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清胆和胃 Clearing away gallbladder-heat and regulating the stomach英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-01 10:16:03


清胆和胃 Clearing away gallbladder-heat and regulating the stomach英语短句 例句大全

清胆和胃,Clearing away gallbladder-heat and regulating the stomach

1)Clearing away gallbladder-heat and regulating the stomach清胆和胃


1.Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of "Shugan Qingdan Hewei Decoction" in the treatment of bile-regurgitational gastritis.目的观察疏肝清胆和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性胃炎的临床疗效。

2.Clinical Study on Bile Reflux Gastritis with Soothing the Liver and Lowering the Adverse Qi and Clearing Away Gallbladder-heat and Regulating the Stomach疏肝降逆、清胆和胃法治疗胆汁反流性胃炎的临床研究

3.The Changes of Gastric Mucosa Acetylcholinesterase and Serum Nitric Oxide Level and Their Significance in Patients with Diabetic Gastropathy;糖尿病胃病患者胃黏膜乙酰胆碱酯酶和血清一氧化氮水平的变化及其意义

4.Clinical Study on Shudanhewei Capsule in Treating Bile Reflux Gastritis舒胆和胃胶囊治疗胆汁返流性胃炎的临床研究

5.Clinical Study on Shugan Lidan Hewei Method in Treating Bile Reflux Gastritis疏肝利胆和胃法治疗胆汁返流性胃炎疗效观察

6.Treating 86 Cases of Bile Reflux Gastritis in Smooth Liver and Stomach Regulating Decoction舒肝和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性胃炎86例

7.The Experimental Research That Huazhuohewei Decoction Treating Bile Reflux Gastritis;化浊和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性胃炎的实验研究

8.Determination of Bile Acids in Serum and Bile Using Gas-Liquid Chromatography气相色谱法测定血清和胆汁中胆汁酸

9.Effect of Weiyanyin on the Content of Gastrin in Blood Plasma of Experiment Bile Reflux Gastritis Rats胃炎饮对实验性胆汁反流性胃炎大鼠血清GAS的影响

10.The Curative Observation and Mechanism Discussion of Treating Bile Regurgitational Gastritis with Weile Grain;胃乐颗粒治疗胆汁反流性胃炎(肝胃不和证)疗效观察及机理探讨

11.Clinical and Experimental Study on Shuganheweifang in Treating Bile Reflux Gastritis of Stagnated Heat in Liver and Stomach Type;疏肝和胃方治疗肝胃郁热型胆汁反流性胃炎的临床与实验研究

12.Observation of bile reflux gastritis with incoordination between the liver and stomach treated by Qizhiweitong Granule气滞胃痛颗粒治疗肝胃不和型胆汁反流性胃炎临床观察

13.Analysis of microelements in serum,bile and gallstones and study of gallstone forming factors in patients with cholelithiasis胆石症患者血清、胆汁、胆石相关元素分析和胆石成因的研究

14.Effects of Gastrin and CCK on the Invasion and Metastasis of the Bile Duct Carcinoma;胃泌素和胆囊收缩素对胆管癌细胞浸润和转移的影响

15.The Value of IL-6 and CA19-9 in Serum or Bile in the Diagnosis of Cholangiocarcinoma;血清、胆汁中CA19-9和IL-6在胆管癌诊断中的价值

16.Content and Significance of Motilin and Substance P in Plasma and Gallbladder of Patients with Cholelithiasis;胃动素及P物质在胆石病病人血浆和胆囊组织中的含量及意义

17.Regulation of Motilin, Gastrin and Cholecystokinin on the Human Lower Esophageal Sphincter;胃动素、胃泌素和胆囊收缩素对人类食管下括约肌的调节机制

18.Intragastric pH and Bile Monitoring in Healthy with Physiologic Duodenogastric Reflux;健康青年生理性十二指肠胃反流24h胃内pH和胆汁水平监测



1.Methodes:seventy-five patients with BRG (Hyperactive Liver-qi Attacking the Stomach)were randomly divided into two groups, the treatment group and the control group, fourty cases were treated withQingDanHeWeiTang as the treatment group and another thirty-five cases were treated with Motilium and Hydrotalcite as control group.目的:观察中药方清胆和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性胃炎(BRG)的临床疗效。

3)Shugan Qingdan Hewei Decoction疏肝清胆和胃汤

1.Clinical Observation of “Shugan Qingdan Hewei Decoction” in Treating 60 Cases of Bile-Regurgitational Gastritis;疏肝清胆和胃汤治疗胆汁反流性胃炎60例临床观察

4)Gall bladder-smoothing and stomach-regulating疏胆和胃

5)incoordination between gallbladder and stomach胆胃不和

6)He Wei Qing Zhong Decoct ion和胃清中汤


乐得胃 ,乐得 ,乐胃,胃速乐药物名称:乐得胃英文名:Roter别名: 乐得胃 ,乐得 ,乐胃,胃速乐外文名:Roter适应症: 用于治疗胃及十二指肠溃疡、胃炎、胃酸过多、神经性消化不良、胃灼热及痉挛等。国产的"乐胃"和胃速乐(weisrle)的组成、作用及用途与乐得胃相似。 用量用法: 口服:每次2片,每日3次,饭后嚼碎服,2~3个月为1疗程。疗程结束后,减低剂量,服维持量,每次1片,每日3次,连服2~3个月,其中可每日服1~3片。 注意事项: 服后无不良反应,服药期间大便呈黑色为正常现象。使用时忌食油腻食品和用餐过饱。胃酸缺乏者忌用。 规格: 片剂:每片含碱式硝酸铋0.3g,碳酸氢钠0.2g,碳酸镁0.4g,弗朗鼠李皮0.025g.类别:制酸药和抗消化性溃疡药

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