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达比加群酯 dabigatran etexilate英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-24 00:08:13


达比加群酯 dabigatran etexilate英语短句 例句大全

达比加群酯,dabigatran etexilate

1)dabigatran etexilate达比加群酯

2)HMC herdmate comparison(加)群伴比较法,同群牛比较法

3)Sir Clifford Darby达比

1.This paper discusses the contribution of the famous British historical geographerSir Clifford Darby to the academic nature of historical geography; cross-section method; case study of regional historical geography; Domesday Geography and cartography.该文论述了英国著名历史地理学家达比对历史地理学学科性质、历史与地理的关系、剖面研究方法、区域历史地理实例研究、《清册地理学》和对地图学等方面的贡献。


1.Mrs. Darby lived in Kentucky for seven years.含义:达比太太已不再住在肯塔基州。

2.I arrived just as the match started.我到达时比赛正好开始。

3.quotient criterion达朗贝尔比例试验法

4.Hilda OF WHITBY, SAINT圣希尔达(惠特比的)

5.to a disproportionate degree.达到不成比例的程度。

6.She avoided Belinda"s eyes.她避开了比琳达的眼光。

7."Then Bildad the Shuhite made answer and said,"书亚人比勒达回答说,

8.A light heart lives long. -- William Shakespeare豁达者长寿。——莎士比亚

9.Minnesota engineering analogies test(MEAT)明尼苏达工程类比测试

10.Words or expressions are being misused, for example,误用词或表达法。比如,

11.Belinda looked embarrassed.比琳达感到难为情。

12.D"Alembert"s ratio test达朗贝尔比值判别法

13.Caribbean Basin Radar Network加勒比海盆雷达网(雷达网)

14.L Hospital s Rule and Darboux s Theorem with Dini Derivative;带Dini导数的罗比达法则和达布定理

15.Here both speed and quality are involved.一种,达到目的比较快一点,比较好一点。

16.A Disscussion on the Comparison of Meaning and Relationship of "not as good as";论“不如”表达的比较意义与比较关系

parison and Analysis of Farmers" Business Creation in Developed Region and Underdeveloped Region发达地区和欠发达地区农民创业的对比研究

18.The Expression and Activity Analysis of Metase In Different Prokaryote Express SystemMETase在不同原核表达系统中的表达和活性比较


HMC herdmate comparison(加)群伴比较法,同群牛比较法

3)Sir Clifford Darby达比

1.This paper discusses the contribution of the famous British historical geographerSir Clifford Darby to the academic nature of historical geography; cross-section method; case study of regional historical geography; Domesday Geography and cartography.该文论述了英国著名历史地理学家达比对历史地理学学科性质、历史与地理的关系、剖面研究方法、区域历史地理实例研究、《清册地理学》和对地图学等方面的贡献。

4)abelian group加群

1.A class of rings constructed by anabelian group;由一个加群构造的一类交换环

5)Budate Group布达特群

1.Hydrocarbon accumulating model and forecasting of favorable prospecting areas in buried hill ofBudate Group,Beier Sag;贝尔凹陷布达特群潜山油气成藏模式及有利区预测

2.Classification of reservoir types of Budate group in clastic buried hills of Sudeerte structural zone,Hailaer Basin;海拉尔盆地苏德尔特构造带布达特群碎屑岩潜山油藏类型划分

3.Development Period of Fractures in theBudate Group in the Sudeerte Structural Zone,Hailaer Basin;海拉尔盆地苏德尔特构造带布达特群裂缝发育期次研究

6)Dawaxung Group达雄群

1.suzulii and Arctica subexten-sa and the gastropod Biplica obliqu discovered in theDawaxung Group have the features of the Creta-ceous fauna,which suggests that the Dawax ung Group was deposited in the Early Cretaceous Hauterivian-Albrian rather than in the Mid-Upper Jurassic and corresponds completely with the upper part of the Ze-long Group in the area.在达雄群中新发现的双壳Ludbrookiadaxungensis,L。



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