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MR动态增强 MR dynamic contrast-enhanced英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-12-29 11:44:56


MR动态增强 MR dynamic contrast-enhanced英语短句 例句大全

MR动态增强,MR dynamic contrast-enhanced

1)MR dynamic contrast-enhancedMR动态增强


1.Clinicai Study of Dynamic MRI for Pituitary Adenomas;MR动态增强在垂体瘤的临床应用研究

2.Solitary Pulmonary Nodules: Study of Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging, Tumor Angiogenesis and Proton MR Spectroscopy;孤立性肺结节MR动态增强、血管生成及MR波谱的研究

3.Clinical Study of Tumor Angiogenesis with Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging in Non-small-Cell-Lung-Cancer;非小细胞肺癌血管生成的MR动态增强研究

4.Evaluation of Dynamic MR Imaging and DWI of 3T MR in Endometrial Carcinoma;3TMR动态增强及DWI在子宫内膜癌诊断的应用

5.Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Correlation of Dynamic Gadolinium-enhanced MR Imaging Findings with Nuclear DNA Content;肝细胞癌MR动态增强表现与癌细胞核DNA含量的相关性研究

6.Hepatocellular carcinoma: Dynamic Gadoliniumenhanced MR imaging findings and its correlation with histopathologic findings;肝细胞癌MR动态增强表现及其与病理的相关性研究

7.Differential Diagnosis of Breast Benign and Malignant Lesions with Dynamic Contrast and Digital Subtraction MR Imaging;MR动态增强减影技术对乳腺良恶性病灶鉴别的价值

8.Contrast study on dynamic-contrast MRI and digital mammography in detectingMR动态增强扫描与钼靶成像对检出乳腺癌的对比研究

9.Analysis of Signal Intensity of Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions by Dynamic-enhanced MRI乳腺良恶性病变的动态增强MR信号强度分析

10.Mechanism of surrounding rim enhancement on hepatocellular carcinoma in portal phase of enhanced dynamic MRI原发性肝细胞癌动态增强MR门脉期环形强化机制

11.Exploratory Development of Benign and Malignant Breast Lesions by Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging;MR弥散加权成像及动态增强成像对乳腺良恶性疾病的应用研究

12.Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging with VIBRANT for Breast Lesions;MR VIBRANT动态增强扫描技术诊断乳腺良恶性病变的应用研究

13.Applicability Study of Breast MR Using LAVA Dynamic Enhancement Imaging and Image Registration;图像配准技术在乳腺肿瘤LAVA动态增强MR成像中的应用价值

14.The Evaluation of Diffusion Weighted Imaging and Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MR Imaging in Breast LesionsMR扩散加权成像及动态增强成像在乳腺病变的应用价值

15.Evaluation of Angiogenesis and vascular Maturity in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Dynamic Contrast-enhanced MRI at 3.0 Tesla3.0T动态增强MR评价肝细胞癌血管生成及其成熟度的价值

16.Synchronous application of MRA and dynamic contrast-enhancement in one station examination of hepatic tumor with 3.0T MR3.0T MR一站式检查:一次完成肝脏肿瘤动态增强和MRA成像

parative Study of USPIO Enhanced MR Imaging and Gd DTPA Enhanced MR Imaging in Atherosclerotic Plaques of Rabbits兔动脉粥样硬化斑块:USPIO增强MR与Gd-DTPA增强MR对比实验研究

18.Diagnosis and Staging of the Diffusion-weighted Imaging Combined with Dynamic Contrast Enhancement in Uterus Cervical Carcinoma;MR扩散加权成像联合动态增强扫描对宫颈癌的诊断及其分期相关性研究


Contrast-enhanced CT/MR增强CT/MR

3)3D CE MRA三维增强MR

4)Dynamic MR动态MR

5)dynamic enhancement动态增强

1.[Methods] Collected and analyzed to the spiral CTdynamic enhancement findings and it"s routine scan findings of 30 lung cancer nodule cases,observe the CT values of the primary affection in each time,and drawdynamic enhancement time-density curves.[方法]对比分析30例肺癌结节患者的螺旋CT动态增强扫描及自身CT平扫,重点观察原发灶动态增强各时相的CT值,根据CT值绘出动态增强曲线。

2.Objective To study the relationship between MSCT peakdynamic enhancement ratio in arterial phase and the grade of cell differentiation,MVD,VEGF,CD34 expressions of HCC, and to evaluate the tumor angiogenesis in hepatocellular carcinoma and provide a foundation to treatment and predicting prognosis of HCC.方法手术病理证实的30例肝癌患者,术前分别应用16层CT的Testblous序列进行同层动态增强扫描,术后肿瘤标本行HE染色及免疫组化分析。

3.All cases were performeddynamic enhancement scanning on 3.目的:探讨离子型和非离子型MR对比剂在MR颈动脉动态增强扫描中的应用价值。

6)dynamic contrast enhancement动态增强

1.MRI with multiple contrast weightings anddynamic contrast enhancement in evaluation of vulnerable atherosclerotic plaques;MRI多序列与动态增强扫描对动脉易损斑块的评估



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