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射频 radio frequency英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-09-05 03:14:22


射频 radio frequency英语短句 例句大全

射频,radio frequency

1)radio frequency射频

1.The application ofradio frequency nRF905 in flue gas desulfurization;射频芯片nRF905在烟气脱硫系统中的应用

2.The clinic observation of epistaxis treated withradio frequency and sinus endoscopy;鼻内镜下射频治疗鼻出血的临床观察

3.Radio frequency for refractory epistaxis of small vessel expansion on nasal septum;射频治疗鼻中隔小血管扩张性顽固性鼻出血


1.video frequency/IF/RF pre-correction视频、中频、射频预校正

2.radio-frequency carrier射频载波, 高频载波

3.2.4GHz CMOS Zero-IF Receiver;2.4GHz CMOS零中频射频接收机

4.health effects of radio-frequency radiation射频辐射对健康的影响

5.A Radio Frequency Multiplier for the Rubidium Vapor Cell Frequency Standard一种铷原子频标射频倍频单元的实现

6.radio-frequency alternator射频发电机;射频交流发电机;高频同步发电机

7.ectron superconducting accelerator射频电子超导加速器

8.receiver channel RF bandwidth接收机射频通道带宽

9.rf induced plasma射频放电感应等离子体

10.RF excited ion laser射频激励离子激光器

11.Generic specification for radio-frequency cablesGB/T12269-1990射频电缆总规范

12.PVC insulated radio frequency cable聚氯乙烯绝缘射频电缆

13.polythene coaxial RF cable聚乙烯同轴射频电缆

14.variable radio-frequency radiosonde变射频无线电探空仪

15.radio frequency emission testing无线电频率放射测试

16.FM stereo broadcast transmitter调频立体声广播发射机

17.underwater emission-and direction frequencies水下发射和定向频率

18.solid state UHF TV transmitter固态超高频电视发射机



1.Study on the Parameter of ZnO Thin Films Deposited byRF Magnetron Sputtering;射频溅射法生长ZnO薄膜的参数研究

2.Research on the Dielectric Constant of Frozen Spanish Mackerel andRF Defrosting;冷冻鲅鱼的介电常数与射频解冻效果研究

3.The integrated method of smart-home based onRF;射频模式下家庭自动化集成方案


1.Influence on immunology of the rats: by combinative treatment of dendritic cells and radiofrequency ablation to the solid tumor;致敏树突状细胞联合射频消融治疗对荷瘤大鼠免疫机能的影响

2.Treatment of face acne vulgaris with nonablative radiofrequency;射频治疗面部寻常性痤疮

3.Clinical Application ofRadiofrequency Thermocoagulation and Target Ablation in Treatment of Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion;射频靶点热凝术治疗腰椎间盘突出症的临床应用


1.Radio-frequency influences on Cu film deposited by unbalanced magnetron sputtering;射频对非平衡磁控溅射沉积Cu膜的影响

2.Radio-frequency and stryker instruments under nasal endoscopy for 68 cases of adenoidal hypertrophy;鼻内镜下射频结合电动切削器治疗儿童腺样体肥大68例

3.Design of slow-paced radio-frequency thermo-therapeutic system for liver cancer;射频热缓释肝癌热疗计划系统的研制

5)radiofrequency ablation射频

1.Study on the expression of survivin、rpr in leiomyoma of uterus by means ofradiofrequency ablation;射频治疗子宫平滑肌瘤组织中survivin、rpr表达及其意义的研究

2.The Pilot study of Radiofrequency Ablation in Treatment Clinical Substantial Disease of Thyroid Gland射频毁损甲状腺实质性病变的临床初步研究

3.Objective:To study the value of ultrasonography guiding multiple electrodesradiofrequency ablation(RFA) for hepatic carcinoma.目的 :探讨超声引导下多电极射频疗法对肝癌治疗的临床意义。

6)radio frequency (RF)射频

1.56-MHz radio frequency (RF) pl.本论文从优化场发射平板显示阳极荧光层的角度出发,采用YAG固体激光器(1064nm)和XeCl(308nm)准分子激光器,利用射频辅助脉冲激光沉积技术,通过改变脉冲激光能量密度、射频辅助及环境气压、沉积温度、基体—靶距、激光重复频率等参量,并采取对荧光薄膜进行退火处理等手段,制备出了具有较高发光性能的ZnS荧光薄膜。



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