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方案综合评价 synthetic evaluation of petroleum production plan英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-04 18:33:34


方案综合评价 synthetic evaluation of petroleum production plan英语短句 例句大全

方案综合评价,synthetic evaluation of petroleum production plan

1)synthetic evaluation of petroleum production plan方案综合评价


1.Synthetic appraisal method of soft base processing program for expressway高速公路软基处理方案综合评价方法

prehensive Evaluation and Reasearch of Normal Water Level Project about Reservoir;水库正常蓄水位方案综合评价及研究

3.The Synthetic Evaluation to Project Technology Center Constructive Plan for the CPEB;CPEB工程技术中心建设方案综合评价

4.The Systems Study for the Market Comprehensive Appraising and Choosing the Best on the Real Estate Developing Plans;房产开发方案综合评价择优系统研究

prehensive Judgment to Project Designing of Flood Storage and Detention Area of Huaihe River s Main Stream;淮河干流行蓄洪区规划方案综合评价

6.Researches on Compehensive Evaluation for Construction Plan of a Hydroelectricity Station某水电站工程建设方案综合评价研究

prehensive Evaluation on Complete Set Plan of Fully Mechanized Top Coal Caving Mining Equipment Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process基于层次分析法的综放设备配套方案综合评价

8.A Research on Residential Area Planning Comprehensive Evaluation Based on the Value Engineering;基于价值工程的居住区规划方案综合评价

9.The Research about the Means of Scientific Evaluation on Planning and Designing of Residing Area;居住区规划设计方案综合评价方法的研究

10.Interchange Project Synthesis Evaluation Method Based on the Matter-element Analysis基于物元分析的立交方案综合评价方法

11.Prospect and Review of the Comprehensive Evaluation and Decision Making on the Design Scheme of HVAC System暖通空调设计方案综合评价决策进展与展望

prehensive Appraisal of Technology Plan of Revamp Project in Daqing ABS Plant;大庆ABS装置改造技术方案及综合评价

13.The comprehensive evaluation of the undergraduate specialty course setup of high altitude military medicine with TOPSIS method;应用TOPSIS法综合评价专业课程设置方案

14.Selecting Construction Program Based on the Method of Comprehensively Fuzzy Evaluation基于模糊综合评价法的施工方案优选

15.Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation of the Selection of Highway Routes′ Plan公路路线方案比选的模糊综合评价法

16.Multi-plans Synthetic Evaluation of Highway Route Selection Based on GIS Technique基于GIS的公路选线多方案的综合评价

17.Evaluation of naval battle shock projects based on the method of AHP and fuzzy synthetical evaluation;基于AHP和模糊综合评价法的海战突击方案评估

18.A Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation on the Handling Operation of the Container Terminal基于模糊综合评判的集装箱装卸工艺方案评价


comprehensive evaluation of engineering schemes工程方案综合评价

3)comprehensive evaluation of architectural schemes建筑方案综合评价

4)Fuzzy Evaluation of Assembly Design装配方案综合评价

5)comprehensive assessment framework综合评估方案

1.Thecomprehensive assessment framework designation and the results of its conduction in Expanded Program on Immunization management in Guangxi广西免疫规划综合评估方案设计及其引导效果

2.Objective Trying to find a suitablecomprehensive assessment framework for application combining with Implementation of Yellow Card Warning on the Poor Performance County in Expanded Program on Immunization management and to evaluate its outcome.目的探索免疫规划综合评估方案及黄牌警告机制在免疫规划管理中的应用及其效果。

6)estimate project方案合理性评价


决策方案评价决策方案评价决策方案评价对决策过程中所制定的各种决策方案进行分析、比较和鉴定,优选出最满意的可行的方案。决策方案评价是决策过程中最关键的环节,具体评价过程如图3一8所示。其中最重要的是三部分:①确定评价标准。决策方案的评价标准不能是最优标准,而只能是满意标准。一般可以把经营目标作为评价与选择的标准,或者把经营目标指标化,按各项指标的重要性系数进行评价。在决策方案评价比较之前,根据决策目标,规定出一组评价指标.可以使评价选优工作标准化和简单化。一组评价指标一般包括两大类:一类是耗费性指标,如投资费用指标,使用费用指标等;一类是效益性指标,如劳动生产率提高指标,成本降低指标,质量、品种改善指标,环境改善指标,投资生效和回收期指标,销售增长率指标,利润增长率指标,特定效益改善指标等。②选择评价方法。方案的评价要从大处着眼,小处着手。所谓从大处着眼,就是要从系统观点出发,从全局性整体利益出发,既要考虑企业的直接利益,又要考虑社会和消费者的利益;既要求技术上的先进,又要求经济上的合理。所谓小处着手,就是要抓住方案之间的具体差异,衡量利弊,以定优劣。方案评选的具体方法有两类:一类是经验判断法,另一类是数学分析法。③决策方案的鉴定与实验。经过数学分析和经验判断,选择出某个方案以后,还要做一次最后的鉴定。鉴定的主要内容是:检查情报信息的可靠程度;检查方案分析时被抽象掉的因素对方案的最终选择有无显著影响;做敏感性分析,看一看影响决策的主要条件预计误差或变化幅度是否会导致改变对策;根据需要和可能,对决策中的某些项目做一些必要的,以及执行决策的意志统一试验;再仔细地分析还有哪些不同意见,以的程度。经过鉴定与试验,认为切实可行了,才能将决策付诸实施。匣困丁万土耳百司—匕一一一一卫-一一一口 ┌────┐│决策目标│└────┘ ┌──┐ ┌────┐ │试验│ │评价标准│ └──┘ └────┘ ┌──────┐│评价比较│└──────┘┌─┐ │经│ │验│ │方│ │法│ └─┘ ┌────┐┌──┐│优选方案││落实│└────┘└──┘图3一8决策方类评价过程框图

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