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《五藏山经》 Wu Zang Shan Jing英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-09-05 12:28:32


《五藏山经》 Wu Zang Shan Jing英语短句 例句大全

《五藏山经》,Wu Zang Shan Jing

1)Wu Zang Shan Jing《五藏山经》

1.On the Geographical Theory of ZOU Yan and His Contribution toWu Zang Shan Jing;邹衍的地理学说及与《五藏山经》之关系

2.Wu Zang Shan Jing is not only an important work of the pre-Qin period,but also an important one recording ancient China s knowledge of mineralogy.《五藏山经》不仅是中国先秦时代重要的地理学著作,而且也是我国古代记述矿物学知识的重要著作,书中收录了89种矿物和岩石,并对其物理属性、分类和产地都有较为准确和全面的记述,特别是关于有用矿产产地和产状以及矿物共生的正确描述,关于利用自然的思想等记述充分说明了《五藏山经》是我国现存最早对矿产进行形态描述、类型划分和区域研究的古代典籍,代表着先秦时代我国矿物学达到的水平,成为中国古代矿物学知识的丰富宝库,其中保存了我国矿产地质学形成雏形时期的大量史料,是研究我国古代矿产分类和地理分布的历史依据,在我国地质学发展史上占有重要的一席之地。


1.On the Relations between Yu Gong and Wu Zang Shan Jing试论《禹贡》与《五藏山经》的关系

2.On the Geographical Theory of ZOU Yan and His Contribution to Wu Zang Shan Jing;邹衍的地理学说及与《五藏山经》之关系

3.On the Relationship Between the "Tiger" and the Totem in "The Classics of Wuzang Mountains"论《五藏山经》之“虎”与图腾的关系

4.Shanhaijing Pictures Passes from Generation to Generation--Book Review of Shanhaijing wuzanshangjing Picture Interpretation薪火相传山海图——张华《山海经·五藏山经图译》评介

5.The 50 Years" Glorious History of Tibet"s Economy Development西藏经济逐年递增五十载的辉煌历程

6.A Brief Discussion on Spreading History of Tibet Buddhism in Mountain Wutai Region from Dynasty Song on;宋以来藏传佛教在五台山地区的传播历史考略

7.On the Scripts of AN Guo s Rubbing Collection of 156 Characters from the Stone inscription in Mount Tat to be Quasi-Qin Official Scripts;泰山刻石安国藏百六十五字本准秦文说

8.Study and Application of Geologic Modeling of J_2x Gas Reservoir in Block Wenwu温五块西山窑气藏储层地质建模研究及应用

9.The Contributions of Nenghai Master to the Development of Tibetan Buddhism in Mount Wutai Area能海法师对五台山藏传佛教发展的贡献

10.Buddhist Sutras in the Song, Jin and Yuan Editions in the Collection of the Shanxi Library山西省图书馆馆藏宋金元刻经简介

11.Classification and ordination of subalpine meadows in Wutai Mountains by artificial neural network methods五台山亚高山草甸的人工神经网络分类与排序

12.China Zhiyun Company广州市天河五山智运经营部

13.Analysis of Ma anshan "Tenth-five" Regional Economic Development;马鞍山市“十五”区级经济发展评析

14.Diversified Operation of Mt. Wutai Sports Centre五台山体育中心多元化经营个案分析

15.The Learning from Others may Attack the Jade--The Promotion of Development of Wushu by Learning from Miyamoto Musashi’s A Book of Five Rings他山之石,可以攻玉——从宫本武藏的《五轮书》看中国武术发展

16.Mt Wutai Located in Wutai County, Shanxi Province,the Wutai Moutain is one of the country"s four well-known Buddhist shrines and the only Chinese mountain mentioned in Buddhist scriptures.五台山位于山西省五台县,是中国四大佛教名山之一,且是惟一见述于佛经的中国名山。

17."On snowy mountain peony"-Sichuan Province on non-material cultural heritage Kangba five major schools of Tibetan Drama Batang Tibetan Drama;“雪山上的牡丹”——谈四川省非物质文化遗产康巴藏戏五大流派之巴塘藏戏

18.These experiences are worthy of use for reference for development of other volcanic reservoirs.这些经验是值得在开发火山岩油藏时借鉴的。


Wu Zang Shan Jing五藏山经

1.Brief Account of the Ancient and Modern Picture of〈Wu Zang Shan Jing〉;古今《五藏山经》图概述

3)Shanhaijing Wuzangshanjing Picture Interpretation《山海经·五藏山经图译》

1.Shanhaijing Wuzangshanjing Picture Interpretation is an important research results.《山海经·五藏山经图译》是"山海经学"研究的重要成果。

4)Lianshanyi and Wuzangshanjing连山易与五藏山经

5)Five Internal Organs五藏

1.Interpretation of the parallel Mention of "Benevolence and Righteousness" and the "Five Internal Organs" in the Article Entitled Extra Toe in Zhuang Zi《庄子·骈拇篇》并提“仁义”、“五藏”辨


1.Practice Exploration under Traditional Agriculture——"Wushan Development Mode" Research I;常态农业下的实践探索——“五山发展模式”研究之一



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