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心脏跳动中 Beating heart英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-03-29 01:53:32


心脏跳动中 Beating heart英语短句 例句大全

心脏跳动中,Beating heart

1)Beating heart心脏跳动中

1.Objective:To investigate plasma Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP) changes and the effect of myocardial protection on beating heart surgery with mild hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB).目的 :探讨血浆心钠素 (ANP)在浅低温体外循环 (CPB)心脏跳动中心内直视手术过程中的变化和意义。

2.Objective:To evaluate the retrograde perfusion that shunt from the filling canal of aorta during the replacement of aortic valve on beating heart, simplify the operation and obtain better efficacy of myocardium protection.目的 :探讨简化主动脉灌注分流逆灌心脏跳动中主动脉瓣置换术的操作 ,以获得良好的心脏保护效果。


1.Clinical analysis of Bentall procedure on beating heart for Marfan syndrome心脏跳动中Bentall手术治疗马凡综合征11例的临床研究

2.A throbbing or pulsation, as of the heart.心脏跳动,心脏博动跳动或博动,如心脏

3.Her heart struck heavily.她的心脏剧烈地跳动。

4.(of the heart)beat heavily(指心脏)剧烈地跳动

5.His heart has stopped.他的心脏已停止了跳动。

6.His heart stopped beating.他的心脏停止了跳动。

7.His heart was thumping with excitement.他激动得心脏砰砰直跳。

8.His heart had stopped.他的心脏停止跳动。

9.an abnormal heartbeat rhythm.心脏跳动节奏不规律。

10.A patient whose heart has stopped beating, as in cardiac arrest.心脏已停止跳动的病人心脏已停止跳动的病人,如患心脏病

11."This network is controlled by the heart that beats around 70 times a minute, or 2,575,440 times in a lifetime of 70 years."这一网络由心脏控制,心脏每分钟跳70次左右,一生70年中要跳动2,575,440次。

12.A single complete pulsation of the heart.心搏一次完整的心脏跳动

13.The patient died after suffering a cardiac arrest, ie when his heart stopped functioning properly.病人患心搏停止而死亡(心脏停止跳动).

14.Your heart palpitates when you are excited.你激动时,你的心脏就急速地跳动。

15.Pacemaker cells produce an electrical current that causes the heart to beat.起搏细胞产生的电流可使心脏跳动。

16.The patient arrested en route to the hospital.病人在去医院的路上心脏停止了跳动

17.Place your hand over your chest and feel your heartbeat.把手放在胸口,感受心脏的跳动。

18.The beating of his heart grew fainter.他的心脏跳动越来越无力了。


Beating heart心脏跳动

1.Stereological study on the myocardial protection in mitral valve replacement with beating heart under mild hypothermia;浅低温体外循环心脏跳动二尖瓣置换术对心肌保护的体视学研究

2.Coronary artery bypass grafting on beating heart(a report of 10 cases);心脏跳动下冠状动脉搭桥术10例

3.Objective:To evaluate the long-term outcome of mitral valve replacement with giant heart under shallow low temperature cardiopulmonary bypass in beating heart.目的 :评价在浅低温体外循环心脏跳动中巨大心脏病人二尖瓣置换术的远期疗效。

3)Beating heart跳动心脏

4)A pulsation of the heart;a heartbeat.心脏的跳动;心跳

5)the beating of the heart心脏的跳动

6)open heart surgery on beating heart心脏跳动中心内直视手术



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