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变饱和渗流 variably saturated seepage flow英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-06-15 04:30:37


变饱和渗流 variably saturated seepage flow英语短句 例句大全

变饱和渗流,variably saturated seepage flow

1)variably saturated seepage flow变饱和渗流

1.A generalized equivalent-continuum method for modelingvariably saturated seepage flow in fractured porous media;模拟裂隙多孔介质中变饱和渗流的广义等效连续体方法


1.A generalized equivalent-continuum method is presented for calculating variably saturated seepage flow in fractured porous media.描述了一种计算裂隙多孔介质中变饱和渗流的广义等效连续体方法。

2.The Research of Seepage Flow Through Dam Based on the Distributions of Waterhead and Saturation基于水头和饱和度分布的双变量土坝渗流研究

3.Finite element analysis of coupling seepage and deformation in unsaturated soils非饱和土渗流与变形耦合问题的有限元分析

4.Analysis on Seepage of Saturated and Unsaturated Soil of Embankments on the Lower Yellow River黄河下游大堤饱和-非饱和土渗流分析

5.Review on saturated-unsaturated fluid flow in fractured rock mass裂隙岩体饱和-非饱和渗流研究进展

6.Limit analysis of a soil slope considering saturated-unsaturated seepage考虑饱和-非饱和渗流的土坡极限分析

7.Study and Programming of Saturate & Saturate-Unsaturated Seepage of Embankment;堤坝饱和、饱和—非饱和渗流研究及其程序化

8.Study of anti-seepage measures for foundation pit based on saturated-unsaturated seepage theory基于饱和-非饱和渗流理论的基坑防渗措施分析

9.The Numerical Simulation of Saturated-Unsaturated Seepage Field and Stability Analysis of Dam堤坝饱和—非饱和渗流场数值模拟及稳定性分析

10.Finite-element algorithm for Richards" equation for saturated-unsaturated seepage flow饱和-非饱和土中渗流Richards方程有限元算法

11.Improvement of finite element analysis of unstable saturated-unsaturated seepage饱和-非饱和非稳定渗流有限元分析方法的改进

12.One-dimensional analytical analysis and parameter study of coupled deformation and seepage in unsaturated soils非饱和土的变形与渗流耦合的一维解析分析及参数研究

13.Saturated-Unsaturated Seepage and Stability Analysis of Soil Slope under Surface Infiltration;有地表入渗的土坡饱和—非饱和渗流及稳定性分析

14.Numerical simulation of composite geomembrane defect leakage experiment based on saturated-unsaturated seepage theory复合土工膜缺陷渗漏试验的饱和-非饱和渗流有限元模拟

15.Nonlinear flow law and consolidation in unsaturated low-permeability clays非饱和低渗透黏土非线性渗流定律与固结

16.Numerical Simulation Study on Lattice Boltzmann Method for Seturated Soil Seepage土体饱和渗流的Lattice Boltzmann Method数值模拟研究

17.Experimental Study on Unsaturated Seepage Flow in Fracture and Numerical Analysis of Seepage Flow in Fractured Rock Mass Due to Surface Infiltration;裂隙非饱和渗流试验研究及有地表入渗的裂隙岩体渗流数值分析

18.SEEP/W is a general seepage analysis program that models both saturated and unsaturated flow.是一个通用的渗流分析程序,模拟了饱和和非饱和流态。


saturated seepage flow饱和渗流

1.Advances in the research onsaturated seepage flowin low permeability rock masses;低渗透岩体饱和渗流研究进展

2.With the hypothesis of parallel plate model for local aperture regions, the apertures are generated by using the statistical methods according to a certain aperture distribution, and the numerical simulations are performed forsaturated seepage flow and unsaturated seepage flow in the fracture.基于裂隙局部开度为平行板模型的假定, 按一定分布抽样生成裂隙面上开度随机数, 并分别对单裂隙饱和及非饱和渗流进行了数值模拟。

3)saturated-unsaturated seepage饱和-非饱和渗流

1.Research on simulation of steadysaturated-unsaturated seepage based on water-air two-phase flow theory;基于水气二相流的稳定饱和-非饱和渗流模拟研究

2.Program development for 3D FEM of couplingsaturated-unsaturated seepage, temperature and stress;考虑饱和-非饱和渗流、温度和应力耦合的三维有限元程序研制

3.Development of the 3D finite element method of strength reduction considering the coupling ofsaturated-unsaturated seepage and stress;考虑饱和-非饱和渗流场和应力场耦合的三维强度折减有限元程序研制

4)unsaturated-saturated seepage非饱和-饱和渗流

1.Thenunsaturated-saturated seepage analyses were carried out to investigate the movement of water in a landfill element,in which the existence of intermediate covers and the efficiency .结合苏州七子山垃圾填埋场的工程项目,通过室内试验量测垃圾饱和渗透系数和土-水特征曲线,推导其渗透性函数,考虑存在中间覆盖层和截洪沟失效的情况,通过对垃圾填埋体中非饱和-饱和渗流分析,研究填埋单元内的水分运移规律以及中间覆盖层上局部滞水的形成规律。

5)saturated-unsaturated seepage饱和非饱和渗流

1.Numerical analysis ofsaturated-unsaturated seepage problem of rock slope under rainfall infiltration;降雨入渗条件下边坡岩体饱和非饱和渗流计算

6)saturated-unsaturated seepage flow饱和非饱和渗流

1.In the light of high density fractured rock mass, which can be equivalent to continuum, a mathematical model forsaturated-unsaturated seepage flow in fractured rock mass due to surface infiltration is established in this paper.针对裂隙高度发育的岩体 ,把裂隙岩体等效为连续介质来处理 ,建立了考虑地表入渗的裂隙岩体饱和非饱和渗流数学模型。


(C14-18-饱和、C16-18-不饱和)脂肪酸钾盐CAS:68002-80-2分子式:C14-18 and C16-18-Unsaturated alkylcarboxylic acid potassium salts中文名称:(C14-18-饱和、C16-18-不饱和)脂肪酸钾盐;牛油脂肪酸钾皂英文名称:Fatty acids, C14-18 and C16-18-unsatd., potassium salts C14-18 and C16-18-Unsaturated alkylcarboxylic acid, potassiumsalt fatty acids, c14-18 and c16-18-unsatd., potassiumsalts Fatty acids,C14-18 and C16-18-unsatd.,potassium salts C14-18 and C16-18-Unsaturated alkylcarboxylic acid,potassiumsalt

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