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功率因数测量 power factor measurement英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-01-31 20:10:20


功率因数测量 power factor measurement英语短句 例句大全

功率因数测量,power factor measurement

1)power factor measurement功率因数测量

1.Research on the Circuits of Power Factor Measurement of Switch Power Supply in Matlab基于Matlab的高频开关电源功率因数测量电路研究


1.Design of power factor measurement instrument based on P89V51RD2基于P89V51RD2的功率因数测量仪设计

2.A New Method of Power Factor Measurement In Nonsinusoidal Load Current;负载电流为非正弦波时功率因数测量的新方法

3.Research on the Circuits of Power Factor Measurement of Switch Power Supply in Matlab基于Matlab的高频开关电源功率因数测量电路研究

4.A Method Measuring the Power Factor and Efficiency of the Circuit;一种对电路功率因数和效率的测量方法

5.Measurement of Three-phase Power Network PowerFactor Angle Based on8051Single-chip Computer;基于8051单片机的三相电网功率因数角的测量

6.Talk About the Measures of Power Factor in Inductance-Type Sunlight Lamp Circuit;谈电感式日光灯电路功率因数的测量误差

7.A Power Factor Measurement Circuit Online Based On Voltage Sampling一种基于电压采样的功率因数在线测量电路

8.A single-chip is usedto measure the impulse width and the frequency to fix the power factor, a method using three-phase power, which hasnothing to do with connection, was applied.提出了通过单片机测量脉宽的频率测量方法和一种与接线无关的三相功率测量功率因数的方法。

9.The power factor (pf) is the ratio of average power to apparent power.功率因数是有功功率与视在功率之比。

10.the second is to analyse the meaning of raising power factor and the third is to explain brie fly the method of measuring and raising the power factor.二是分析提高功率因数的意义; 三是简单阐述功率因数的测定及提高功率因数的方法。

11.The dependence of saturation factor on pumping power is measured.测量了饱和因子和抽运功率的关系。

12.logarithmic power measuring assembly based on the neutron flux density根据中子通量密度的对数功率测量装置

13.The host computer finishes the calculation of active power, reactive power and power factor, inquire fuzzy form of controlling , give and publish the controlling amount.工控机完成有功功率、无功功率以及功率因数的计算,并查询模糊控制表,给出控制量。

14.Power Factor Power factor is the cosine of the angle between the actie power( kW) and apparent power( kA) in a circuit.功率因数功率因数是电路中有功功率(W)视在功率(A)间夹角的余弦值。

15.Digital Acoustic Intensity and Sound Power Measuring system数字化声学测量技术Ⅱ.数字式声强及声功率测量系统

16.Research on Algorithm of FFT Harmonic Detecting in Power Factor Compensation Device;功率因数补偿装置中FFT谐波检测算法研究

17.The Study of Power-Factor Monitoring and Compensation Based on Chip CS5460A;基于CS5460A芯片的功率因数监测与补偿的研究

18.Monitoring System for Three-phase Transmission and Distribution Power Factor Based on LPC2138基于LPC2138的三相输配电功率因数测控系统


power-factor measurement instrument功率因数测量仪

1.Apower-factor measurement instrument based on P89V51RD2 is designed,which uses optical coupler and specific LED drive chip.设计一种基于P89V51RD2的功率因数测量仪,采用光电隔离器和专用数码管驱动器。

3)power factor meter group功率因数测量仪组件

4)power factor test功率因数检测

5)power factor /reference values功率因数/参据量

6)Mesure according to power factor分功率因数计量


功率因数测量单相或三相电路系统中,相电压与相电流间相位差角φ的余弦值cosφ的测量。在单相电路中,功率P=UIcosφ,即功率等于有关电压与电流之积再乘以cosφ。cosφ被称为功率因数。由于φ与cosφ是函数关系,因此可利用相位差测量的方法,测得φ值后再换算为cosφ值。此外,因cosφ=P/(UI),若能测出电路的功率 P、电压U及电流I,即可间接得到cosφ。功率因数表是测量功率因数的专用仪表,对于对称三相系统可使用三相功率因数表。对于三相不对称系统,为了不同目的,功率因数可以有不同的定义。例如,cosφ的一种定义为cosφ=P/S,P为三相系统总功率,S为总视在功率,S=UΑIΑ+UBIB+UCIC。用电压表、电流表测出三相的相电压 UΑ、UB、UC以及相电流IΑ、IB、IC,即可求得S。再用功率表测得P,就可由公式cosφ=P/S求出cosφ。在工矿企业的用电系统中,其负载和功率因数随时间不断变化,对于一段时间内的用电功率因数平均值,可利用电能表和无功电能表读出该段时间内消耗的电能和无功能量,再按下式计算出平均功率因数:

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