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加减温胆汤 the Changes of Wendan Decoction英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-05-17 19:30:41


加减温胆汤 the Changes of Wendan Decoction英语短句 例句大全

加减温胆汤,the Changes of Wendan Decoction

1)the Changes of Wendan Decoction加减温胆汤

1.Objective:The group through detect allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis patients who had been confirm to observe the clinical performance of allergic bonchopulmonary aspergillosis patients,and observe the clinical effection by usingthe Changes of Wendan Decoction and Itraconazole together.目的:本课题组对通过检测确诊的变应性支气管肺曲菌病患者进行观察其临床表现,使用加减温胆汤汤剂联合伊曲康唑治疗变应性支气管肺曲菌病,并与单独使用伊曲康唑治疗变应性支气管肺曲菌病的临床疗效进行临床观察对比。


1.Clinical Study of the Treatment of PVC with Modified Wendan Decoction加减温胆汤治疗室性早搏的临床研究

2.A Clinical Research of the Changes of Wendan Decoction in Treating the Allergic Bronchopulmonary Aspergillosis加减温胆汤治疗变应性支气管肺曲菌病的临床研究

3.Clinical Obsezvation on 32 Insomnia Cases Treated by “Wen Dan Tang” Mainly温胆汤加减治疗痰浊型失眠症32例疗效观察

4.Clinical Observation and Experimental Study on Wendan Decoction in Treating Intracranial Metastatic Tumours;温胆汤加减治疗颅内转移瘤的临床与实验研究

5.Wendan Decoction on the Treatment of Unstable Angina Role温胆汤加减对不稳定性心绞痛的治疗作用

6.The clinical observation on treatment of infantile anorexia with Wendan Decoction and acupuncture Sifeng points温胆汤加减结合针刺四缝穴治疗小儿厌食症的临床观察

7.The Treatment of 40 Cases of Chronic Superficial Gastritis Due to Stagnation of Liver Qi and Damp-heat With Chaihu Shugan San and Huanglian Wendan Tang柴胡疏肝散合黄连温胆汤加减治疗肝郁湿热型胃痛证40例

8.The Study on Interfering Mechansim of Huang-Lian-Wen-Dan Decoction Food-Inducing Syndrome Modele Rat"s Endodermis Function and Adipocyto-Kines加减黄连温胆汤对膳食诱导MS大鼠内皮功能及脂肪细胞因子干预的研究

9.Effects of Huanglian Wendan Decoction on Expression of Vcam-1 and Blood IL-6 Level in Metabolic Syndrome Rats黄连温胆汤加减对喂养型代谢综合征模型大鼠血清IL-6及主动脉VCAM-1的影响

10.Effects of Huanglian Wendan Decoction on Blood TNF-α Level and Expression of Aorta NF-κB in Metabolic Syndrome Rats.黄连温胆汤加减对喂养型代谢综合征模型大鼠血清TNF-α及主动脉NF-κB的影响

11.The Study on Influence of Diet-Induced Insulin Resistance in Rats with Metabolic Syndrome and Endothelial Function with Huanglian Wendan Decoction黄连温胆汤加减对膳食诱导型代谢综合征大鼠胰岛素抵抗与血管内皮功能影响的研究

12.Clinical observation of the effect of Haoqinqingdan decotion in therepy of hepatocellular jaundice;蒿芩清胆汤加减治疗肝细胞性黄疸的临床观察

13.Clinical Study on Xiaochaihutang Jiajianfang in Curing Chronic Cholecystitis小柴胡汤加减治疗慢性胆囊炎的临床研究

14.Clinical Study of JianPiLiDan Decoction in Treating Chronic Viral Cholestatic Hepatitis;健脾利胆汤加减治疗慢性病毒性淤胆型肝炎(阳黄)的临床研究

15.Obsenve the Effect of Modified Wendant Tang on Paitients with Diabetes Combination with Cerebral Infarction温胆汤加味治疗糖尿病性脑梗死临床观察

16.The Research of Baihutang Clysis on Treating Qifen of Epidemic Febrile Disease;白虎汤加减灌肠治疗温病气分热证的研究

17.Treating 36 Cases of Functional Dyspepsia in Modified Matgnoliae Officinalis Decoction for Warming Middle Energizer厚朴温中汤加减治疗功能性消化不良36例

18.Research on the Pattern of TCM Syndromes Distribution in Peptic Ulcer大柴胡汤加减治疗慢性结石性胆囊炎的临床研究


Huanslian Wendan Decoction黄连温胆汤加减

3)Modified Wendan Decoction加味温胆汤

1.Cerebrospinal Fluid ContainingModified Wendan Decoction for Protection Against β-amyloid_(25~35)-induced Injury in NG108-15 Cells;加味温胆汤含药脑脊液抗Aβ细胞毒性作用及其机制的实验研究

4)Jiawei Wendan decoction加味温胆汤

1.Effects ofJiawei Wendan decoction on learning and memory and cAMP-PKA pathway of hippocampal signal transduction in rats model of depression;加味温胆汤对抑郁模型大鼠学习记忆能力及海马cAMP-PKA途径的影响

2.Objective:To validate clinicalcurative effect that Jiawei Wendan Decoction improve clinical symptom and prognosis in patients of hypertension through testing the level of ET-1,NO,vWF in serum and FMD.目的:本课题通过采用对高血压内皮功能疗效评价的指标进行严格的临床设计,通过测定具有祛痰化淤的加味温胆汤治疗高血压治疗前后ET-1,NO,vWF,FMD的变化,来论证加味温胆汤对改善高血压病患者临床症状,改善预后的意义,进而更加科学的评价其对高血压病的治疗效果,同时对于高血压的中药治疗客观评价有重要意义。

5)wendan decoction modified温胆汤加味

1.Methods: 36 patients were treated bywendan decoction modified in treatment group,and anther 36 patients in control group by western medicine.方法:治疗组36例,采用温胆汤加味治疗,设对照组36例,单用西药治疗。

6)Modified Decoction for Warming Meridian加减温经汤

1.Effect ofModified Decoction for Warming Meridian on Ovarian HO/CO System and the Related Factors in the Model Rat of Cold Coagulation and Blood Stasis;加减温经汤对寒凝血瘀大鼠卵巢HO/CO系统及相关因素的影响


加减1.增加和减少;增删。 2.中医处方,根据古来汤方,参酌病人情况,加进和减去几味药,谓之某某汤加减。 3.古代的一种博戏。其法已失传。

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