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抗腐蚀磨损 corrosive-wearing resistance英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-21 11:01:06


抗腐蚀磨损 corrosive-wearing resistance英语短句 例句大全

抗腐蚀磨损,corrosive-wearing resistance

1)corrosive-wearing resistance抗腐蚀磨损

1.The results show that the corrosive-wear mechanism of low chromium white cast iron in slurries with Cu2+ is dominated by micro-cutting,groove and corrosion spalling;thecorrosive-wearing resistance can be improved by controlling the carbon content,adding nickel to the iron and adding CaO to the slurries.结果表明,低铬白口铸铁在Cu2+离子的浆料介质中的磨损机制以显微切削、犁沟和腐蚀剥落为主;通过控制铸铁中的含碳量、加入微量镍,可以提高铸铁的韧性,同时向矿浆中加入石灰石(CaO)等措施,可以提高其抗腐蚀磨损能力。


1.Influence of Copper on Abrasion Resistance of Wear-Resisting Casting Steel for Mines铜对矿山用耐磨铸钢抗腐蚀磨损性能的影响

2.Measures to Improve Corrosive-wear Resistance of Low Chromium White Cast Iron in Slurries提高低铬钒钛白口铸铁磨球在铜矿浆料中抗腐蚀磨损的措施

3.Experimental Study of Stainless Steel Cladding Layer Corrosion Resistance and Wear Resistance不锈钢堆焊层抗磨损腐蚀性能的实验研究

4.Frictional Wear Resistance and Corrosion Resistance of Ag/Ti-6Al-4V Alloy System Treated by Plasma Immersion Ion Implantation Technique (PIII)TC4合金表面全方位离子注入Ag的耐摩擦磨损和抗腐蚀性能

5.Research Progress on Erosion-corrosion and Cavitation Erosion of Duplex Stainless Steel双相不锈钢的磨损腐蚀与空泡腐蚀研究进展

6.Study on Wear and Corrosion Properties of New Type Austenitic Stainless Steel;新型奥氏体不锈钢磨损、腐蚀性能研究

7.Corrosion and Wear Resistance of Al Ion Implanted AZ31 Magnesium Alloys;铝离子注入AZ31镁合金的腐蚀磨损研究

8.Wear and corrosion properties of 45 steel boronised using Nd_2O_3 as activator稀土粉末渗硼45钢的磨损与腐蚀性能

9.Corrosion and Wear Behavior of LY12 Aluminum Alloy in RainwaterLY12铝合金在雨水中的腐蚀磨损

10.EPDM has good abrasion and tear resistance and offers excellent chemical resistance to a variety of acids and alkalines.EPDM具有良好的抗磨损和抗撕裂性能,以及优秀的抗酸碱化学腐蚀的性能。

11.The group of natural processes, including weathering, dissolution, abrasion, corrosion, and transportation, by which material is worn away from the earth"s surface.腐蚀,侵蚀指使材料从地表磨损、消耗的一组自然过程,包括风化、溶解、磨蚀、浪蚀、腐蚀和搬运


13.Research on Micro-scale Abrasive Wear of TLM Titanium Alloys in Simulated Body Fluid Environment人体腐蚀环境下TLM钛合金的微磨粒磨损研究

14.Feature:Abrasion resistant,stabilized shiny SPVC film;non-corrosive,resistant toacids,oils,moisture,humidity.好的防磨损性,稳定性好,无腐蚀性,防潮湿抗酸性,抗油性,具有光亮的PVC薄膜层。

15.The results show that there are higher grain grade and hardness,lower dilution and better performance of resistance to abrasion,wear and anti-erosion in the laser cladding layer.激光熔覆层中的组织晶粒度和硬度高,稀释率低,抗摩擦磨损和抗腐蚀性能好;

16.a type of bronze used for parts subject to wear or corrosion (especially corrosion by sea water).根据磨损或腐蚀情况(尤其是被海水腐蚀)部分使用的青铜。

17.Corrosion and Corrosion-wear Behavior of Modified Layers on Titanium and Its Alloy;钛及钛合金表面改性层腐蚀及腐蚀磨损性能的研究

18.The purpose of Lubrication in ball screw applications is to reduce friction and wear, provide anti-corrosion, cooling, and foreign substance displacement measures.滚丝杠的润滑是为了减少摩擦磨损,抵抗腐蚀,冷却,减少外部物质的影响。


corrosive wear腐蚀磨损

1.Effect of aging treatment oncorrosive wear characteristics of σ strengthening austenite stainless steel;时效处理对σ相强化奥氏体不锈钢腐蚀磨损特性的影响

2.Environmental embrittlement of materials incorrosive wear;腐蚀磨损过程中材料的环境脆性

3.Investigation oncorrosive wear property of nano-Al_2O_3 particles reinforced Ni-based alloying layer纳米Al_2O_3颗粒增强Ni基复合镀渗合金层的腐蚀磨损性能研究


1.A newcorrosion-wear resistant alloy for pumps used in hydrometallurgy of zinc and it"s heat treatment were studied.设计了用于湿法炼锌介质环境的新型耐腐蚀磨损合金的化学成分和热处理工艺,通过金相显微镜、电子探针、扫描电镜、腐蚀磨损试验等方法,分析了新型合金的显微组织、磨损形貌,研究了它与对比钢CD-4MCu、常用叶轮材料YL的腐蚀磨损性能。

2.The characteristics ofcorrosion-wear of 13Cr-24Mn-0.44N不锈钢在体液润滑条件下具有良好的抗腐蚀磨损能力,单位时间的磨损量仅为水润滑条件下的25%左右,摩擦因数下降了近30%。

3.The microstructure,corrosion resistance in acidmedia as well ascorrosion-wear behaviors under different impact velocities or in acid media with various densities were investigated for the all laser remelted alloy coatings.研究了在45钢表面进行激光熔敷镍基合金、镍基Cr2O3合金和镍基WC合金的熔敷层的组织结构、耐蚀性及不同冲击速度和不同浓度的腐蚀介质下的腐蚀磨损特性。


1.Corrosion-erosion Resistance of High Chromium Cast Iron Cr28 in Wet Parts of Slurry Pump in Alumina Ore;氧化铝矿用渣浆泵过流件高铬铸铁Cr28的腐蚀磨损性能

2.Microstructure andCorrosion-erosion Resistance of Directionally Solidified High Cr Cast Iron;定向凝固高铬铸铁Cr28的组织和腐蚀磨损性能

3.The parts of slurry pump which carbides plumbwith working face, is got by using the technology in directional solidification,it make resistance to corrosion-erosion heighten.分析了材料失重过程中腐蚀磨损的交互作用。


1.Thewear-corrosion behavior of 316L stainless steel,which is one of the most frequently used biomedical materials for artificial joints,was studied in distilled water and Hank′s solution.对人工关节常用的生物医用材料 316L不锈钢在蒸馏水和Hank′s模拟体液条件下的腐蚀磨损行为进行了研究,通过改变载荷和磨损时间考察了不同因素对其腐蚀磨损的影响规律。

2.The Corrosive wear properties of Ni60 +20%WC alloy coatings by laser cladded process have been measured andwear-corrosion surface morphologies in diffirent impact velocities and sulphuric-acid concentrations have been studied by SEM.测定了Ni60+20%WC合金激光熔敷层的腐蚀磨损性能,用扫描电镜研究了冲击速度和介质浓度对腐蚀磨损表面形貌的影响。

3.In this paper,the progress inwear-corrosion research in apparatus,influencing factors and use of surface modifaction to enhancewear-corrosion resistance is summarized,and the development trends in this field are also pointed out.综述了最近几年来,腐蚀磨损的测试设备、影响因素以及利用表面改性提高腐蚀磨损性能方面的研究进展状况,并指出未来研究腐蚀磨损主要工作方向。

6)corrosion wear腐蚀磨损

1.Thecorrosion wear behavior of titanium alloy TC11 flat was investigated in artificial sea water and distilled water by using ball-on-flat configuration with 5 mm reciprocating amplitude.采用球-面接触方式,在振幅为5 mm条件下研究了TC11钛合金在人造海水和纯净水中的往复滑动腐蚀磨损行为,采用扫描电子显微镜观察磨屑和磨痕表面形貌,用能谱仪测试微区元素分布,用非接触式表面形貌仪测定磨痕的三维表面形貌及其磨损体积损失,研究了载荷、滑动频率以及介质对TC11钛合金摩擦系数和磨损量的影响,并用动电位扫描法分析TC11在腐蚀磨损前后的电化学行为。

2.The effect of Si content on thecorrosion wear resistance of low chromium white cast iron in the slurry with Cu2+ ion was studied by three-bodycorrosion wear test.采用三体腐蚀磨损试验方法研究了硅对低铬白口铸铁在含铜离子浆料介质中的腐蚀磨损耐磨性的影响。

3.Thecorrosion wear characteristics of three kinds of stainless steels were investigated by using self-made corrosion-wear tester in the condition of different solid/liquid ratio; concentration of sulfuric acid and erode speed.利用自行设计的腐蚀磨损试验装置研究了三种不锈钢在不同固液比、硫酸浓度和线速度的条件下的耐腐蚀磨损性能;结果表明,在低硫酸浓度、高固液比和高线速度的条件下,沉淀硬化马氏体不锈钢具有良好的耐腐蚀磨损性能;而在腐蚀性较强、线速度较大的条件下,双相不锈钢的耐腐蚀磨损性能优于沉淀硬化马氏体不锈钢和奥氏体不锈钢;第二相强化奥氏体不锈钢在腐蚀性较强、耐磨性较弱的环境中耐腐蚀磨损性能较好。



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