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农业科技档案 Archives of Agricultural Science and Technology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-08-28 21:16:31


农业科技档案 Archives of Agricultural Science and Technology英语短句 例句大全

农业科技档案,Archives of Agricultural Science and Technology

1)Archives of Agricultural Science and Technology农业科技档案

1.On Application ofArchives of Agricultural Science and Technology in New Countryside Construction;浅谈农业科技档案服务于新农村建设


1.Agricultural technology archives is indispensable to agricultural scientific research administration.农业科技档案是农业科研和管理中不可缺少的技术手段。

2.The developing of the agricultural science and technology file and the protection of information resources in informatization;信息化开发农业科技档案及信息资源的保护

3.Building the Liangshan Prefecture Agricultural Science and Technology Information System and an Analysis of Its Future Prospects建立凉山州农业科技档案信息系统及其前景分析

4.Accelerating the transformation of Agricultural science and technology achievement by making use of network Information Management利用网络信息化管理加快农业科技档案成果转化探讨

5.The Causes and Countermeasures of Research Archives in Higher Agricultural Institutions;农业高校科技档案管理滞后成因及对策

6.On Developing and Utilizing Agricultural Sci-Tech Results Archives under the Market Economy;试论市场经济条件下农业科技成果档案的开发与利用

7.Employing the Resources of Scientific and Technological Archives Developing the Economy of Country Enterprises;利用科技档案资源 发展县域企业经济

8.Practice and Thinking on the Archives Management in Agricultural Scientific Research Laboratory农业科研实验室档案管理工作的实践与思考

9.Some Ideas on Filing Range and Archival Retention Period of Records and Materials in Units of Agricultural Science and Research对农业科研单位文件材料归档范围和档案保管期限的几点思考

10.Institute of Archival Science and Technology档案科学技术研究所

11.study of scientific and technical archives management科学技术档案管理学

12.On Nature of Complete Sets of Scientific and Technological Archives--A Study of Ontology of Scientific and Technological Archives(2);科技档案的成套性——科技档案本体论研究之二

13.On some Strengthened Aspects in Forestry Science and Technology Archives Management;浅议林业科技档案管理应加强的几项工作

14.On the Standardization of Management and Utilization in Enterprise Science and Technology Archives under New Situation;论新形势下企业科技档案的规范化管理与利用

15.How to Improve Collection Quality of Scientific Archives for Basic Power Supply Enterprise;基层供电企业如何提高科技档案的收集质量

16.On the innovation of scientific technology of modern Enterprise and its constructron of intellectual property rights files;现代企业科技创新与知识产权档案建设

17.Empirical Research of Scientific and Technology Innovation in the Development of Archives Endeavor科技创新在档案事业发展中的实证研究

18.Some thoughts on archives management of small-scale science and technology public institutions对小型科技事业单位档案管理的几点思考


forestry scientific and technical archives林业科技档案

1.Basic conception aboutforestry scientific and technical archives management establishing and perfecting of Mulan Forestry Administration;建立和完善木兰林管局林业科技档案管理的基本构想

3)scientific and technical archives科技档案

1.The importance of engineeringscientific and technical archives to safety production;论工程科技档案在安全生产中的重要作用

2.To realize the informationized management ofscientific and technical archives in communications system,the paper focused on the design concept,realization method,and major functions of the management software forscientific and technical archives in communications system developed with the computer technology.为了实现交通系统科技档案的信息化管理,介绍了利用计算机技术开发的交通系统科技档案管理软件的设计思想、实现方法和主要功能。

4)science and technology archives科技档案

1.Digital management ofscience and technology archives in network environment;网络环境下高校科技档案的数字化管理

2.As an important component of university, the management of university sscience and technology archives should develop with each passing hour from the trend and necessity of development in order to solve the current existing questions and exert the functions ofscience and technology archives fully.本文就目前高校科技档案存在的问题 ,从高校科技档案管理的发展趋势及必要性阐述了作为高校重要组成部分的科技档案管理应注意与时俱进、顺应时代的变革 ,充分发挥科技档案的作

5)scientific and technological archives科技档案

1.Starting with the connotation of thescientific and technological archives,the paper points out the problems on the management ofscientific and technological archives in higher education institutions,and expounds the effective approaches to the criterion management.文章从科技档案管理的内涵着手,指出了高校科技档案管理中存在的问题,阐述了实现高校科技档案规范化管理的有效途径。

2.The author studies the actual state of information resources ofscientific and technological archives(STA) in universities,and then explores the significance,necessity and measurements to develop these resources.从高校科技档案信息资源的现状以及开发的意义、必要性和措施等几个方面入手,对高校科技档案信息工作作了有益的探讨。

3.Taking the excavation of the latent value ofscientific and technological archives as the starting point,this paper probes into the working ideas and schemes ofscientific and technological archives under the modern IT environment,and analyzes on several problems needing attention in developing the work ofscientific and technological archives.以挖掘科技档案信息资源潜在价值为出发点,探讨了现代信息技术环境下的科技档案工作思路和方案,并对开展科技档案工作需要注意的几个问题进行了剖析。

6)technological archives科技档案

1.Starting from that thetechnological archives of the enterprise can save the labor and improve the economic benefits,this paper describes that thetechnological archives are the important productivity of the enterprise and possess considerable important application value.从企业科技档案可以节约劳动、提高经济效益入手,阐述了企业科技档案是企业一种重要的生产力,具有相当重要的使用价值。

2.As an important form of asset,technological archives are uniquely related to technological assets.科技档案与资产关系具有复杂的特殊性 ,它是资产的重要组成部分。



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