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超市版 supermarket version英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-06-08 18:43:05


超市版 supermarket version英语短句 例句大全

超市版,supermarket version

1)supermarket version超市版

1.Fiscal cash register ofsupermarket version is one important type of fisal cash registers.超市版税控收款机是税控收款机的重要类型之一。

2)digital publication supermarket数字出版超市

3)publishing market出版市场

1.The quality of editing and proofreading influences thepublishing market and vice versa.编校质量对出版市场的影响是互动的。

2.The localpublishing market is in a game situation full of rational conflict after China s entering the WTO.入世后的本土出版市场是一个充斥着理性冲突的博弈格局,政府、本土出版社与外资三方都有各自的得益要求。


1.Expansion in Literature Publishing Market:Literature Publishing of Non-English Foreign Languages;小语种文学出版:文学出版市场的新拓展

2.The Growth and Expansion Strategy Research of Juveniles and Children s Publishing Market;少儿出版市场的培育和拓展策略研究

3.The Social Analysis to the Problems of the Bibliogony Market;图书出版市场中存在问题的社会分析

4.The Externalities to the Book Publishing Market and Their Remedy Approach;我国图书出版市场的外部性及其矫正途径

5.The Access Rules and Regulations of the Press and Publication Market: Review and Assessment;新闻出版市场准入规制:共时考量与简要评析

6.Mirror of Chinese Market From the Publication;由出版物市场看我国的市场关系反应

7.An operation entity entering the market for wholesale of publications must, before selling the publications, submit a sample of publications,进入出版物批发市场的经营单位在出版物销售前,须将出版物样本报送批发市场管理机构审验,

8.The company publishes six magazines for the business market .该公司为商业市场出版六种刊物。

9.Innovative Research on the University Publications Market Based on the STP基于STP的大学出版物市场创新性研究

10.Market Performance and the Demand of Value About Children"s Literature Publishing儿童文学出版的市场表现及价值诉求

11.Transformation of Publication System in "Literature Field" and Market Oriented Literature“文学场”中出版机制的转型与文学走向市场

12.A Study of Government Management of the Publication Market in Changsha;长沙市出版物市场的政府监管问题研究

13.Influence of international publishing group entering Chinese market on the development of English science journals published by Chinese universities;国际出版集团进军中国期刊市场对高校英文版科技期刊的影响

14.Whichever entity or individual intends to establish a market for wholesale of publications shall meet the following conditions:设立出版物批发市场,应当具备下列条件:

15.We have launched the first edition of the work on the market.我们已面向市场出了那部著作的第一版。

16.Several publishers are competing in the same market.几家出版公司正在同一市场上进行竞争.

17.The Influence of the Marketing of the Book Publishing on the Library Acquisition出版发行市场化运作对图书采访的影响

18.The newly published American novel sold like hot cakes那部新出版的美国小说是市场上的畅销货。


digital publication supermarket数字出版超市

3)publishing market出版市场

1.The quality of editing and proofreading influences thepublishing market and vice versa.编校质量对出版市场的影响是互动的。

2.The localpublishing market is in a game situation full of rational conflict after China s entering the WTO.入世后的本土出版市场是一个充斥着理性冲突的博弈格局,政府、本土出版社与外资三方都有各自的得益要求。

4)lithograph market版画市场

1.To prosper thelithograph market,lithograph education should be developed,markets of lithographic works promoted and qualities of the lithographers improved.中国版画自1996年走向市场后,发展并不理想,应通过大力发展版画教育,努力培育版画艺术品市场,不断提高版画家素质等措施来繁荣和发展版画市场。


1.Investigation and analysis of consumer flow rate in a largesupermarket;大型超市客流量的调查与分析

2.Investigation on Food Safety in the Large and Medium-sized Supermarket of Fuzhou;福州市部分大中型超市食品安全状况调查

3.Management of medical consumables insupermarket style;医用耗材超市化管理探讨


1.The energy for the heating,cooling and power are very large in thesupermarkets,and makes environment worse,so it is valuable to study how to use energy effectively.通过建立数学模型对热电冷联供系统在超市中应用的可行性进行了分析。

2.In this article the technique and approach of data mining are introduced, and its application tosupermarkets is studied,which is an important part of Retailing.介绍了数据挖掘技术和方法,研究了超市数据挖掘的基本程序以及数据挖掘在超市中的应用。



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