失眠网 > 近井储层稳定性 Stability of near well formation英语短句 例句大全

近井储层稳定性 Stability of near well formation英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-06 23:35:07


近井储层稳定性 Stability of near well formation英语短句 例句大全

近井储层稳定性,Stability of near well formation

1)Stability of near well formation近井储层稳定性

2)relative stability of reservoir space储层的空间相对稳定性

3)reservoir in near region of thermal recovery well近井地带储集层


5)storing stability储藏稳定性

1.Thestoring stability of olive oil and three kinds of fat and oils is studied in different storing conditions.将橄榄油和3种常用油脂储存在高温、常温、低温、光照和避光等6种不同的条件下,研究其储藏稳定性。

2.The results showed that thestoring stability of highland barley was higher than that of wheat.从青稞和小麦在储藏期间的生命活性、脂肪、蛋白质、酶和碳水化合物等的变化,比较研究了他们的储藏稳定性,结果认为青稞的储藏稳定性高于小麦的储藏稳定性。


1.Studies on Producing Cloudy Apple Juice and Storage Stability of the Products;混浊苹果汁的研制及其储藏稳定性的研究

2.The partially frozen product has a highly desirable storage stability for extended periods of time.部分冷冻产品在长期储存时有较高的储藏稳定性。

3.Effect of radiation on the properties of pullulan edible films and their storage stability普鲁兰可食膜辐照灭菌后性能变化及储藏稳定性研究

4.Study on the Effect of Whey Protein Hydrolysate on the Growth and Storage Stability of Lactobacillus in Yoghurt乳清蛋白酶解物对酸奶中乳酸菌生长和储藏稳定性的影响

5.The Role of Neutral Trehalase in Conidiospore Stability During the Storage of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium Anisopliae;昆虫病原真菌金龟子绿僵菌中性海藻糖酶在孢子储藏稳定性中的作用

6.The objective of this dissertation is to develop an enzymatic technology for processing clear banana juice and investigated its stability.本课题研究了酶法液化生产澄清型香蕉汁的工艺及果汁的储藏稳定性。

7.Stability of capsaicinoids in toasted processing and in storage辣椒素类物质在烤制加工和储藏中的稳定性

8.Final wine color is determined also by pigment stability during storage, which is dependent to a considerable degree on grape variety.葡萄酒的最终颜色还取决于储藏过程中色素的稳定性,这在很大程度上由葡萄品种所决定.

9.Study on Storage Stability of Wheat Germ and Develope Suspending Beverage小麦胚的储藏稳定化研究及悬浮饮料研制

10.Study on Storage Stability of SBS Modified Asphalt and StabilizerSBS改性沥青储存稳定性与稳定剂的研究

11.Influences of stabilizer on storage stability of SBS modified asphalt稳定剂对SBS改性沥青储存稳定性的影响

12.Both processes apply thermal treatment to food products in an effort to improve the stability of the product during storage.这两个过程对食品均采用热处理方法,其目的是提高产品在储藏过程中的稳定性。


14.Ultrahigh-density Data Memory Based on the Bi-stable States;基于两态稳定性的超高密度数据存储

15.Stability analysis of the supply system of foreign exchange reserve in China;我国外汇储备供给系统的稳定性分析

16.Study on the Effect of Cosolvents to Storage Stability of Ethanol Gasoline助溶剂对乙醇汽油储存稳定性的研究

17.Research on Bank Slope Stability of Nujiang River Bridge in Zuogong, Xizang Province;西藏左贡县怒江大桥桥台稳定性分析

18.Effect of antioxidants on the storage stability of almond oil抗氧化剂对杏仁油贮藏稳定性的影响


relative stability of reservoir space储层的空间相对稳定性

3)reservoir in near region of thermal recovery well近井地带储集层


5)storing stability储藏稳定性

1.Thestoring stability of olive oil and three kinds of fat and oils is studied in different storing conditions.将橄榄油和3种常用油脂储存在高温、常温、低温、光照和避光等6种不同的条件下,研究其储藏稳定性。

2.The results showed that thestoring stability of highland barley was higher than that of wheat.从青稞和小麦在储藏期间的生命活性、脂肪、蛋白质、酶和碳水化合物等的变化,比较研究了他们的储藏稳定性,结果认为青稞的储藏稳定性高于小麦的储藏稳定性。

6)storage stability储存稳定性

1.Preparation of modified bituminous emulsion and itsstorage stability;乳化改性沥青的研制及其储存稳定性

2.Effect of hydrophilic colloids onstorage stability and sensory quality of defatted yoghurt;亲水胶体对脱脂发酵乳储存稳定性和感官品质的影响

3.Effect of stabilizer to thestorage stability of modified asphalt emulsion;稳定剂对乳化改性沥青储存稳定性的影响


相对稳定性频率域内表征控制系统稳定性裕量的一种性能指标。在工程应用中,对一个控制系统的要求常常不限于能够稳定运行,还希望它有一定的稳定裕量,这是保证控制系统具有良好的过渡过程性能所必需的。相对稳定性的概念通常只适用于特性为线性且参数不随时间变化的线性定常系统。度量系统稳定裕量的特征量有相角裕量和增益裕量。对于闭环控制系统,相角裕量γ 和增益裕量h 可以根据系统的开环频率响应特性来确定,常用的方法有两种。①根据开环频率响应的奈奎斯特图确定相角裕量和增益裕量。奈奎斯特图是频率响应的一种表达方式。在以横轴为实轴和纵轴为虚轴的复数平面上,画出系统开环频率响应 G(jω)的奈奎斯特图(图1中的实线),再画出以坐标原点O为圆心和半径为1的单位圆的一段圆弧(图1中的虚线),可得两者的交点 A,以及奈奎斯特曲线与负实轴的交点 B。闭环控制系统的相角裕量γ 就规定为线段OA与负实轴的交角,并且把从负实轴算起的沿逆时针方向得到的相角裕量规定为正值。增益裕量 h规定为线段OB 长度的倒数。为使最小相位系统稳定,相角裕量应为正值,增益裕量应大于1。 ②根据开环频率响应的波德图确定相角裕量和增益裕量。波德图是频率响应的另一种常用表达方式。画出系统开环频率响应的波德图(图2),图中L是对数幅值曲线,嗘 是相角曲线。由波德图可得到曲线L与ω轴的交点A和曲线嗘与-180°线的交点B。由A点向下作引出线可定出相角裕量γ,当γ 位于-180°线上方时规定为正值;而由B点向上作引出线可定出hl,它是以分贝(用dB表示)为单位给出的增益裕量,在数值上为hl=20logh。如果对于给定的某个闭环控制系统,其相角裕量为0°,增益裕量为1,那么图1中的交点A和B就重合而位于负实轴上的-1点,这意味着给定系统处于临界不稳定状态(见奈奎斯特稳定判据)。因此,相角裕量和增益裕量给出了最小相位系统离出现临界不稳定的裕量大小。当γ 和 h的值越大时表示系统的稳定裕量越大,但过大的γ和h值会对系统过渡过程的快速性产生不利的影响。根据经验,为了得到比较满意的过渡过程性能,相角裕量γ 通常选择在30°~60°,增益裕量的对数值hl取为大于6分贝。参考书目绪方胜彦著,卢伯英等译:《现代控制工程》,科学出版社,北京,1976。(Katsuhiko Ogata,ModernControl Engineering, Prentice-Hall, New York,1970.)

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