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复发胶质瘤 recurrent glioma英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-08-15 16:04:38


复发胶质瘤 recurrent glioma英语短句 例句大全

复发胶质瘤,recurrent glioma

1)recurrent glioma复发胶质瘤

1.ObjectiveThe purpose of this study was to examine the expression of PCNA and MMP - 9 in human primary andrecurrent glioma.方法 1、标本来源 收集中国医科大学附属第一、二医院在1998年-间手术切除同一患者原发、复发胶质瘤19例。


1.Expression changes of C-myc protein in recurrent glioma after gamma knife treatment and its significance伽玛刀治疗后C-myc蛋白在复发胶质瘤中表达的变化及意义

2.Analysis of Clinical Related Factors Which Induce Postoperative Recurrence of Glioma;影响胶质瘤术后复发相关因素的分析

3.The Clinical Study of Cyberknife in Recurrent Gliomas射波刀(Cyberknife)治疗复发性脑胶质瘤的临床初步研究

4.~(11)C-MET PET/CT in the detection of recurrence in cerebral glioma~(11)C-METPET/CT判断脑胶质瘤复发的价值研究

5.Clinical identificational analysis of radiation encephalopathy and tumor recurrence after gliomas operation胶质瘤手术后放射性脑病和肿瘤复发的临床鉴别分析

6.Clinical Study of Brachytherapy for Recurrent High Grade with ~(131)I-chTNT;复发性高级别人脑胶质瘤~(131)I-chTNT间质治疗的临床研究

7.The Role of Surgery Combined with ~(32)P Interstitial Brachytherapy for Recurrent Malignant Gliomas;手术联合~(32)P间质内放疗治疗复发性恶性胶质瘤的疗效分析

8.Treatment of recurrent brain gliomas by microsurgical excision combined with interstitial vaccination of dendritic cells显微手术切除联合间质内树状突细胞疫苗治疗复发脑胶质瘤

9.Expression of PCNA and MMP-9 in Human Primary and Recurrent Glioma;PCNA、MMP-9在人脑原发和复发性胶质瘤中的表达及意义

10.DSA appearance of recurrent cerebral glioma and its significance复发性脑胶质瘤的数字减影脑血管造影表现及其意义

11.Distinction between Recurrent Glioma and Radiation Injury Using MR Spectroscopy in Combination with Diffusion-weighted Imaging;MR波谱及弥散加权成像鉴别胶质瘤复发和放射性脑损伤

12.Study of Clinical Prognostic Factors and Therapy of Recurrent Intracranial Glioma;复发脑胶质瘤的临床预后相关因素分析与治疗探讨

13.~1H-MRS in the Differentiation of Necrosis and Recurrence of Brain Gliomas after Radiotherapy;~1H-MRS在放射性脑损伤和胶质瘤复发鉴别诊断中的应用

14.Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study for Differentiation of Radiation-Injuries and Tumor Recurrence磁共振功能成像在鉴别放射性脑损伤及胶质瘤复发中的应用

15.The Research about the Influence of Scatter Factor Receptor in Glioblastoma Gecurrence扩散因子受体对胶质母细胞瘤复发影响的相关研究

16.Study on ~(125)I seed implants for recurrent brain gliomas under CT guidanceCT引导~(125)I放射性粒子植入治疗复发性脑胶质瘤的研究

17.Immunological Efficacy of HSP70 Peptides to Glioma;HSP70肿瘤肽复合物抗胶质瘤免疫效应的研究

18.Value of proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy in differentiating recurrence from radiation encephalopathy after radiotherapy for brain gliomas氢质子磁共振波谱对胶质瘤放疗后复发和放射性脑损伤的鉴别价值


glioma recurrence胶质瘤复发

3)recurrent brain gliomas复发性脑胶质瘤

1.Clinical research on Naoliu(Brain tumor) powder in treatingrecurrent brain gliomas;脑瘤散治疗复发性脑胶质瘤的临床研究

2.Objeetvie:To observe the clinical efficacy on NaoLiuSan combined with chemotherapy treatingrecurrent brain gliomas.目的:观察脑瘤散配合化疗治疗复发性脑胶质瘤的临床疗效。

4)recurrent malignant glioma复发恶性胶质瘤

5)recurrent brain glioma复发脑胶质瘤

1.Treatment ofrecurrent brain gliomas by microsurgical excision combined with interstitial vaccination of dendritic cells显微手术切除联合间质内树状突细胞疫苗治疗复发脑胶质瘤

6)recurring glioblastoma复发脑胶质母细胞瘤



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