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发展意识 consciousness of development英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-11-25 05:50:14


发展意识 consciousness of development英语短句 例句大全

发展意识,consciousness of development

1)consciousness of development发展意识

1.The problems to be solved include: firstly, how to create a good social environment for this program, how to change people s mind and reinforce theirconsciousness of development; secondly, how to consummate the operating system of obligatory education so that society, schools, and families can take their own responsibility and supervise each other s active operation.工作建议 :一是营造“普九”的良好社会环境 ,转变人们思想观念 ,增强人们的发展意识 ;二是完善义务教育的运行机制 ,社会、学校、家庭各尽其责互相督促能动运作 ,完善机制包括导向机制、运作机制和社会监督机


1.Strengthening people"s awareness of the coordinated development of population, resources and environment.34、增强人口、资源、环境协调发展意识。

2.Formation of Consciousness of Being prepared for Unexpected and Significance of Enhancing the Consciousness at Present;忧患意识的形成发展及目前强化该意识的意义

3.Human-being’s free full development: comment on The German Ideology;人的自由全面发展:读《德意志意识形态》

4.Deutsche Ideology" and Comprehensive Development of Mankind;《德意志意识形态》与人的全面发展

5.Self-consciousness produces when consciousness develops on high level.意识发展的一个较高水平就是自我意识的确立。

6.ASEAN Consciousness of Cultural Feature-ASEAN Consciousness and ASEAN Development ( I )东盟的文化特征意识——东盟意识与东盟的发展(Ⅰ)

7.The Development of Young Children s Chinese and English Phonological Awareness;幼儿期汉语语音意识和英语语音意识的发展

8.The development of ironic thinking has kept pace with that of the subjective consciousness.反讽思维的发展与主体意识的发展同步。

9.Effects of Pinyin Learning on Development of Phonological Awareness in Kindergarten拼音学习对幼儿语音意识发展的影响

10.Discussion on Sustainable Development and Consciousness of Environmental Law in Chian略论我国可持续发展与环境法律意识

11.The Scientific Reconstruct and Developmental Landscape of Consciousness World;意识心理世界的科学重建与发展前景

12.On the National Aesthetic Consciousness from the Development of the Chinese Figure Painting;从中国人物画的发展看民族审美意识

13.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Further Developed in Hardy s Novels;哈代小说在悲剧意识上的继承与发展

14.Study on Recreational Mainstream Ideology during Development of Modern Sports;现代体育发展过程中的娱乐主流意识

15.An Appoarch of Developing Learners Language Awaerness;促进学习者语言意识发展的对策(英文)

16.The Development of Syntactic Awareness in 4~10-year-old Chinese Children;4~10岁汉语儿童句法意识的发展

17.Strengthening the Sense of Public Products and Promoting the Development of Education;强化公共产品意识 推进教育事业发展

18.The emergence and development of orthographic awareness among foreign learners of Chinese as a second language;留学生汉字正字法意识的萌芽与发展


development of consciousness意识发展

1.From the perspective ofdevelopment of consciousness in human society,Pospelov holds that arts do not break away from other social consciousnesses and become ideological until the primitive clan system converted to class national system.波斯彼洛夫从人类社会意识发展的角度出发,认为从原始氏族制度向阶级的国家制度转变时期才使得艺术从其他的社会意识中分离出来,具有了意识形态的特性。

3)model of consciousness development意识发展模型

1.Based on themodel of consciousness development, the paper puts forward pragmatic methods in experiment teaching from four aspects: accumulation of former consciousness, activation of former consciousness, development of consciousness, and function of recollection unconscious- ness.文章利用意识发展模型的内容,结合实验课教学中的实际情况,从原意识的积累、原意识的激活、原意识的发展、意识性无意识的作用四个方面,提出实验课教学实践的执行方法。

4)sustainable development consciousness可持续发展意识

1.Strengthening the education ofsustainable development consciousness is an important act for the culture of persons with ability that adapt to the need of China Society.高校重视并不断加强可持续发展意识教育,是培养适合当代中国社会发展需要的高素质、高质量人才的重要举措,对于我国建设可持续发展的和谐社会具有重要意义。

5)intentional self-development有意识自我发展

6)history of moral consciousness development道德意识发展史


海斯国家意识发展论海斯国家意识发展论Hess" develpmental theory of national loyalty海斯国家意识发展论(H ess,develpmentaltheory of national loyalty)海斯与托尼(Hess,R.D.和Torney,J.v.)根据对1000名美国小学儿童调查研究的结果,于1967年提出的关于儿童的国家意识发展的三阶段论。他们认为,儿童的国家意识的发展可分为三个阶段:(l)国家象征期。早期儿童把象征国家的国旗、国歌和国家领袖视为国家,他们对国家的爱,往往表现在尊敬国家象征的言行中。(2)抽象国家观念期。中期儿童把诸如自由、民主、投票权等有关国家的抽象观念视为国家的代表,往往以这种抽象观念作为爱国的根据。(3)国际组织系统期。后期儿童已认识到世界是由许多国家所组成,自己的国家为国际结构中的成员之一,以国家在国际关系中所担任的角色为忠诚的对象。儿童的爱国观念不再局限于国内,己扩展到国家在国际上所担任的职责中。(成立夫撰巨巫国审)

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