失眠网 > 广义线性混合效应模型 generalized linear mixed models英语短句 例句大全

广义线性混合效应模型 generalized linear mixed models英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-27 18:37:52


广义线性混合效应模型 generalized linear mixed models英语短句 例句大全

广义线性混合效应模型,generalized linear mixed models

1)generalized linear mixed models广义线性混合效应模型

1.Objective :To discussgeneralized linear mixed models(GLMMs) of categorical repeated measurement datas in clinical curative effect evaluation,implementing with GLIMMIX macro in SAS8.目的:探讨临床疗效评价中分类重复测量资料的广义线性混合效应模型(GLMMs)及SAS8。


1.Asymptotic Properties of Estimation in Generalized Partial Linear Mixed Models半参数广义线性混合效应模型的估计及其渐近性质

2.The Application of Generalized Linear Mixed Models in Actuarial Analysis;广义线性混合模型在精算分析中的应用

3.Bayesian Generalized Linear Mixed Model and Its Applications in Medical贝叶斯广义线性混合模型及其医学应用

4.Estimates of Variance Components in Linear Mixed Models with Random Effects线性混合效应模型中方差分量的估计

5.Mixed-type Data Monitoring Using Generalized Linear Model-Adjusted Scheme;基于广义线性模型的混合数据监控方案

6.Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Empirical Ratemaking基于广义线性混合模型的经验费率厘定

7.Mixed-Effects State Space Models with Disturbances of GED;基于广义误差分布的混合效应状态空间模型

8.Covariance Matrix Estimate in Linear Mixed Models;线性混合效应模型协方差阵的估计问题

9.Study on Nonlinear Mixed Effect Model for Evaluation of Muscovy Body Weight for Growth番鸭体重生长非线性混合效应模型评价的研究

10.Extensions on Long-term Survivor Model with Random Effects对随机效应混合治愈模型的一些推广

11.Generalized Linear Mixed Model for Outstanding Claims Reserves;基于广义线性混合模型的索赔准备金的估计方法

12.Variable Selection in Joint Generalized Linear Models联合广义线性模型中的变量选择(英文)

13.An Application of Generalized Linear Model to Automotor Insurance Pricing;广义线性模型在汽车保险定价的应用

14.On the Sensitivity of LME Predictors to Covariance Misspecification;线性混合效应模型预测值关于白噪声偏离的敏感性分析

15.Population pharmacokinetics of aminophylline in elder patients with asthma非线性效应混合模型法用于哮喘老人氨茶碱的群体药动学研究

16.Weak Consistency of Quasi-Maximum Likelihood Estimates in Generalized Linear Models广义线性模型中拟似然估计的弱相合性

17.Applications of Generalized Linear models in No-life Insurance and Properties;广义线性模型的性质及其在非寿险中的应用

18.Broad Linear Model of a Set of Semi-parameters and Its Fitting;一类半参数可变系数广义线性模型及其拟合


Generalized linear mixed models广义线性混合模型

1.The Application of Generalized Linear Mixed Models in Actuarial Analysis;广义线性混合模型在精算分析中的应用

2.When the response is normal distribution, Linear Mixed Models is used and its theory is mature;When the response is categories , such as the drug efficacy divided into effective and ineffective,or count data such as the number of hypertensives’treatments within a month and so on,we can use Generalized Linear Mixed Models(GLMMs), General Linear Models is the special case of GLMMs.但由于同一个体不同时间测量值之间存在相关性,给统计分析方法提出了许多新问题,当反应变量服从正态分布,常采用线性混合效应模型(Linear Mixed Models),其理论完善,方法相对成熟;当结局变量表现为分类特征,如药物临床试验的疗效分为有效和无效,或某月内高血压患者社区门诊就诊次数等计数数据等,可采用广义线性混合模型(Generalized Linear Mixed Models,GLMMs),线性混合效应模型也可看作GLMMs的一种特殊情况。

3.In this paper, we develop links between credibility theories in actuarial science and generalized linear mixed models in statistics.因此建立信度模型与广义线性混合模型之间的联系,通过对信度模型的分解可以看到:传统的信度理论对风险的刻画方法与广义线性混合模型的结构有极其相似的地方,故可以用广义线性混合模型来厘定经验费率。

3)general mixed linear model广义混合线性模型

1.Analysis of irrigation experiment usinggeneral mixed linear model;田间灌溉试验资料广义混合线性模型分析

4)generalized linear mixed model(GLMM)广义线性混合模型(GLMM)

5)Mixed General Dynamic Linear Model混合广义线性动态模型

6)linear mixed effects model线性混合效应模型

1.According the characteristics of the bivariate repeated measurement data,using the MIXED procedure of SAS software to fitlinear mixed effects model.为了探讨环境医学研究中不满足独立性要求资料相关性分析的方法,针对双反应变量重复测量资料的特点,采用SAS软件的MIXED过程,建立线性混合效应模型。



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