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辣蓼草 polygonum hydropiper英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-08 00:11:12


辣蓼草 polygonum hydropiper英语短句 例句大全

辣蓼草,polygonum hydropiper

1)polygonum hydropiper辣蓼草

1.Study on the Effects of Polygonum hydropiper on Xiaoqu Quality;辣蓼草对小曲质量的影响研究

2.Effects of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) makino and Polygonum hydropiper on the quality of Xiaoqu绞股蓝与辣蓼草对小曲质量的影响性研究

3.The effects of different ratio ofpolygonum hydropiper,mulberry leaf and polygonum multiflorum thunb leaf,culture time and culture tempreture on microbial species and quantity,saccharifying power,liquefying power,and ferementing rate of Xiaoqu were studied.研究了辣蓼草、桑叶、何首乌3种中草药的不同比例、培曲时间、培曲温度对小曲中的微生物种类和数量、糖化力、液化力及发酵率的影响。


1.Study on the Effects of Polygonum Hydropiper on the Mechanization of Yellow Rice Wine Yeast辣蓼草对机械化黄酒酵母菌的影响研究

2.Effects of Gynostemma pentaphyllum (Thunb.) makino and Polygonum hydropiper on the quality of Xiaoqu绞股蓝与辣蓼草对小曲质量的影响性研究

3.Plantago Mt.Emei Hot Water and The Days were Fine Polygonum RAPD Analysis of Genetic Diversity峨眉山车前草、水辣蓼及天名精RAPD遗传多样性分析

4.North American herbs of the buckwheat family.蓼科荞麦属的北美草本。

5.Study on Chemical Components for Volatile Oil from Polygonum Flaccidum Messin辣蓼挥发性活性成分的GC/MS研究

6.Studies on Extraction Technology, Analysise of Chemical Composition and Insecticidal Activities of Volatile Oil of Polygonum Hydroiper L.;辣蓼挥发油的提取、化学成分分析及杀虫活性测定

7.a family of plants of order Polygonales chiefly of the north temperate zone; includes the buckwheats.蓼属中草本植物科主要在北温带;包括荞麦。

8.Trade-off between Resource Utilization and Coexistence Status of Roegneria kamoji and Polygonum sphaerostachyum of Alpine Meadow in the South of Gansu甘南高寒草甸球花蓼和鹅观草资源利用权衡与共存状态

9.Construction of Vector with GST and CS Dual-gene from Polygonum Sibiricum and Its Transformation to Yeast and Tabacco西伯利亚蓼GST和CS基因双价载体构建及转酵母和烟草研究

10.Chili Powders provide an especially harmonious blend of flavors and pungent smell.红辣椒粉具有混合着特别的香草及辛辣的香味.

11.Season with salt, pepper, herbs, and spices if desired.如果需要,用盐、胡椒、芳草和辣椒来调味。

12.pungent Old World weedy plant.旧大陆的一种带辛辣味的草本植物。

13.The plants tested were sesame, tobacco, wheat, alfalfa and cayenne pepper.供试植物为芝麻、烟草、小麦、紫花苜蓿和辣椒五种。

14.Stress-resistance and the Allelopathy of an Invasive Plant, Galinsoga Parviflora Cav.;入侵植物辣子草抗逆性及化感作用的初步研究

15.Allelopathy of External Invasive Weeds to the Local Capsicum annuum L.in Qiannan外来入侵杂草对黔南土著辣椒的化感作用

16.Technology Research of the Application of Propineb and Imidacloprid Against CMV and TMV of Pepper and Tobacco;应用丙森锌、吡虫啉防治辣椒、烟草黄瓜花叶病、烟草花叶病技术研究

17.herb of the Mediterranean region having pungent seeds used like those of caraway.一种拥有辛辣气味种子的地中海地区的草本植物。

18.tasting the pungent wood sorrel; pungent curry; a pungent smell of burning sulfur.品尝味道刺激的酢浆草;辛辣的咖喱;燃烧的硫磺的刺鼻的气味。



1.The Identification of Rutin inLaliao by TLC and UV;辣蓼中芦丁的薄层及紫外光谱鉴别

2.Study on Preparative Technology forLaliao Granula;辣蓼颗粒制备工艺的研究

3)Polygonum hydropiper L辣蓼

1.Bioactivity of thePolygonum hydropiper L. Extracts against Ectropis obliqua Prout;辣蓼粗提物对茶尺蠖的生物活性

2.Biological activities of crude extracts fromPolygonum hydropiper L. against Pieris rapae L.;辣蓼粗提物对菜青虫的生物活性

4)Polygonum hydropiper Linn辣蓼

1.Five flavonoid compounds were isolated fromPolygonum hydropiper Linn.采用聚酰胺柱层析的方法,从江西宁都辣蓼中分离得到5个黄酮类化合物:金丝桃苷、芦丁、斛皮素、异鼠李素、山萘酚,其中异鼠李素为首次从辣蓼中分离得到。

2.Fengliao Changweikang, an effective prescription used to acute and chronic gastroenteritis in clinic, is composed by Polygonum Hydropiper Linn.枫蓼肠胃康由辣蓼和牛耳枫两味中药组成,是用来治疗急慢性肠胃炎的传统中药。

5)culrage (whole plant)辣蓼(全株)

6)Polygonum Lapathifolinm L蓼草

1.Determination of Trace Elements in Different Parts ofPolygonum Lapathifolinm L.;蓼草不同部位微量元素含量的测定


辣蓼草【通用名称】辣蓼草【其他名称】辣蓼草 (《江苏植药志》) 【来源】为蓼科植物柳叶蓼的全草。 【植物形态】柳叶蓼,又名:绵毛酸模叶蓼。 一年生草本,高0.5~2.5米。茎直立,多分枝,表面有多数紫红色小斑点,被绵毛,节稍膨大。叶互生,有短柄或近乎无柄;叶片披针形,先端渐尖,基部楔形,全缘或微波状,上面深绿色,被疏绒毛,下面密被灰白色绒毛;托鞘膜质,筒状。圆锥花序顶生或腋生,长2~6厘米;花小,绿白色或粉红色,密生;花被4~5裂,有脉,无腺点;雄蕊通常6枚;子房卵圆形,花柱2歧。瘦果卵圆形,扁平,两侧面中部微凹,褐黑色而光亮,包于宿存的花被内。花期初夏。果期秋季。 生于近水草地、流水沟中,或阴湿处。分布南北各地。 本植物的果实(水红花子)亦供药用,另详专条。 同属植物辣蓼、水蓼、假长尾蓼和本品的全草,在不同地区均作辣蓼入药。 【药理作用】辣蓼(品种未鉴定)煎剂20~60%对各种痢疾杆菌于试管内均有抑制作用。新鲜或干燥辣蓼全草的流浸膏或煎剂涂于皮肤,能预防小白鼠感染血吸虫尾蚴。 【性味】辛,温。 【功用主治】消肿止痛。治肿疡,痢疾腹痛。 【用法与用量】内服:煎汤,1~3钱。外用:捣敷。 【选方】治痢疾:辣蓼一把。晒干,浓煎温服。(性味以下出《江苏药材志》)

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