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产业集群区域 Industrial Cluster Region英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-07-28 04:21:57


产业集群区域 Industrial Cluster Region英语短句 例句大全

产业集群区域,Industrial Cluster Region

1)Industrial Cluster Region产业集群区域

1.The high-speed development of Industrial Cluster has been the major model for the regional development in the era of globalization and knowledge economy, yet studies on Technologic Innovation Networks ofIndustrial Cluster Region are few and far between.在全球化和知识经济背景下,快速发展的产业集群已经成为区域发展的重要模式,但目前对产业集群区域技术创新网络的研究还很少。


1.The Regional Brand Construction of Industrial Cluster and Demonstration Research;产业集群区域品牌建设及其实证研究

2.On the Industrial Concentration,Industrial Clusters and Territorial Industrial Competition′s Advance;产业集中、产业集群与区域产业竞争力提升

3.Regional Industry Clusters Advantage and the Location Choice of FDI;区域产业集群优势与FDI区位选择

4.Study on Collaborative Management of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises Regional Industrial Cluster;中小企业区域产业集群协同管理研究

5.The Mechanism of Industrial Clusters Fostering Competitiveness in Automobile Industry;产业集群与汽车工业的区域竞争优势

6.Elaboration on Industrial Colony and Western County Territory Industrial Park Development论产业集群与西部县域工业园区发展

7.Research on Industry Cluster Modes in Regional Economy Development;区域经济发展中的产业集群模式研究

8.The Effect Research of Industrial Cluster to Region Economy Development;产业集群对区域经济发展的效应研究

9.Industrial Cluster, Competitive Advantage and Regional Economic Development;产业集群、竞争优势与区域经济发展

10.Study on Implementation of Regional Brand in Industrial Clusters of Our Country;我国产业集群实施区域品牌建设研究

11.Research on the Influence of Industrial Clusters in Regional Economic Growth;区域经济增长中的产业集群作用研究

12.Constructing Industrial Clusters and Improving Regional Talents Competitiveness;建设产业集群 提升区域人才竞争力

13.Research on Industrial Cluster of Yangtze Delta;长江三角洲区域产业集群问题的思考

14.The Competitive Advantages of Industrial Clusters and Regional Economic Development;产业集群的竞争优势与区域经济发展

15.The Industrial Niche and Agglomerate Potential in Forming of Regional Industrial Community;区域产业群落形成的生态位与聚集势

16.Industrial Cluster:the Effect Path of the Development of Regional Economy;产业集群:区域经济发展的有效路径

17.Industrial Cluster: A New Idea of West Regional Economic Development;产业集群:西部区域经济发展的新思路

18.Researches on the driving effect on the regional economy actuated by the port industrial cluster;港口产业集群对区域经济的带动效应


regional industrial cluster区域产业集群

1.From bounded rationality of decision-makers, behavioral finance is introduced into the updating management system ofregional industrial cluster.提出了行为金融范式下区域产业集群升级管理六要素 ,利用模块化思想构建了基于Multi-agent的区域产业集群升级管理模式 ,指出了各要素之间的优化机理 ,强调战略、组织、方法、信息、文化和过程的有机融

2.Then a questionnaire is formed for the case sturdy of individual learnig in theregional industrial clusters.在演化经济学的基础之上,本文借鉴了现代认知学科理论的主流学派——构建主义学习理论的基本理论和思想框架,尝试构筑对个体学习研究的度量体系,并针对具体的经济现象——区域产业集群设计了相应的调查问卷,通过对区域产业集群中个体的学习及其影响因素和产业集群整体发育过程进行实地调研,以及对回收问卷结果的统计分析,考察了区域产业集群中个体的学习过程,即个体接收信号而形成先验预期,并可能由此采取相应的决策,此后在新的环境中接收到新信号的基础上形成后验预期这一预期调整的过程,以及影响个体学习的信号状态的因素,并验证了已有的关于个体学习的微观机制模型和集群整体发育的理论模型。

3)regional industrial clusters区域产业集群

1.Exploration and Analysis of New Thought on County-wide Economic Development in Yibin Based on Theory of Regional Industrial Clusters;基于区域产业集群理论的宜宾县域经济发展新思路探析

4)regional tourism industrial cluster区域旅游产业集群

5)regional industrial cluster brand区域产业集群品牌

1.The most suitable conceptual jargon should be "regional industrial cluster brand"or"regional industrial brand".将基于区域产业集群发展形成的产业集群整体品牌命名"区域品牌"具有明显的缺陷, 最适宜的名称术语应为"区域产业集群品牌"(或"区域产业品牌")。

6)regional aggregate economies区域产业群

1.The past twenty years witnessed the nationwide reform in China, and the opening-to-outside of Chinese markets and economic flourishing have resulted in quite a number ofregional aggregate economies, a distinctive characteristic of Chinese economy.改革开放后的三十年里,中国市场的开放与经济的蓬勃发展催生了一大批面对全球化商机与竞争的区域产业群,形成了中国经济特色,在区域化经济特征明显的沿海地区,浙江成为了重中之重,全省519个块状性经济和区域产业群为浙江经济发展提供了不竭动力。



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