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宪政斗争 constitutional struggle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-11 06:50:51


宪政斗争 constitutional struggle英语短句 例句大全

宪政斗争,constitutional struggle

1)constitutional struggle宪政斗争

1.Theconstitutional struggles between the House of Commons and the British monarchy in early Stuart England are mainly viewed from the two aspects of establishment of parliamentary sovereignty and striving for Rule of Law.英国斯图亚特王朝早期下议院与王权的宪政斗争主要体现在确立议会主权和争取法治两个方面。


1.On the Constitutional Struggles in Early Stuart England论英国斯图亚特王朝早期的宪政斗争

2.Struggle and Compromise--On the Settlement Pattern of Constitutional Conflict of England in the 17th Century;斗争与妥协——十七世纪英国宪政冲突解决模式初探

rades, real constitutional government will never come easily;it can only be obtained through hard struggle.同志们,真正的宪政决不是容易到手的,是要经过艰苦斗争才能取得的。

4.But every class struggle is a political struggle.而一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争。

5.This is a great political and ideological struggle.这是一个伟大的政治斗争和思想斗争。

6.Every class struggle is a political struggle.一切阶级斗争都是政治斗争。

7.Disputes over Revising, Writing or Implementing the “Constitution” and the “national Identity” issue in the Figuring of Taiwan’s “ Constitutional Order”;“修宪”、“制宪”、“行宪”之争与台湾“宪政秩序”塑造中的“国家认同”

8.Constitutional Change in the Context of China s Constitution;中国宪法语境下之宪法变迁——兼评“《物权法》争议”的宪政意义

9.The current struggle against the Rightists is essentially a political one.这次反右派斗争的性质,主要是政治斗争。

10.It is the objective of the struggle of every country to really realize the constitutional government.真正地实现宪政是每个国家的奋斗目标。

11.Reflection on Constitutional Controversies about China s Administrative Division Structure;对我国行政区划体制宪法争议的思考

12.Review on Argumentation about Democratic Constitutionalism During 1939-1940;1939-1940年关于民主宪政的争论述评

13.The first Constitutional Movement in Kuomintang-controlled areas During Anti-Japanese War抗日战争时期国统区第一次宪政运动

14.Political contests become a struggle for total power.政治竞争成了夺取全部权力的斗争。

15.Class struggle takes various forms. This time it is chiefly a political, not a military or an economic, struggle.阶级斗争有各种形式,这次主要是政治斗争,不是军事斗争,不是经济斗争。

16.A Survey of the Debate on the Questions of Party Government and Constitutionalism by the Chinese Kuomintang in Earlier Stages of Xunzheng;训政前期中国国民党党治与宪政问题争论综述

17.The Comparison of the Constitutional Thought between Middle Force during Anti-Japanese War and Sun Yat-sen s Five-power;抗日战争时期中间势力宪政思想与孙中山五权宪法思想之比较

18.It has rich experience in struggle and governance.有着丰富的斗争经验和执政经验。


political struggle政治斗争

1.Literary inquisitions in the North Song Dynasty resulted frompolitical struggles in the court,which dominated such cases by means of official admonition.以政治斗争为主线,以台谏为工具,是北宋大部分文字狱的主要构成要素。

2.He was dragged inpolitical struggles involuntarily,and exiled for two times.陈梦雷是我国清朝前期一位著名学者,身不由己地牵连于政治斗争中,两次被流放塞外,其坎坷的人生经历昭示了知识分子在封建社会无常的仕途命运。

3.Even today, religion still remains an important tool forpolitical struggle.人类创造了宗教,并与之进行着无情的斗争,直到今天,宗教依然是政治斗争的重要工具。

3)Partisan Rivalry政党斗争

4)military and political struggle军事与政治斗争

5)strategic political struggles策略的政治斗争

6)demands of political struggle政治斗争需要



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