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黄静案 case of Huang Jing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-07-21 17:46:06


黄静案 case of Huang Jing英语短句 例句大全

黄静案,case of Huang Jing

1)case of Huang Jing黄静案

1.From thecase of Huang Jing,we can see that due process and reasonable explanation of a judgment are essential conditions,which are dialectical.分析"华人网络第一案"黄静案可以看出,正当程序和判决的合理化说明是其两个基本条件,而且这两个条件处于一种辩证关系。


1.On the Justification of "the First Case of the Chinese Network"--the Case of Huang Jing--An Explanation in the Perspective of Judge’s Right of Discretion;论“华人网络第一案”黄静案的正当性——以法官自由裁量权为角度的说明

2.On News Media"s Trial: From the Perspective of "Huang Jing Case" in Xiangtan论“媒体审判”对司法的影响——以湘潭“黄静”案为视角

3.a peaceful evening, scene, death宁静的黄昏、 静谧

4.Look at the lumps in the river, she thought, silently staring at it. They"ve solidified.瞧,这黄河的块,她静静地凝望着黄河想,它凝住啦。

5.In the quiet evening I am sitting among her children.在幽静的黄昏,我坐在她的孩子们中间。

6.The room was quiet in the dimness of early evening.幽暗的黄昏中,房间一片宁静。

7.The water looked peaceful and yellow in the moon light.海水非常平静,在日光下变成了黄色。

8.Blue, for example, is peaceful, and yellow is brash.例如,蓝色表示宁静,黄色表示急躁。

9.Quiet came over the marketplace towards the evening.黄昏时分,市场寂静下来了。

10.On that yellow dirt road there wasn"t a breath of sound.那些黄土路静寂得没有头儿。

11.Some of the best are to be found in Huang Pong and Jing An districts.其中最好的中心位于黄浦和静安两区。

12.New Textual Research on the Location of Prefecture of Yellow Dragon;黄龙府新考——《静晤室日记》读后(下)

13.Joint application of statics methods in loess tableland.静校正方法在黄土塬地区的联合应用

14.Tentative Design for Test Table of ESG静电陀螺测试转台电气部分方案设计

15.Design for R&D Project of HBIG-Ⅳ of SY Company;SY公司静注HBIG开发方案设计

16.Emperor Yongzheng s "the Confucian Scholar is Keen to Debate"--On the literary inquisition of Zeng Jing-Lv Liuliang;雍正帝的“夫子好辩”——曾静吕留良案考论

17.Teaching Case for Static System Division of Beam Bridge“梁式桥静力体系划分”教学案例分析

18.Grey trees, grey earth, grey houses lay silently beneath the leaden sky.灰色的树木,灰色的土地,灰色的房屋,都静静的立在灰黄色的天下;


ZengJing"s Case曾静案

3)plan for channelling the Huanghe River导黄方案

4)law case of Blue Videodisc黄碟案

1.Thelaw case of Blue Videodisc in Yan an was just the conflict between the public right and the private right.延安"黄碟案"正是公权力与私权利的冲突。

5)Huang Ya Mount Incident黄崖教案

1.In 1866,Huang Ya Mount Incident occurred in Shan Dong in which about 2 or 3 thousand followers of Tai Gu School burned themselves to death.186 6年发生了山东黄崖教案 ,太谷学派弟子为反抗清廷自焚二三千人。

6)Huang Jingyi黄静仪


黄案1.尚书省的案卷﹑文书。 2.黄色盘案。

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