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花生酱 peanut butter英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-06-04 00:34:34


花生酱 peanut butter英语短句 例句大全

花生酱,peanut butter

1)peanut butter花生酱

1.Detection for BHA, BHT and TBHQ inpeanut butter by HPLC;HPLC法测定花生酱中BHA、BHT和TBHQ

2.The preservative effect of the citral onpeanut butter;柠檬醛对花生酱的防腐效果


1.How many jars of peanut butter have been sold?已经售出多少罐花生酱?

2.User:For grinding of sesame sauec,peanut sauce,seaweed thick liquid class.用途:可用于磨制芝麻酱、花生酱、海藻浆类。

3.You like the peanut butter cups?- Yes.你喜欢花生酱夹心巧克力?-是的。

4.I have a peanut butter sandwich today.我今天带了花生酱三明治。

5.They ate a whole jar of peanut butter.他们把整整一罐花生酱都吃光了。

6.have a weakness for peanut butter, fast cars, tall women偏爱花生酱、 跑车、 高个儿女子.

7.Peanut Butter If you want a healthy heart, spread your mornin toast with peanut butter.花生酱:如果你想有一个健康的心脏,那你每天早上就在烤面包上涂一层花生酱。

8.Attendant: Sorry. I don"t have any. I have peanut butter and oatmeal.空姐:对不起,我们没有。有花生酱夹心的和燕麦的。

9.Phyllis won"t buy anything but brand name peanut butter.除了名牌的花生酱,菲利斯什么也不会买。

10.Spread the peanut butter onto one slice of bread. Press in the raisins.把花生酱涂在一片面包上。再在上面铺上葡萄干。

11.You are slower than a herd of turtles stampeding through peanut butter.你比一群在花生酱中乱窜的海龟还要慢。

12.Soup : 2cups Stock, 4tbsps Peanut butter, 1tsp Salt, 2tsps Sugar, 1tsp Grounded Sichuan pepper corns.汤底:上汤2杯、花生酱4汤匙、盐1茶匙、糖2茶匙、花椒粉1茶匙。

13.I have no strange preference in food as long as it is healthy or edible and no junk food. No peanut Butter.一般说来,我对食品没有特别的偏爱。我不吃垃圾快餐,也不吃花生酱。

14.Alex: Well, I did find the peanut butter, but they didn"t have the kind I like.亚力士:我找到花生酱了,可是他们没有我喜欢的那种。

15.They"ve got this great peanut butter, honey, and raisin sandwich here- but it"s really sticky.他们这里有很棒的花生酱、蜜和葡萄干三明治——但实在太粘了。

16.Do you mind swapping lunches with me? I don"t really like peanut butter.你介意和我换便当吗?因为我实在不喜欢吃花生酱。

17.Her mother treated him to a nice peanut butter sandwich.小女孩的妈妈用很好吃的花生酱三明治招待巴比,巴比非常喜欢吃。

18.Just do not go nutty plastering on the tasty spread, since it is high in calories花生酱虽然味美,但含热量高,所以也不能涂得过多。


peanut butters花生酱

1.The utilization of peanut protein,peanut oil,peanut butters,and peanut hull in China are summarized,and the production of peanut is introduced.系统综述了目前国内花生蛋白,花生油,花生酱,花生皮壳的开发利用的现状,并介绍了花生系列产品的生产。

3)Peanut pornace花生酱渣

4)peanut sauce花生酱油

5)pickled peanut酱花生

6)whole peanut butter全料花生酱

1.Study on the manufacture processing of peanut drinks withwhole peanut butter;全料花生酱制备花生乳的生产工艺研究



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