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蜂窝托盘 honeycomb paper-board pallet英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-22 05:17:47


蜂窝托盘 honeycomb paper-board pallet英语短句 例句大全

蜂窝托盘,honeycomb paper-board pallet

1)honeycomb paper-board pallet蜂窝托盘


1.Influences of Pallet Pedestal on Bearing Capacity of Honeycomb Paperboard Pallet in the Stack纸基蜂窝托盘柱脚对堆码承载性能的影响

2.The Study on the Performance of Honeycomb Paper-board Pallet and the Structure Analysis蜂窝纸基托盘静载特性研究与结构分析

3.The major products of the company are honeycomb products, paper trays, composite materials non-fumigating trays, paper corner protector, etc.公司主要产品为蜂窝制品、全纸型托盘、复合材料免薰蒸托盘、纸护角、包装木箱等。

4.beehive hairstyleph.1. 蜂窝头

5.The Cycles and Paths in Hypercube and Honeycomb Rectangular Torus超立方体和蜂窝矩形环托中的圈和路嵌入

6.honeycomb weathering蜂窝状风化〔作用〕

7.If oil were found in great quantities, for example, would there be a chaotic land rush?例如,如果发现了大量石油,会不会一窝蜂似地乱抢地盘呢?

8.cell type radiator蜂窝式散热器蜂窝放热器

9.pitted with cell-like cavities (as a honeycomb).以蜂窝状空腔的形式凹陷(像蜂窝一样)。

10.A small angular cavity or pit, such as a honeycomb cell.小窝,蜂巢小窝或小泡,如蜂房的巢室

11.The whole bees in the beehives can make great honey.蜂窝里的所有蜜蜂刻意制造很多蜂蜜。

12.cellulitis of pterygomandibular space翼颌间隙蜂窝组织炎

13.acute pelvic cellulitis急性盆腔蜂窝组织炎症

14.No wonder cellular phones have become so popular.难怪蜂窝电话如此热门。

15.acute phlegmonous appendicitis急性蜂窝织炎性阑尾炎

16.acute phlegmonous enteritis急性蜂窝织炎性小肠炎

17.cellular radio and telephone蜂窝式无线电话系统

18.digital cellular switch (DCS), and数字蜂窝交换机 (DCS),和


bee nest paperboard pallet蜂窝纸托盘

1.Described thebee nest paperboard pallets which have come to use in China in the recent years and analysed quality problems about them ,focusing on the elements which influence the quality of such pallets.揭示和分析了我国新兴的蜂窝纸托盘出现的问题 ,重点讨论了影响蜂窝纸托盘质量的各种因素 ,并对现有各种蜂窝纸托盘提出了改进的建议。

3)honeycomb pellet纸基蜂窝托盘

4)honeycomb paperboard pallets蜂窝纸板复合托盘

5)honeycomb base蜂窝式底托

6)Honeycomb rectangular torus蜂窝矩形环托



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