A+20钢异种金属机器人自动焊焊缝质量的射线检测问题,从焊接结构入手,合理安排射线检测工艺,在缺陷评定中排除焊缝成形干扰,实现了该椭圆多层焊缝的高质量检测和缺陷的准确定性。

3.On the basis of diffusion welding principle and characteristics, This paper introduces a general review of research and development of joiningdissimilar metal and ceramic/metal.本文在综述扩散焊接原理和特点的基础上,着重介绍了扩散焊接在异种金属、陶瓷/金属异种材料连接中的应用及研究现状。

6)dissimilar metals异种金属

1.Research and development on arc welding-brazing ofdissimilar metals between aluminum and steel;铝与钢异种金属电弧熔-钎焊研究与发展现状

2.Numerical model has been created to simulate the joining ofdissimilar metals.采用数值模拟手段,分析了在搅拌摩擦焊接过程中不同材料的变形情况及其残余应力的分布,研究了材料变形与残余应力之间的关系,并建立了异种金属搅拌摩擦焊接的模型。

3.Thedissimilar metals joining between aluminum alloy LF2 and Q235 steel with electron beam welding (EBW) was investigated.本文主要研究了LF2铝合金与Q235钢之间异种金属电子束焊接工艺。


K理论中的差异元素K理论中的差异元素difference element in K- theoryK理论中的差异元家f击ffe代”茂d。帐川inK一价印叮;Pa3朋,a沁山“肠3月eMe“T .K一TeoP““]群K(X,A)中的一个元素(这里(X,A)为一对空间,X通常假设为一有限胞腔空间(沈U川ar sPace),A为X的胞腔子空间),由一个三元组(古,叮,卯构造出来,其中心与泞是X上的同维数向量丛,乙:引,~川,为向量丛同构(这里司,是指x上的向量丛口限制在子空间A上的部分).差异元素的构成可按下述方式进行.先假定叮为平凡丛而且冲在X上已给定了一个平凡化.于是心给出了引,的一个平凡化,从而给出了群K(X/A)”K(X,A)的一个元素.这个元素与叮在整个X上平凡化的选择无关.对于一般情形,选择X上的向量丛。使得丛叮①‘为平凡的,并令三元素(亡,扮,幼对应于三元组(亡OJ,叮田口,乙田id『)所给出的元素.幻,E.P扣。撰

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