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宣教 Propaganda and Education英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-12 03:08:13


宣教 Propaganda and Education英语短句 例句大全

宣教,Propaganda and Education

1)Propaganda and Education宣教

1.Significance of diabetes propaganda and education in community health care;糖尿病宣教在社区保健中的作用

2.Objective: To discuss the clinical significance of early lactation of parturients improved by the propaganda and education of breast feeding.目的:探讨母乳喂养宣教促进产妇早泌乳的临床意义。


1.Baptist Missionary Association of America美国浸礼宣教协进会

2.Dutch Reformed Mission Church in South Africa南非荷兰归正宣教会

3.Derek is a missionary from Hong Kong who had served in Peru for4 years.梁健民宣教士来自香港,在秘鲁宣教达四年之久。

4.Peixing s Taoist Sentiment and the Preaching Inclination in Chuan Qi;裴鉶的道教情怀与《传奇》的宣教倾向

5.To take the vows of a religious order or congregation.宣誓入教宣誓加入某宗教组织或团体

6.The teacher dismissed the class early.教师提早宣布下课了。

7.an excommunication or condemnation by church officials.被教会逐出或宣布有罪。

8.affirmation [estate duty]非宗教式宣誓〔遗产税〕

9.population information, education and人口信息、教育和宣传

10.He was impelled to proclaim his doctrine.他不得不宣扬他的教义。

11.They professed Christianity.他们宣称信仰基督教。

12.He devoted his life to preach Buddhism.他献身于宣扬佛教。

13.A religious institute in which only simple vows, not solemn vows, are taken.一个只进行简单宣誓而没严肃宣誓的宗教组织

14.They include not only teachers, journalists, writers and artists, but all our cadres.不但教员是宣传家,新闻记者是宣传家,文艺作者是宣传家,我们的一切工作干部也都是宣传家。

15.The essence of his religious teaching is love for all men.他宣扬的宗教教义要旨是爱天下人。

16.Nobody is allowed to spread non-belief in churches or temples.到宗教场所去宣传无神论是不允许的。

17.Cheung Hang Social Centre for the Elderly [Christian and Missionary Alliance Church Union]长亨松龄中心〔基督教宣道会〕

18.Subject to dispensation, as a vow or church law.可赦免的可宽恕的,如宣誓或教堂法律



1.Investigation and analysis of status quo of sexeducation to gynecological patients;对妇科病人进行性知识宣教的现状调查分析

3)publicity and education宣传教育

1.The Innovation of FP Publicity and Education;计划生育宣传教育的改革创新

2.Explorations on Improving Publicity and Education and Setting up New Fertility Culture;关于改进宣传教育建设新型生育文化的探讨

3.Probing into Measures to Improve FP Publicity and Education in Subei District;苏北地区计划生育宣传教育改进对策初探

4)propaganda and education宣传教育

bined with practical experiences of cleaner production verification over many years, the different roles ofpropaganda and education in the early stage, medium stage and later stage of cleaner production verification are elaborated.本文根据多年来在清洁生产审核工作中的实际经验,论述了宣传教育在清洁生产审核工作前期、中期和后期的不同作用,并提出了不同时期应采用的具体形式,可为企业清洁生产审核提供一定的指导和借鉴作用。

2.Objective To explore the mode ofpropaganda and education for donating blood voluntarily and to enhance the proportion of donators unpaid for ensuring the blood safety.目的探索无偿献血宣传教育模式,提高无偿献血率,确保临床用血的需要和安全。

3.The construction of harmonious regional environment should start frompropaganda and education.构建和谐区域环境,必须从宣传教育工作入手。

5)Propagation and education宣传教育

1.It is pointed that the propagation and education of public participation should be enhanced.文章提出:对流域管理中的公众参与应加强宣传教育,拓宽公众参与的渠道和途径;健全流域管理法律制度,明确公众参与的法律权利;建立环境公益诉讼制度;加强国际交流与合作。

2.The level of emergency propagation and education imposes a direct effect on the management of emergency,so the wok draws increasing attention from the society.应急管理宣传教育水平的高低直接影响着应急指挥管理水平,因此应急管理宣传教育日益受到重视。

6)environmental propaganda and education环境宣教

1.The socialization ofenvironmental propaganda and education may make theenvironmental propaganda and education deepened.环境宣教社会化是环境宣教的深化。


宣教1.宣布教令。 2.宣扬教化。 3.宋代迪功郎的别称。 4.宣传和教育。

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