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体内活性 in vivo activity英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-15 07:29:47


体内活性 in vivo activity英语短句 例句大全

体内活性,in vivo activity

1)in vivo activity体内活性


1.Inhibition of K562 Cell Growth in Vitro by the Extract of Musca Domestica Iarvae工程蝇蛆体内活性物质体外抗肿瘤作用的研究

2.Study on the CYP3A Phenotyping in Human by Endogenous Cortisol Metabolism;内源性氢化可的松代谢评价体内CYP3A活性研究

3.a daily cycle of activity observed in many living organisms.生物体内存在的节律性活动。

4.The Study on the Antimicrobial Activities of Achatina Fulica;非洲大蜗牛体内抗菌活性物质的研究

5.Stereotactic Biopsy Diagnosis for Multifocal Gliomas;立体定向活检诊断颅内多发性胶质瘤

6.Research Development of Chitosan Bioactivities in Vivo;壳聚糖的体内生物活性功能研究进展

7.Study on AngiotensionⅠ-Convert Enzyme Inhibiting Activity of Corn and Soybean Peptides in vivo玉米大豆复合肽体内ACE抑制活性研究

8.Influence of lipophilic structure-modification on lipid-modulating effect of berberine in vivo亲脂性修饰对小檗碱体内调脂活性的影响

9.Study of Biological Activities of rhBMP-2 and It s Osteoinductivity Combined with Xenologous Bone Implanted Ectopicly in Vivo;rhBMP-2生物学活性及其复合异种骨体内异位植入的成骨活性研究

10.Studies of the in Vivo Antioxidant Properties and the in Vitro Oxidative Metabolites of Endomorphins内吗啡肽体内抗氧化活性及其体外氧化代谢产物的研究

11.Changes of Matrix Metalloproteinases Activities in Rats with Endotoxin-induced Acute Lung Injury内毒素致大鼠急性肺损伤体内明胶酶的活性变化及意义

12.The expression product shows activity of antitumor in vivo.表达产物在体内具有一定的抗肿瘤活性。

13.The effects of Chinese gallnut on the vitality of oral plaque biofilms in vitro五倍子对口内菌斑生物膜活性影响的体外研究

14.Anti-tumor Principles of Asparagus Filicinus: Structure, Bioactivity and Analysis;小百部的抗肿瘤活性成分及其体内外分析

15.Expression Product of Lumbrukinase Activity in Vivo of Animal Model;蚓激酶表达产物活性在动物体内的检测

16.Microwave Plasma Assisted Internal Electrolysis Used for Treatment of Reactive Dye Wastewater;微波等离子体强化内电解处理活性染料废水

17.Antimalarial Activities of Polysaccharides from Mushroom (Bulgaria Inquinans) and Ginseng (Panax Ginseng) in Mice;胶陀螺和人参多糖在小鼠体内的抗疟活性

18.Study of Antibacterial Activity of Pheromonicin-Streptococcus Pneumoniae;抗肺炎链球菌工程多肽体内外抗菌活性研究


activity of inhibiting sarcoma体内抑瘤活性

3)Antibacterial activity in vivo体内抗菌活性

4)in vivo bioactivity体内生物活性

5)in vivo efficacy体内抗肿瘤活性

6)Activity of antimicrobial体内外抗菌活性


活性粘土,活性白土CAS:68333-91-5中文名称:活性粘土;活性粘土,活性白土英文名称:Bentonite, lime-activated;Activated clay;Bentonite,lime-activated;active clay

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