失眠网 > 社会养老保险危机预警 social pension insurance crisis warning英语短句 例句大全

社会养老保险危机预警 social pension insurance crisis warning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-07-19 16:00:05


社会养老保险危机预警 social pension insurance crisis warning英语短句 例句大全

社会养老保险危机预警,social pension insurance crisis warning

1)social pension insurance crisis warning社会养老保险危机预警

1.Especially,the signal index system aboutsocial pension insurance crisis warning should be paid attention to.由于社会养老保险危机产生的原因纷繁复杂,再加上社会养老保险危机预警理论研究的欠缺,在社会养老保险危机预警问题上存在着不少的理论上和实践上亟待解决的问题。


1.Probing into the Signal Index System about Social Pension Insurance Crisis Warning社会养老保险危机预警警兆指标体系探讨

2.Research on the Operating System of Rural Pension in China;农村社会养老保险基金运作机制研究

3.Study on Financial Mechanism Feasibility of Social Pension Insurance;社会养老保险财务机制的分析与选择

4.Early Warning on Social Security System Crisis in China from the Perspectives of the Internal and External Crisis Origin;从内生警源和外生警源看我国社会保障危机预警

5.Social Security System in Rural Areas and the Saving Endowment Insurance;浅谈农村社会保险与储蓄型养老保险

6.A Probe into the Pre-warning Mechanism for Old-age Insurance Fund in China我国养老保险基金风险预警指标体系探讨

7.Actuarial Analysis of Implicit Pension debt in Social Pension System with Stochastic Interest Rate随机利率下社会养老保险隐性债务的精算分析

8.Study on Fund Investment and Operation Mechanism of Rural Social Endowment Insurance;农村社会养老保险基金投资运营机制研究

9.Analysis of responsibility defect of governmental behaviors in social endowment insurance mechanism;政府在社会养老保险机制中的责任缺失分析

10.Dual random models for implicit pension debt in social pension system;社会养老保险中隐性债务的双随机模型

11.A Meditation on the Current Conditions, Problems and Corresponding Solutions of the Carrying-out of Endowment Insurance in Governments and Institutions;对机关事业单位社会养老保险工作的思考

12.Integration of Research of Risk Alarming in Sociology and Crisis Management in Administration;社会学风险预警研究与行政学危机管理研究的整合

13.On the Precautionary System of Social Crisis and the Construction of Harmonious Society of Socialism;社会危机预警与社会主义和谐社会的构建

14.A research for Socio-Psychological Presentiment System in crisis event危机突发事件的社会心理预警研究

15.Crisis Management in Urban Societies: Variable Study and Crisis Alarm;城市社会危机管理:变量研究与危机预警

16.Analysis of the old and new rural social pension insurance docking mechanism of Fuxin Mongolian Autonomous County阜蒙县新老农村社会养老保险对接机制构建分析

17.Demonstration research of China countryside social endowment insurance and treatment中国农村社会养老保险养老待遇的实证性研究

18.On the Moral Risks of the Commercial Life Insurance--Compared with Social Pension Insurance;论商业寿险的道德风险——兼与社会养老保险比较


rural social pension insurance mechanism农村社会养老保险机制

1.Setting up and amplifying therural social pension insurance mechanism is the essential terms for the rural old man to adapt to the new situations .对国内外农村社会养老保险机制研究状况、本文研究思路和方法做了简要介绍。

3)social endowment insurance社会养老保险

1.Research onsocial endowment insurance modes in Chinese rural areas during transforming period;转型期我国农村社会养老保险模式研究

2.Thoughts on Building System of Rural Social Endowment Insurance with China Characteristic;对建设中国特色农村社会养老保险体制的思考

3.Research onsocial endowment insurance modes in Chinese rural areas during transforming period;转型时期中国农村社会养老保险模式研究

4)social pension insurance社会养老保险

1.An Evaluation Method & Quantitative Analysis for Chinese Urban Replacement Ratio of Social Pension Insurance;中国城镇社会养老保险替代率评估方法与实证研究——兼论不同收入群体替代率的比较

2.On Establishment and Improvcment of a New Type ofSocial Pension Insurance System;论建立健全我国新型的社会养老保险制度

3.Study on the Externalities of Rural Social Pension Insurance in China;中国农村社会养老保险的外部性分析

5)social pension system社会养老保险

1.Dual random models for implicit pension debt insocial pension system;社会养老保险中隐性债务的双随机模型

2.Social Pension System in Economic Transition in China;经济转型中社会养老保险体制研究

3.The paper attempts to remark the experience and obstacles that were found in rural area after the implementation of ruralsocial pension system.农村社会养老保险制度推行十多年来,在实践上取得了丰富的经验,同时也暴露出建立农村社会养老保险制度的许多障碍性因素。

6)old-age social insurance社会养老保险

1.Based on an analysis of the causes of China s rural old-age problem and the current development of rural old-age security system, the essay discusses about the construction of the rural old-age security system and its supplemental reform, putting forward the goal pattern of the ruralold-age social insurance system.在分析中国农村老龄化问题严峻性的成因和现行农村养老保障制度发展情况的基础上,探讨农村养老保障制度构建的配套改革及其体系建设,并提出农村社会养老保险制度的目标模式。

2.Based on the full understanding of China s fundamental realities, to explore the construction ofold-age social insurance system compatible with rural economic development has been the paramount and intractable one against other tasks to pierce through Agriculture, Rural community and Peasants issues, facilitate rural social & economic reform and overall development, and build harmonious society.本文在中国经济体制转型时期的大背景下,以当前农村市场经济为出发点,以社会养老保障理论为基础,借鉴国外农村社会养老保障制度改革的有益经验,把中国农村社会养老保障制度置于二元经济同质化与科学发展观的背景下,进行了全方位、系统化研究,通过考察中国农村社会养老保障制度的历史演变过程,分析其现状并存在的问题,详细论证了现阶段全面实施农村社会养老保障制度的可行性,提出建立中国特色的农村社会养老保险保障的新思路和原则,构建适合不同经济发展水平的农村社会养老保障制度的过渡模式框架,以期为中国农村社会养老保障制度建设及最终建立中国城乡一元的社会养老保险制度提供理论依据和政策参考。


基本养老金调节机制 基本养老金调节机制,就是为了保障离、退休人员的基本生活,按照职工工资增长或物价指数情况以及有关政策规定,为离退休职工调整基本养老保险待遇。

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