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行动阈值 action thresholds英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-30 05:48:42


行动阈值 action thresholds英语短句 例句大全

行动阈值,action thresholds

1)action thresholds行动阈值

1.Probe intoaction thresholds of integrated rodent management in urban residential area of Wuhan武汉居民区灭鼠行动阈值探讨

2)AL;action level触发行动水平;行动阈值

3)Behavior threshold行为阈值


1.Study of Traffic Behavioral Threshold Model on Urban Expressways;城市快速路交通流行为阈值模型研究

2.an operation performed on operands in order to obtain the value of a threshold function.为了达到阈值而在操作数上进行的操作。

3.Theoretical Research on the Threshold Behavior of Damage in Laser Ablations of Polymer激光烧蚀聚合物损伤阈值行为的理论研究

4.Minimum query plan threshold for considering queries for parallel execution (cost estimate):为允许查询并行执行须满足的最小查询计划阈值(成本估计):

5.Effect of the Matrix Crystallinity on the Percolation Threshold and Dielectric Behavior in Percolative Composites逾渗复合体系的结晶度对逾渗阈值和介电行为的影响

6.Spatial Separation and Signal Timing for Arterial Pedestrian Crossings城市干路行人过街设施时空阈值研究

7.(4)Visual threshold(VT) of blue ink was 1.7 times larger than VT of the black.(4)蓝色墨水的视觉阈值为黑色的17倍;

8.Any increment above this threshold represents profit.任何高于此阈值的增产量即为利润。

9.The value of the threshold strain is determined by calibrating the coating.阈值应变的数值是靠对涂层进行标定测出来的。

10.The Influence of Scopolamine on the Seizure Threshold Seizure Behavior and Neuronal Transmitter in Rats;东莨菪碱对实验性大鼠惊厥阈值、惊厥行为及脑内部分神经递质的影响

11.A Study of the State Behavior in the Perspective of Structural Realism;结构现实主义视阈下的国家行为研究

12.Therefore, the syndrome factor should be the core of the syndrome differentiation system.辨证体系应围烧证素阈值进行定量刻画。

13.Dual-Threshold Image Segmentation Method Based on Parallel Genetic Algorithms基于并行遗传算法的双阈值图像分割方法

14.Adds a new threshold for the currently selected data collector.为当前所选的数据收集器添加一个新的阈值。

15.secondly,select a appropriate threshold to segment the measure image and then implement morphological closing operation on the binary image;其次,选取合适的阈值二值化测度图像并进行形态闭运算;

16.This peak voltage setting becomes the threshold used for calculation of the voltage response curve for the instrument.这个峰值电压设置为阈值电压,用来计算仪器的电压响应曲线。

17.Based on numerical computer results security threshold of rheostat in chua"s circuit is acquired, provided with the reference for experiment.根据数值计算结果得出可变电阻的安全阈值,为硬件实验提供参考.

18.Research on Optimum Teaching Behavior under the Vision of Pierre Bourdieu Practical Logic布迪厄实践逻辑视阈下的教学行为优化研究


AL;action level触发行动水平;行动阈值

3)Behavior threshold行为阈值

4)travel threshold出行阈值

1.The threshold is divided intotravel threshold and development intensity threshold, and the special method to decide the thresholds of different traffic conditions grades is also put forward.提出了基于城市道路等效通行能力评价体系的交通影响分析阈值理论和方法,将阈值分为出行阈值和规模阈值,并给出不同交通状况等级下交通影响分析出行阈值的确定方法。

5)threshold behaviour阈值行为

1.Influence of weak noises on thethreshold behaviour for single mode dye lasers;弱噪声对单模染料激光器阈值行为的影响

6)dynamic threshold动态阈值

1.Dynamic Threshold Based Image Segmentation Technology for Tongue Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine;基于动态阈值的图像分割技术在中医舌诊中的应用

2.A method for image salient regions detection based on layers anddynamic threshold;基于层次和动态阈值的图像显著区域检测方法

3.Vector quantization based on thedynamic threshold of speaker recognition基于动态阈值失量量化的说话人识别



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