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理疗学 Physical Therapy英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-01-01 16:39:15


理疗学 Physical Therapy英语短句 例句大全

理疗学,Physical Therapy

1)Physical Therapy理疗学


1.A physician who specializes in physical medicine.理疗学家专攻物理治疗学的医生

2.Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Physiotherapy医疗护理学理学硕士──物理治疗学专业

3.Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Physiotherapy [BSc(Hons) in Physiotherapy]物理治疗学(荣誉)理学士

4.Master of Science in Health Care [MSc in Health Care]医疗护理学理学硕士

5.Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Occupational Therapy医疗护理学理学硕士──职业治疗学专业

6.Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care with a specialism in Physiotherapy医疗护理学深造文凭-物理治疗学专业

7.Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Health Technology医疗护理学理学硕士──医疗科技专业

8.rational-emotive therapy理性情绪疗法(心理学)

9.group psychotherapy集体心理治疗(心理学)

10.Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Nursing医疗护理学理学硕士──护理学专业

11.Family Psychotherapy:a scientific idea of therapy;家庭心理治疗:一种科学的治疗理念

12.Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care with a specialism in Occupational Therapy医疗护理学深造文凭-职业治疗学专业

13.Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Biomedical Science医疗护理学理学硕士──医疗生物科学专业

14.Psychosexual therapist Paula Hall agrees.性心理治疗学家波拉.

15.Professional Diploma in Physiotherapy物理治疗学专业文凭

16.Journal of College Student Psychotherapy大学生心理治疗杂志

17.Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care with a specialism in Health Technology医疗护理学深造文凭-医疗科技专业

18.Rational emotive group therapy applied to sense of inferiority among university students理智——情绪疗法集体治疗大学生自卑感


Pharmacological therapy药理学治疗

3)treatment psychology治疗心理学

1.The basic epistemological statements oftreatment psychology are different in approach but equal in substance.治疗心理学的实践认识论的基本主张与后现代认识论异曲同工,否认任何形式的知识产生的认识论基础,尊重知识体内的理论与技术的差异性,肯定经验的认知建构,推崇新实用主义。


5)psychological therapeutics心理治疗学

6)radiation therapy physics放射治疗物理学

1.New developments and successes in medical physics are reviewed, with emphasis on the new advances in digital imaging physics,radiation therapy physics, and the importance of their applications in high-tech medical instruments and clinical treatment.文章评述了国际医学物理学近60年的新发展,着重介绍了数字影像物理学和放射治疗物理学的新进展及其对临床应用高新医疗器械的重要作用,并谈及国际医学物理学的新发展对中国医学物理学发展的启示。



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