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间接侵权责任 Second Liability英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-12-31 07:03:42


间接侵权责任 Second Liability英语短句 例句大全

间接侵权责任,Second Liability

1)Second Liability间接侵权责任

1.Internet Service Provider andSecond Liability;网络服务提供者与间接侵权责任


1.On the Responsibility of Internet Service Provider for the Copyright Indirect Infringement;论网络服务提供商版权间接侵权责任

2.The Construction of ISP Indirect Infringement Liability in Copyright Law System;网络服务提供者著作权间接侵权责任制度构建

3.Study on ISP Indirect Infringement Liability of Copyright网络服务提供者著作权间接侵权责任研究

4.Indirect Liability for Copyright Infringement--A Review about the RPRCIN;论版权法之间接侵权责任——以《网络信息传播权条例》为中心

5.Research on Torts among Shareholders in Limited Liability Corporation;有限责任公司股东之间侵权问题研究

6.Service Liability for Tort Is an Independent Quality Liability for Tort;服务侵权责任是独立的质量侵权责任

7.On The Protecting Mode Of Civil Law For Real Right;论物权的民法保护方式——徘徊在物权请求权与侵权责任之间

8.On the Necessity and the Feasibility of the Responsibility System Concerning Infringement upon the Right between the Husband and Wife;建立夫妻间侵权责任制度的必要性和可行性

9.The Legislative Choice of Tort Law about the Joint Act of Tort and its Liability;共同侵权行为及其责任的侵权责任法立法抉择

10.Intentional Torts.Negligence. Strict Liability.知识点:故意侵权.过失侵权.严格责任.

11.The Impact of Liability Insurance on Tort Liability;浅议责任保险对民事侵权责任的影响

12.On Faith-breach and Tort Liability s Competition and Integration s Choice;浅析违约责任与侵权责任竞合的取舍

13.On Questions of Liability for Tort and Liability for Breach of Faith;略论侵权责任和违约责任的几个问题

14.On the Principle of Equitable Liability of Tort Liability Act in our Country浅议我国侵权责任法之公平责任原则

15.System of Imputation Principles of Infringement Liability for Absolute Right And its Liability Undertaking;绝对权侵权责任归责原则体系及其责任承担

16.On the Liability for Tort of Pollution of the Environment;归责体系:一元与二元之间——浅论环境污染的侵权责任

17.Where any person violated the IPR of another person and the circumstances were serious, the person directly responsible would be prosecuted for his criminal liability by applying relevant provisions of the Criminal Law.如任何人侵犯他人知识产权且情节严重,则根据《刑法》的有关规,直接责任人将被追究刑事责任。

18.Study on Principle of Liability Attribution of Tort Liability in Road Traffic Accident;道路交通事故侵权责任归责原则研究


Indirect Copyright Infringement Liability版权间接侵权责任

3)tort liability侵权责任

1.On Relationship Between Tort Liability and Special Relief for Adverse Drug Reactions;论药品不良反应的专门救济与侵权责任的关系

2.Research on the Tort Liability of Malicious Prosecution;恶意诉讼侵权责任的研究

4)liability for tort侵权责任

1.In case of an injury on campus,Schools shall bearliability for tort with presumption of fault on their part.通过学生校园伤害事故中学校承担民事责任现状的分析,认为学校对学生的教育、管理和保护义务在性质上属安全保障义务,并应以此为基础建立统一的学校侵权责任制度。

pared withliability for tort by active act,liability for tort by non-acting is to protect rights when acting obligation is breached,its theory bases are the principle of faithfulness and credit and pinciple of public order and kind custom.不作为侵权责任与作为侵权责任相对应,关注的是作为义务被违反时的权利救济问题,其民法理论根源在于诚实信用与公序良俗原则。

5)Tortious liability侵权责任

1.Application of the doctrine of the most significant relationship in the realm of the tortious liability;论侵权责任领域中最密切联系原则的适用

2.It is necessary and possible to establish a legal system of spousal tortious liability in China.夫妻间侵权责任具有与一般侵权责任不同的特征。

3.During the process of signing and fulfilling a contract, the coincidence of tortious liability and default liability may happen for the cause of default action of tortious and tortious action of defult.违约责任与侵权责任是两种性质不同的民事责任,侵权责任保护的是固有利益,在合同签定、履行过程中可能有侵权性违约行为、违约性侵权行为发生,从而会产生违约责任和侵权责任竞合的情形。

6)tortuous liability侵权责任

1.Adopting the mode oftortuous liability instead of claim of right in rem will cause the effect of retrocession impotent, thus on the occasion of selling other s property and tackling lost-and-found objects and drifts, the law will encounter an embarrassment.物权救济模式的选择,不仅仅是把物权救济方式规定在物权编还是侵权责任编的问题,还涉及丰富的、深层次的法理。

2.The key to analysing the constitutive requirements of faultytortuous liability is to differentiate fault and injuria in connotation.分析过错侵权责任的构成要件 ,关键是廓清“过错”与“违法性”的内涵 ,从二者的渊源及各国司法实践来看 ,二者指称的是同一事物 ,即违反了客观注意义务 ,“过错”作为过错侵权责任的构成要件更为恰当。



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