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男性不孕 male infertility英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-29 09:45:04


男性不孕 male infertility英语短句 例句大全

男性不孕,male infertility

1)male infertility男性不孕

2)male contraception男性避孕


1.Clinical Study of the Contraceptive Efficacy of Injectable Testosterone Undecanoate in Men;十一酸睾酮酯男性避孕有效性的临床研究

2.Scientists hope that trials of the new male contraceptive could begin within the next few years.科学家希望在接下来的几年内能进行该男性避孕药的临床实验。

3.unisex pill合性丸(男女两用的避孕药)

4.Men wear condoms during sex to prevent the spread of AIDS.男人性交时戴避孕套可防止艾滋病的传播。

5.a contraceptive pill, device, drug, etc避孕丸、 避孕器、 避孕剂.

6.female-controlled barrier method女性控制的阻隔避孕法

7.Study on the Practical Effect and Securable Effect of the Outerly-used Contraceptive Gelatum外用避孕凝胶的避孕效果及安全性研究

8.chlormadinone acetate(CA)氯地孕酮(避孕药)

9.Scientists have developed a chemical contraceptive that temporarily blocks the development of sperm but does not interfere with testosterone levels in men.科学家开发了一种化学避孕药物可以暂时阻止精子的发育,而不影响男性体内睾酮的水平。

10.Birth-control jelly, cream or foam避孕滑润剂、避孕膏、避孕泡沫

11.Prophylactic especially long-term prophylactic, can affect to the generation on female physiology.避孕药非凡是长期避孕药,是会对女性生理上产生影响的。

12.Uterine scar of new contraceptive methods and the termination of pregnancy and contraception and unwanted pregnancy-related research瘢痕子宫避孕与终止妊娠新方法和避孕与意外妊娠相关性研究

13.The sexual assault kit indicates recent condom use.性袭击检查显示最近使用过避孕套

14.Contraceptive devices and sexual aids避孕用具及性生活辅助用具

15.The best way to avoid pregnancy was total abstinence from sex.最好的避孕办法就是彻底戒除性生活。

16.Sexual intercourse always carries the risk of pregnancy, so using birth control during sex is the only way to decrease that risk.性交总存在怀孕的风险,在性交中应用避孕是减少风险的唯一途径。

17.sexual activity (especially sexual intercourse) with the use of measures (such as latex condoms) to avoid the transmission of disease (especially AIDS).采取措施(如使用避孕套)以避免疾病传播的性行为(尤其是性交)。

18.Steroid hormone contraceptives and oncology甾体激素类避孕药物与女性恶性肿瘤发病风险


male contraception男性避孕

3)male pregnancy男性怀孕

4)male contraceptive pill男性避孕药

5)Female infertility女性不孕

1.Endometriosis and female infertility;子宫内膜异位症与女性不孕

6)chronic PID不孕/女性


美伊儿避孕针,甲孕雌醇避孕针药物名称:甲孕雌醇避孕针英文名:Mego-E别名:美伊儿避孕针,甲孕雌醇避孕针适应症:甲地孕酮微晶水混悬液作肌肉或皮下注射后,能局部储存并缓慢释放,产生长效抗排卵作用。其与天然雌激素17β-雌二醇配伍组成美尔伊避孕针,能使单独应用时发生的闭经等不良反应减少,续用率较高,每月注射1次,可避孕1个月。微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针是一种生物降解型释放系统,避孕效果好。 用量用法: 1.美尔伊避孕针,第1个月于月经第5日和第10~12日各肌注1支,以后每月在月经周期的第10~12日肌注1支。 2.微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针,第1个月于月经第5日和第12日各肌注1支,第2个月起每30日注射1支。 注意事项: 1.开始时,可有月经周期缩短,经期延长或不规则出血,少数有恶心、呕吐、头晕、乏力、乳胀等不良反应。 2.美尔伊避孕针临用时,应将药液充分摇匀,注射时,针头应刺入臂部肌肉深部。 规格: 美尔伊避孕针剂:每支含甲地孕酮25mg和雌二醇3.5mg。 微囊复方甲地孕酮避孕针剂:每支含甲 孕酮25mg,环戊丙酸雌二醇5mg.类别:避孕药

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