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静脉麻醉 Intravenous anesthesia英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-06 12:19:19


静脉麻醉 Intravenous anesthesia英语短句 例句大全

静脉麻醉,Intravenous anesthesia

1)Intravenous anesthesia静脉麻醉

1.The application of propofol combined with remifentanil in intravenous anesthesia for gastroscopy;瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚静脉麻醉在无痛胃镜检查中的应用

2.Safety and comfort effect observation and nursing for patients with gastroscopy by intravenous anesthesia;静脉麻醉胃镜检查舒适效果的观察与护理

3.A clinical observation of intravenous anesthesia applied in artificial abortion;静脉麻醉用于人工流产手术的临床观察


1.intravenous anesthesia equipment for dentistry牙科静脉麻醉用器械

perision of Intravenous Anesthesia Combined with Continuous Epidural Anesthesia and Total Intravenous Anesthesia;静脉麻醉复合持续硬膜外阻滞和全凭静脉麻醉效应的比较

3.Advantages of gastroscopic injection of sclerosing agent under intravenous anesthesia in treatment of esophageal pile静脉麻醉硬化剂治疗食管静脉曲张优势

4.Applying of Family Intravenous Anesthesia in the Course of Induced Abortion静脉麻醉在家庭化人工流产中的应用

5.Study of Remifentanil-Propofol Total Intravenous Anaesthesia;瑞芬太尼.异丙酚全凭静脉麻醉研究

6.The Analysis on 170 Patients with Painless Abortion;170例经静脉麻醉人工流产手术分析

7.Observe of anesthesia with target-controlled infusion of propofol-remifenentanil versus isoflurane.;丙泊酚复合瑞芬太尼靶控静脉麻醉与静吸复合麻醉的临床观察

parative analysis of balanced anesthesia and total intravenous anesthesia on stress response during peri-operation period静吸复合麻醉与全凭静脉麻醉对围手术期应激反应的影响

9.Analeptic Action of Xingnaojing Injection in Patients Undergoing Total Intravenous Anesthesia醒脑静注射液对全静脉麻醉患者恢复期的影响

10.Effects of Phenobarbital and Intravenous Anesthetics on the Pparmacokinetics of Lidocaine During Anesthesia;苯巴比妥及静脉麻醉药对麻醉用利多卡因药代动力学的影响

11.The experience in anesthesia of radical mastectomy with epidural assisted intravenous anesthesia硬膜外辅助静脉麻醉用于乳腺癌根治术的麻醉体会

parison of postoperative cognitive functions between total intravenous anesthesia and inhaled anesthesia in elderly patients全凭静脉麻醉与吸入麻醉对老年患者术后认知功能影响的比较

13.Evaluation of Combined Epidural and Intravenous Anesthesia for Laparoscopic Ligation of Varicocele硬膜外复合静脉麻醉用于腹腔镜精索静脉结扎术的探讨

14.Ketamine and propofol are widely used in clinic.氯胺酮、丙酚是临床广泛使用的静脉麻醉药。

15.Clinical Observation of Induced Abortion with Propofol and Fentanyl Venous Anesthesia丙泊酚、芬太尼静脉麻醉人工流产的临床观察

16.Target-controlled-infusion(TCI) of Propofol and Remifentanil in the Total Intravenous Anesthesia瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚靶控输注全静脉麻醉


18.The Clinical Observation of Compound Intravenous Anesthesia on 800 Cases of Induced Abortion复合静脉麻醉实施无痛人工流产800例临床观察



1.Remifentanil or Tramadol with PropofolAnesthesia for Hysteroscopic Surgery;瑞芬太尼与曲马多复合异丙酚静脉麻醉用于宫腔镜电切术

2.Objective To evaluate the effects and the safety of remifentanil with propofol anesthesia for ultrasound-guided oocyte pickup by vagina puncturing.目的评价瑞芬太尼复合异丙酚静脉麻醉用于B超引导下经阴道穿刺取卵术的安全性和有效性。

3.Anesthesia was induced with propofol 2 mg/kg,snfentanil 1μg/kg and rocuronium 0.结论在非肌松、深麻醉状态下,BIS对舒芬太尼复合异丙酚静脉麻醉深度的监测不受肌电活动的影响。

3)intravenous anaesthesia静脉麻醉

1.Effects of propofolintravenous anaesthesia on hemodynamics in women undergoing induced abortion by applicating thoracic electrical bioimpedance;应用胸电生物阻抗法观察丙泊酚静脉麻醉对血流动力学的影响

4)introvenous anesthesia静脉麻醉

1.Remifentanil with propofolintrovenous anesthesia used in pediatric ophthalmic surgery;瑞芬太尼联合丙泊酚静脉麻醉在小儿眼科手术中的应用

5)intravenous anesthesia静脉内麻醉

6)intravenous anesthetics静脉麻醉药

1.Effects ofintravenous anesthetics on LPS-induced production of tumour necrosis factor-α from primary cultures of rat glial cells in vitro;静脉麻醉药对脂多糖诱导的神经胶质细胞产生TNF-α的影响

2.It has been shown thatintravenous anesthetics, such as non-competitive NMDA antagonists (ketamine) or GABAmimetics (propofol) have neuroprotection.已知静脉麻醉药 ,如非竞争性NMDA受体拮抗剂 (氯胺酮 )和GABA受体模拟剂 (丙泊酚 )有神经保护作用 ,该文就它们的神经保护作用的受体机制研究加以综

3.Based on the review of the development of Intravenous anesthetics and the introduction of barbiturate and nonbarbiturate, the synthesis processes of Propanidid and its key intermediate 4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenylacetonitrile has been summarized in the thesis.简要概述了静脉麻醉药的发展,尤其对巴比妥类与非巴比妥类麻醉药作了着重介绍。


静脉麻醉静脉麻醉intravenous anesthesia将麻醉药注入静脉,经血循环作用于中枢神经系统,从而产生全身麻醉。具有诱导及苏醒快而舒适、不刺激呼吸道、不燃烧爆炸、不污染大气及操作管理简单等优点。但药注入静脉后,只能依靠体内代谢排出,一旦过量,处理较难。多数静脉药的镇静及肌肉松弛作用不强,需用辅助药物以增强效果。按药物作用方式又分为静脉基础、静脉诱导和静脉维持三类。给药方法亦有单次注入,分次注入和连续滴注三种。静脉全麻药物品种多,且常按药物品种命名,临床应用颇广。

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